Glister 680 SG

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General Instructions:

Product Information: GLISTER 680SG is a non-volatile, water-soluble herbicide effective against many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses. Here's how to use it effectively:

  1. Application Timing: Apply GLISTER 680SG on agricultural land before planting any crop, excluding tomatoes. It is absorbed by foliage and green stems, providing no residual weed control.

  2. Visible Effects: Visible effects on annual weeds appear in 3 to 7 days, while perennial weeds may take 2 to 3 weeks or longer to show effects, especially in cool or cloudy weather.

  3. Surface Area Requirement: Treat weeds with at least one true leaf for broadleaf weeds or two leaves for grasses to ensure sufficient herbicide uptake.

Crop Establishment: Prior to crop establishment, follow these guidelines:

  • Prepare suitable seedbed conditions for crop germination and development.

  • For light weed cover, sowing may proceed one day after spraying. In heavy weed growth situations, delay sowing until weed decay allows for a satisfactory seedbed.

  • Avoid incorporation of green or decaying vegetation into the seedbed, especially in cold or wet conditions.

  • Assist weed decay by grazing or cultivation.

Mixing: For effective application, follow these mixing instructions:

  • Use clean water for mixing, avoiding water containing soil or calcium salts.

  • Use stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, fiberglass, or plastic containers for mixing and storage.

  • Thoroughly clean spray tanks, pumps, lines, and nozzles with water after application to prevent corrosion.

  • Maintain good agitation, especially in cold conditions, to ensure complete dissolution of GLISTER 680SG.

Surfactant Addition: Additional surfactant is generally not required, except when the rate of GLISTER 680SG is less than 6g/L when applied by boom. Turbo Plus at 100mL per 100L water is recommended.

Tank Mixtures: GLISTER 680SG may be tank-mixed with various herbicides, insecticides, and additives. Follow label directions for proper mixing and application.

Application: For safe and effective application:

  • Avoid direct spray contact with desirable plants, crops, or trees, as it may cause severe injury or destruction.

  • Clean all equipment thoroughly after each use to prevent herbicide residues.

  • Adjust equipment settings to achieve optimal spray volume and droplet size based on environmental conditions and target weeds.

Aerial Equipment: Aerial application is permitted in specific situations, such as pasture or fallow areas before crop establishment. Use recommended rates and spray volumes specified in the label, up to a maximum limit of 2.1 kg/ha.

Avoid Drift: Prevent spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants, adjacent crops, or pastures by using appropriate equipment settings and avoiding adverse meteorological conditions.

By following these instructions carefully, you can effectively control weeds and ensure the successful establishment of your crops.

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