Whack 900 WG

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General Instructions: WHACK 900 WG Fungicide

Overview: WHACK 900 WG is a protectant fungicide designed for the control of various diseases in fruits and vegetables. Achieving a good leaf cover is crucial for effective disease control, especially before a widespread disease outbreak occurs.


Dilute Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for high water volume applications up to the point of run-off.
  • Set up and operate the sprayer for even coverage throughout the crop canopy, avoiding excessive run-off.
  • Determine the required water volume by conducting tests or consulting industry guidelines.
  • Add the specified product amount for each 1000L of water according to the Directions for Use. Spray to the point of run-off.
  • Adjust the dilute spray volume and sprayer setup as the crop grows.

Concentrate Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying (e.g., low volume air blast) matched to the crop.
  • Operate the sprayer for even coverage throughout the crop canopy using the chosen water volume.
  • Determine the appropriate dilute spray volume (refer to dilute spraying) for the crop canopy to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.
  • Calculate the concentrate mixing rate based on the concentration factor.
  • Adjust spray volume, product amount per 100L of water, and sprayer setup as the crop grows.
  • Consult industry guidelines and undergo competency training for concentrate spraying.


  • Half fill the spray vat and, with the agitation system running, add the required amount of the product.
  • Top up with water to the required volume, ensuring continuous agitation.
  • Keep the product in suspension at all times. Thoroughly re-agitate prepared spray mixes before use.

Application Rates per Hectare:

  • Low Volume: 200L or more
  • High Volume: 500L or more
  • Aerial Application: 20L or more
  • Mister: 75-255L


  • WHACK 900 WG is compatible with wettable powder and flowable formulations of most commonly used fungicides, insecticides, and miticides.
  • Do not combine with other chemicals, especially oil-based emulsifiable or flowable pesticides.
  • Do not mix with spraying oils or spray onto crops sprayed with oil for at least 10 days after the last spray.
  • The volume of water applied should increase as plants grow to maintain adequate cover.


  • WHACK® 900 WG belongs to the multi-site activity group of fungicides and is a Group M5 Fungicide.
  • Some naturally occurring fungi resistant to WHACK 900 WG and other Group M5 Fungicides may exist.
  • Continuous use may lead to resistant fungi dominating the population, reducing efficacy and causing potential yield loss.
  • Detection of resistant fungi before use is challenging, and Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd assumes no liability for losses resulting from the failure of WHACK® 900 WG to control resistant fungi.
Registered for culturesRate
Chickpeas0.8 - 1.6 kg
Peanuts0.9 - 1.5 kg
Peas0.9 - 1.5 kg
Cherries0 kg
Grapes1.5 - 1.9 kg
Nectarines0 kg
Peaches0 kg
Artichokes1.5 - 1.9 kg
Broccoli1.5 - 3 kg
Brussels sprouts1.5 - 3 kg
Cabbages1.5 - 3 kg
Cauliflower1.5 - 3 kg
Carrots1.5 kg
Cucumbers1.3 - 2.1 kg
Pumpkins1.3 - 2.1 kg
Squash1.3 - 2.1 kg
Watermelon1.3 - 2.1 kg
Zucchini1.3 - 2.1 kg