Arrow 240 EC

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

ARROW 240 EC is a selective post-emergence herbicide for control of a broad range of grasses in canola (including imazethapyr-tolerant varieties), flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), field peas, lentils, Desi and Kabuli chickpeas, dry onions, potatoes, Mustard (oriental, brown, yellow) (condiment type only), soybeans, seedling alfalfa, sunflowers and dry beans (Pinto, Black, Great Northern, Red, Pink and Navy). ARROW 240 EC is to be used only with the adjuvant X-ACT.

ARROW 240 EC is a systemic herbicide which is translocated from the treated foliage to the growing points of the leaves, shoots and roots. Uptake into the plant is primarily through its leaves. Thorough coverage of the foliage is important for consistent grass control. Susceptible grasses that are actively growing will undergo a burn-back and colour change after treatment. Leaf foliage will first change from green to yellowish, then purplish and finally brown colour. The time required for complete control is normally 7 to 21 days following treatment, depending on growing conditions and crop competition. 

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 60 days

FLAX (including low linolenic acid varieties) 
Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC
 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 60 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 75 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 60 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.19 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 60 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 45 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 60 days

MUSTARD (oriental, brown, yellow), (condiment type only) 
Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC
 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 60 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 75 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 30 days

Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC 0.38 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 72 days

DRY BEANS (Pinto, Black, Great Northern, Red, Pink and Navy) 
Maximum Application Rate of ARROW 240 EC
 0.19 L/ha 
Pre-Harvest Interval 60 days

Time of Application: Apply ARROW 240 EC when the annual grasses and volunteer cereals are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage as specified under APPLICATION RATES OF ARROW 240 EC. Most effective control is achieved when application is made prior to tillering when annual grasses are small and actively growing. 
For suppression or control of quackgrass, apply ARROW 240 EC when the quackgrass is in the 2 to 6 leaf stage and 6 to 15 cm in height. Most effective results are achieved when application is made at the 3 to 5 leaf stage, when the canopy is uniform and actively growing. 
ARROW 240 EC will be less effective when plants are stressed by lack of moisture, excessive moisture, low temperature and/or very low relative humidity. Regrowth by tillering may occur if application is made under any of the above stress conditions. In wide row crops, where the canopy may be slow to close, cultivation may be necessary to control grasses that emerge after treatment. 
Canola (including imazethapyr-tolerant varieties), flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), field peas, lentils, Desi and Kabuli chickpeas, dry onions, potatoes, mustard (oriental, brown, yellow) (condiment type only), soybeans, seedling alfalfa, sunflowers and dry beans (Pinto, Black, Great Northern, Red, Pink and Navy) are tolerant to ARROW 240 EC at all stages of growth. However, the pre-harvest interval outlined in the Crop Recommendations table must be followed to avoid excessive crop residues. 
For Desi and Kabuli chickpeas, apply ARROW 240 EC at a maximum of one application per season before the crop reaches the 9 node stage (18 cm height maximum) and when the annual grasses and volunteer cereals are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage.

Application Rates of ARROW 240 EC: 
Rates of use are given below to control various grass species. Refer to crop section for the maximum use rate on each crop.

Weeds: Foxtail (green, yellow)*
Leaf Stage 
0.125 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Wild oats*
Leaf Stage 
0.125 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v  

Weeds: Volunteer cereals (wheat, barley, oats)* 
Leaf Stage 
0.125 L/ha  Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT 0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Barnyard Grass
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.125 L/ha  
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT 0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Witchgrass
Leaf Stage 
0.125 L/ha  
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT 0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Fall panicum 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.125 L/ha  L 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT 0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Proso millet 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.125 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT 0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Volunteer Corn 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.125 L/ha  
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT 0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Volunteer canary grass 
Leaf Stage 2-6
Weeds: Rate: 
0.125 L/ha  
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT 0.5 % v/v 

Weeds: Wild Oats
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Volunteer cereals (wheat, barley, oats) 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Foxtail (green, yellow)
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Persian darnel 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Crabgrass (smooth and large)
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Proso millet 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Witchgrass
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Fall panicu
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Barnyard grass
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Volunteer corn 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Volunteer canary grass 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Quackgrass suppression
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.19 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
0.5 % v/v

Weeds: Quackgrass control 
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.38 L/ha
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT
1.0 % v/v

*ARROW 240 EC applied at 0.125 L/ha for the control of weeds listed in this section of the table should only be applied under the following conditions: 
Good crop stand 
Early application (as in above table, prior to tillering) 
Do not tank-mix with other pesticides 
Do not apply to volunteer winter cereals 
Light to moderate weed infestation 
Adequate moisture and fertility
Absence of stress, good growing conditions 
If any one of the above conditions is not present at the time of application, use 0.19 L/ha rate of ARROW 240 EC.

