Panzer 680

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Mode of Action: Panzer 680 is a non-volatile, water-soluble herbicide designed for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in Roundup Ready Flex cotton, Roundup Ready canola, and other specified situations. The herbicide is absorbed by plant foliage and green stems, moving through the weed from contact to the root system. It is inactivated on clay and organic matter in the soil, providing no residual weed control. Initial visible effects on annual weeds occur in 3-7 days, while cloudy conditions may delay results.

CROP VOLUNTEERS: Panzer 680 will not control Roundup Ready Flex cotton or Roundup Ready canola volunteers at any leaf stage.

MIXING: Panzer 680 mixes readily with water. Reduced results may occur if water contains suspended clay, organic matter, or high levels of calcium, magnesium, or bicarbonate ions. Avoid using galvanized steel or unlined steel containers or spray tanks.

Mixing Instructions (Two Methods):

1. Full Agitation in Part-Filled Spray Tank:

  1. Fill the tank with half the required water and set the pump on full agitation.
  2. Add Panzer 680 slowly to disperse it throughout the tank.
  3. Continue water addition and full agitation until Panzer 680 is completely dissolved.

2. External Pre-Slurry:

  1. Fill the spray tank with half the required water.
  2. Pre-mix Panzer 680 separately until completely slurried (one part Panzer 680 to a minimum of three parts water).
  3. Add to the agitating tank and continue water addition.
  4. Fully agitate until Panzer 680 is completely dissolved.

TANK MIXTURES: Panzer 680 may be tank-mixed with various herbicides, insecticides, and additives. Follow all label directions, restraints, plant-back periods, withholding periods, regional use restrictions, and safety directions for the tank-mix products.

Mixing Instructions for Tank Mixtures:

  1. Fill the spray tank 1/3 or 1/2 full with clean water and start agitation.
  2. Add Panzer 680 and mix thoroughly, continuing water addition.
  3. Add liquid ammonium sulfate or crystalline ammonium sulfate, mixing thoroughly.
  4. Add recommended herbicide/additive and mix thoroughly.
  5. Add surfactant near the end of the filling process to minimize foaming.
  6. Maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank mix promptly.
  7. Clean all equipment after use.


HERBICIDES: Compatible with atrazine, 2,4-D ester, dicamba, Express, triclopyr 600, chlorsulfuron, simazine, sulfometuron, yield, pendimethalin 330, metsulfuron methyl, triasulfuron, clopyralid 300, LVE MCPA, and diuron 500SC.

INSECTICIDES: Compatible with dimethoate, imidan, chlorpyrifos 500, metasystox, sumithion ULV, and emulsifiable concentrates of dimethoate and fenitrothion.

SURFACTANT ADDITION: Additional surfactant is not required unless the rate of Panzer 680 is less than 6 g/L (e.g., 600g/100L water) when applied by boom.


  • Ammonium sulfate (crystalline or liquid 500 g/L): Add at a rate of 2 L or 1 kg/100 L spray solution.

  • Pulse Penetrant: Add at a rate of 20 mL/10 L spray solution for treating Bracken (boom application).

  • Wetter TX Surfactant: Add at a rate of 20 mL/10 L spray solution for treating Annual ryegrass in spring, Silvergrass, and perennial grasses.


Ground Boom: For broadcast application, use a spray volume of 50–80 liters per sprayed hectare. Nozzles and pressure settings should deliver a minimum of COARSE spray quality. Avoid using VERY FINE to MEDIUM spray qualities.

Directed/Shielded Ground Application Equipment: Use equipment directing the spray plume to the base of cotton plants, minimizing contact with foliage. A total application volume of 80 L/ha with COARSE spray quality is recommended.

High Volume Application (e.g., Knapsack/Handgun Equipment): Adjust equipment to achieve an even spray pattern with a minimum of COARSE spray quality. Apply to ensure complete and uniform wetting of all foliage.

Aerial Equipment: Aerial equipment may be used in pasture or fallow situations, pre-harvest applications, and over the top (OTT) of Roundup Ready Flex cotton or Roundup Ready canola. Nozzles and pressure settings must deliver a minimum of COARSE spray quality. Avoid using VERY FINE to MEDIUM spray qualities. Do not apply above 30ºC, and avoid application below 35% humidity.


  • Avoid treating weeds under poor growing conditions.
  • Rain within 2 hours of application causing runoff may require re-treatment.
  • Delay treatment on plants wet with dew or rain.
  • Apply treatments to weeds with at least one true leaf (broadleaf) or two leaves (grasses).
  • Be aware of sensitive crops in the vicinity.
  • When applying Panzer 680 by air, use COARSE spray quality and adhere to specified conditions.
  • If glyphosate-resistant weeds are known to be present, use alternative control methods.
  • Be cautious of native and non-target vegetation to prevent severe damage.

NOTE: Always refer to the complete product label for detailed and updated instructions.

Registered for culturesRate
Sorghum0 kg
Sugarcane2.1 - 4.8 kg
Rice0.53 - 0.66 kg