Kenso Corporation
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  • DO NOT apply by aircraft.

  • DO NOT apply by a vertical sprayer.

  • DO NOT apply by misting machines.

  • DO NOT treat weeds under poor growing or dormant conditions (such as occur in drought, waterlogging, disease, insect damage, or following frosts) as reduced control may result. Weeds should be actively growing at the time of treatment.

  • DO NOT apply in high pH water (pH >7).

  • DO NOT allow the spray mix to stand overnight.

  • DO NOT irrigate up to the point of runoff for at least 3 days after application.

  • DO NOT apply for residual weed control until the start of the main rain season when significant soil wetting rain has occurred and more rain (at least 15mm) is likely within three weeks, or the soil can be irrigated with sprinklers.

  • DO NOT apply during the period after bud break unless using shielded application equipment and the applicator can ensure spray drift will not come in contact with crop fruit or foliage. Shielded applications during this time period should not be made with glyphosate or products containing glyphosate.

  • DO NOT apply to grapes, fruit, or nut trees established less than 1 year.

  • DO NOT apply on bark that is still green.

  • DO NOT use in vineyards or orchards, or where the fruiting buds are below 40 cm above the soil. DO NOT apply to grapes that are not trellised or staked unless they are free-standing.

  • DO NOT apply for residual control if a large population of big weeds is present or large amounts of trash - as these may prevent the chemical reaching the soil.

  • DO NOT disturb the treated soil surface after application.


SPEKTRUM 500 WG is a water dispersible granule formulation and is contained within a water-soluble bag. The water-soluble bags dissolve readily in water. DO NOT handle water-soluble bags or expose to moisture because this may cause breakages. DO NOT touch bags with wet hands or place on wet surfaces. DO NOT damage the foil sachets that contain the water-soluble bags. Protect unused sachets by keeping them in the original container. Open sachets only as needed.

To ensure even mixing:

  1. Half-fill the spray tank with clean water.

  2. Tear open the necessary number of sachets and drop the water-soluble bags contained in them into the spray tank without touching the bags.

  3. Keep the agitation system engaged. Mix thoroughly until fully dissolved.

  4. Add the knockdown herbicide and remaining water. Mix thoroughly.

  5. Add spray additive near the end of the filling process to minimize foaming.

  6. Always maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank mix promptly.


  • Broadacre situation: Apply in a minimum of 80L spray solution per hectare.

  • Horticultural applications such as vineyards and tree crops: Apply in a minimum of 250L spray solution per hectare.

  • Refer to the Directions for Use and General Instructions of the knockdown herbicide label. As SPEKTRUM is a contact herbicide, coverage is important. Performance of SPEKTRUM as a knockdown or with a partner on weeds or on volunteer cotton may be reduced with large droplets and poor coverage.

  • Air induction nozzles that deliver coarse droplets at high travelling speeds, low pressure, and low water rates may reduce coverage and herbicide performance. Air induction nozzles can produce variable results when used with oil. Best results with SPEKTRUM are achieved with Coarse droplets produced by a wide-angle flat fan or twin jet nozzles. If the partner herbicide required coarse droplets, then ensure high water volumes >80L/ha are used.


  • When cleaning the spray equipment, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves.

  • After SPEKTRUM 500 WG is applied, the following steps must be taken to clean the spray equipment:

    1. Completely drain the spray tank, rinse the sprayer thoroughly, including the inside and outside of the tank and all in-line screens.

    2. Fill the spray tank with clean water and flush all hoses, booms, screens, and nozzles.

    3. Add 1 liter of 3% household ammonia or similar alkaline-based tank cleaner for every 100 liters of water, circulate through the sprayer for five minutes, then flush all hoses, booms, screens, and nozzles for a minimum of fifteen minutes.

    4. Drain the tank completely.

    5. Add enough clean water to the spray tank to allow all hoses, booms, screens, and nozzles to be flushed for two minutes.

    6. Remove all nozzles and screens and rinse them in clean water. Equipment with SPEKTRUM 500 WG residue remaining in the system may cause crop injury to the subsequently treated crop.


  • SPEKTRUM 500 WG Herbicide is a member of the N-phenylphthalimides group of herbicides. The mode of action of SPEKTRUM 500 WG Herbicide is to inhibit protoporphyrinogen oxidase.

  • For weed resistance management, SPEKTRUM 500 WG Herbicide is a Group 14 herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to SPEKTRUM 500 WG Herbicide and other Group 14 herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly.

  • These resistant weeds will not be controlled by SPEKTRUM 500 WG Herbicide or other Group 14 herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Kenso Agcare Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of SPEKTRUM 500 WG Herbicide to control resistant weeds.

  • Strategies to minimize the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, or local Department of Agriculture.

Registered for culturesRate
Soybeans0 kg
Sunflowers0 kg
Sorghum0 kg
Corn0 kg
Lupines0 kg
Lentils0 kg
Cotton0 kg
Chickpeas0 kg
Winter barley0 kg
Spring barley0 kg
Grapes0.56 - 0.7 kg