Mueso Stick 720

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General Instructions:

Mueso Stick 720 Fungicide is a protectant fungicide and should be applied preventatively before diseases occur or become established for optimal effectiveness. Utilize disease warning services or past history to determine the timing of the first spray. If diseases are already present, use an eradicant product first, mixed with Mueso Stick 720 Fungicide.


  1. Invert the container several times before opening.

  2. Half-fill the spray vat and with the agitation system running, add the required amount of product.


Dilute Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for high-volume water application up to the point of run-off, matched to the crop.

  • Ensure even coverage throughout the crop canopy, avoiding excessive run-off.

  • Adjust water volume and sprayer settings based on industry guidelines, expert advice, and crop growth.

  • Add the specified amount of product per 100L of water as per the Directions for Use table.

  • Spray to the point of run-off.

Concentrate Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying, matched to the crop.

  • Achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using the chosen water volume.

  • Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume for the crop canopy to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.

  • Calculate the concentrate rate based on the dilute spray volume and label rate.

  • Adjust spray volume, product amount per 100L of water, and sprayer setup as the crop grows.

For further guidance on concentrate spraying, consult industry guidelines, undergo competency training, and follow Best Practice.


  • Compatible with wettable powder formulations of commonly used fungicides, insecticides, and miticides.

  • DO NOT combine with oil-based emulsifiable or flowable pesticides unless proven non-injurious to your crop species.

  • Avoid spraying oils onto crops treated with this product for at least 10 days after the last spray, and vice versa.

  • Wetting agents do not improve performance, and certain surfactants may cause plant injury under certain conditions.

Registered for culturesRate
Tomatoes1.8 - 2.3 l
Radishes1.8 - 2.3 l
Okra1.8 - 2.3 l
Shallots1.8 - 2.3 l
Leeks1.8 - 2.3 l
Endive1.8 - 2.3 l
Zucchini1.6 - 2.5 l
Squash1.6 - 2.5 l
Pumpkins1.6 - 2.5 l
Cucumbers1.6 - 2.5 l
Cantaloupe1.6 - 2.5 l
Celery1.2 - 1.8 l
Carrots1.8 l
Cauliflower1.8 - 3.5 l
Cabbages1.8 - 3.5 l
Brussels sprouts1.8 - 3.5 l
Broccoli1.8 - 3.5 l