
Registered until
Registration expired
Registration number
Active materials

For the control of certain fungal diseases of bananas, oats, peanuts, perennial ryegrass, pineapples, stone fruit, sugar cane, wheat and other crops in certain States.

DO NOT apply more than 6 sprays per season.
NOTE: For cereals, the flag-2 leaf is the 3rd last fully emerged leaf i.e. the second leaf below flag.
Wheat Stripe Rust - susceptible varieties: apply when 10% of leaves are infected.
Wheat Stripe Rust - moderately susceptible varieties: apply when 15 to 20% of leaves are infected.

Shake well before use. Fill the spray tank and then add concentrate. Mix well.

Propicure Fungicide may be applied by ground rig, high or low volume, or by air.
Cereals: May be applied by boom spray or aircraft. Ensure complete coverage of all leaves and stems are obtained. The objective of spraying is to control disease on the upper 2 to 3 leaves during grain filling. With aircraft, as a guide, apply 10 to 20 L/ha with the lower rate being used when applications are made with a cross wind of not less than 5 knots. Use the higher rate when applying to dense crops.
Apricots, Plums and other stone fruits: Apply by high volume (dilute) sprayer or concentrate sprayer.
Bananas: Apply by misting machine, air blast sprayer or aircraft. Use a minimum of 30 L water if applying by air.

Propicure Fungicide may be mixed with any one of the registered products containing azinphos-methyl, chlorothalonil, demeton-s-methyl, diazinon, methomyl liquid, metalaxyl, propargite, parathion, dimethoate, copper oxychloride, mancozeb and zineb.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Apricots200 - 400 ml1
Bananas200 - 400 ml1
Spring barley150 - 500 ml28
Winter barley150 - 500 ml28
Spring oats250 - 500 ml28
Winter oats250 - 500 ml28
Peanuts400 - 600 ml14
Mint500 ml35
Plums0 l1
Pineapples0 l
Poppies500 ml28
Sugarcane0 l
Winter wheat150 - 500 ml
Spring wheat150 - 500 ml28