
Kenso Corporation
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General Instructions for Kenso Agcare Nugget Non-Selective Herbicide

  1. Product Nature:

    • Non-selective foliar absorbed herbicide for emerged weeds only.
    • Not residual in the soil.
  2. Absorption and Translocation:

    • Absorbed by green plant tissue and translocated throughout the plant, including the root system.
  3. Weather and Rainfall:

    • Do not spray if rain is expected within 2 hours.
    • Avoid spraying at night if rain is expected within 2 hours of sunlight.
  4. Withholding Period:

    • No withholding periods, but avoid grazing for 24 hours on annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds.
    • Certain toxic plants may be present; do not allow grazing until complete browning of treated plants.
  5. Deactivation and Water Source:

    • Can be deactivated by soil particles and hard water with calcium or mineral salts.
    • Use clean water for spray solutions, preferably rainwater or local authority water.
  6. Seeding and Crop Establishment:

    • Do not seed crops until weeds break down sufficiently for a satisfactory seed bed.
    • Allow 4 weeks between spraying and seeding establishment.
    • Some weeds may affect germination; cultivation may be necessary.
  7. Timing for Seeding into Treated Areas:

    • Young weeds sprayed early may be seeded into from 1 day after treatment.
    • Incorporation may commence 2 hours after tank mixes with Trifluralin.
  8. Visible Effects and Rainfastness:

    • Effects may take 3 to 7 days depending on conditions, weed species, and herbicide rate.
    • Rainfast within 2 hours on small, young weeds. Rainfastness reduced under stress or low light.
    • Addition of non-ionic surfactant improves rainfastness on large weeds or less ideal conditions.
  9. pH and Hardness Adjustment:

    • Use Kenso Agcare Ken-Buff 700 Surfactant for pH and hardness adjustment.
    • Add surfactant to spray water before adding the herbicide.
  10. Tank Mixing:

    • Clean spray tank of previous residues.
    • Half-fill with clean water, add herbicide, then fill with water.
    • Add surfactant or spray oil last.
    • Agitate well before spraying.
    • Only mix, contain, or spray with equipment made from specified materials.
  11. Compatibility and Tank Mixtures:

    • Compatible with various herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers.
    • Follow label directions for specific tank mixtures and precautions.
  12. Warning for Galvanized or Unlined Steel:

    • Highly flammable gas may form on contact with galvanized or unlined steel.
  13. Specific Tank Mix Recommendations:

    • Follow guidelines for tank mixtures with other herbicides, insecticides, and additives for different crops.

Note: This is a summary. Always refer to the complete product label for detailed instructions and guidelines.

Registered for culturesRate
Pasture0.99 - 4.32 l
Rice0.72 - 0.9 l
Sorghum1.08 - 1.44 l
Cotton0.9 - 1.8 l