Application rates and packaging: 
50 mL/ac for light infestations or 60 acres per case 
80 mL/ac for moderate infestations or 40 acres per case 
150 mL/ac for quackgrass or 20 acres per case 
1 x 3L jug plus 1 jug X-ACT adjuvant Water volume: 
Ground application only 
20 to 90 L/ac to achieve uniform spray coverage

1 hour

Registered and supported tank mixes: 
Canola: Lontrel or Muster
Clearfield canola only: imazethapyr (Phantom) 
Liberty Link canola only: Liberty 
Field pea: imazethapyr (Phantom) 
Flax including low linolenic acid varieties: bromoxynil & MCPA ester (Badge) or Curtail M 
Flax not including low linolenic: Lontrel or MCPA ester 
Glyphosate-tolerant soybean: glyphosate

Mixing instructions: 
1. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation 
2. Add the correct amount of Arrow 240 EC. Continue to agitate
3. Add the correct amount of adjuvant X-ACT along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank 
4. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system 
5. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again
6. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight 
7. If tank-mixing, follow label directions for each tank-mix partner


Flax (including low linolenic acid varieties):
ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with BADGE for control of certain broadleaf and grassy weeds in flax (including low linolenic acid varieties) in one spray operation. Apply in 55 - 110 litres of water per hectare at a spray pressure of 275 kPa. DO NOT spray this tank-mix on plants under stress. DO NOT spray during periods of hot, humid weather. Follow all precautions, limitations and timing recommendations on the BADGE label. The most stringent label precautions for any individual pesticide product in a tank-mix should be used. 
Time of Application: Flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), may be treated from 5 cm high to the early bud stage. For best results, apply when flax (including low linolenic acid varieties) is 5 cm to 10 cm high and weeds are in the seedling stage. If broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds are not in the recommended treatment stage at the same time, then separate applications should be made. 
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 - 0.38 L/ha tank-mixed with BADGE at 1.25 L/ha and the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% - 1.0% v/v. 
Weeds Controlled: As listed for ARROW 240 EC used alone, plus certain seedling broadleaf weeds. Refer to the BADGE label for the broadleaf weeds controlled. 

1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. 
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. If tank-mixing ARROW 240 EC and BADGE for once-over grass and broadleaf weed control in flax (including low linolenic acid varieties) add the correct amount of BADGE. Continue to agitate.
4. Add the correct amount of ARROW 240 EC. Continue to agitate. 
5. Add the correct amount of adjuvant X-ACT along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank. 
6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system. 
7. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight. 
8. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.

Flax: ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with MCPA ESTER for control of certain broadleaf and grassy weeds in flax in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100 L/ha spray volume at a pressure of 275 kPa. 
Time of Application: Flax may be treated from 5 cm tall to just before the bud stage. Do not apply after the early bud stage. Apply when the grassy weeds are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage and broadleaf weeds are in the seedling stage and actively growing. If broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds are not in the recommended treatment stage at the same time, then separate applications should be made. 
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 - 0.38 L/ha tank-mixed with MCPA ESTER and the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% - 1.0% v/v. 
Weeds Controlled: As listed for ARROW 240 EC used alone, plus certain seedling broadleaf weeds. Refer to the MCPA ESTER label for the rates and broadleaf weeds controlled and specific information on flax. 

1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. 
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. Add the correct amount of MCPA ESTER. Continue to agitate. 
4. Add the correct amount of ARROW 240 EC. Continue to agitate. 
5. Add the correct amount of adjuvant X-ACT along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank. 
6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system. 
7. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight.
8. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.

Flax: ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with LONTREL 360 for control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds in flax in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100 L/ha spray volume at a pressure of 275 kPa. 
Follow all precautions, limitations and timing recommendations on the LONTREL 360 label. 
Time of Application: Flax may be treated from 5 cm to 10 cm in height. Apply when the grassy weeds are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage and the broadleaf weeds are actively growing. Application to Canada thistle should be made when Canada thistle is in the rosette to pre-bud stage of growth. If broadleaf weeds and grass weeds are not in recommended treatment stage at the same time, then separate applications should be made. 
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 L/ha tank-mixed with LONTREL 360 at 0.56 to 0.83 L/ha and with the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v. 
Weeds Controlled: Wild oats, green foxtail, volunteer barley, volunteer wheat, volunteer oats, wild buckwheat.
Canada thistle 
0.56 L LONTREL 360/ha Season-long control 
0.83 L LONTREL 360/ha Control extended into following year 
MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: For mixing instructions, refer to ARROW 240 EC AND LONTREL 360 tank-mix on canola.
Canola: ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with LONTREL 360 for control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds in canola in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100 L/ha spray volume at a pressure of 275 kPa. Follow all precautions, limitations and timing recommendations on the LONTREL 360 label. 
Time of Application: Canola may be treated from the 2 to 6 leaf stage. Apply when the grassy weeds are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage and the broadleaf weeds are actively growing. Application to Canada thistle should be made when Canada thistle is in the rosette to pre-bud stage of growth. If broadleaf weeds and grass weeds are not in recommended treatment stage at the same time, then separate applications should be made.
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 L/ha tank-mixed with LONTREL 360 at 0.42 to 0.83 L/ha and with the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v. 
Weeds Controlled: Wild oats, green foxtail, volunteer barley, volunteer wheat, volunteer oats.
Wild Buckwheat 
0.56 L LONTREL 360/ha Season-long control 
Canada thistle 
0.42 L LONTREL 360/ha Top growth control to 6 - 8 weeks 
0.56 L LONTREL 360/ha Season-long control
0.83 L LONTREL 360/ha Control into following year 

1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent.
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. Add the required amount of LONTREL 360 to the tank. Continue to agitate. 
4. Add the correct amount of ARROW 240 EC. Continue to agitate.
5. Add the correct amount of adjuvant X-ACT along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank.
6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system. 
7. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight. In the case of tank mixtures with broadleaf herbicides, settling will occur if agitation is not continuous. 
8. If an oil film starts to build up in the tank, drain it and clean tank with strong detergent solution. 
9. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.

Field Peas: ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with PURSUIT for control of certain broadleaf and grassy weeds in field peas in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100 litres of water per hectare at a spray pressure of 275 kPa. Follow all precautions, limitations and timing recommendations on the PURSUIT label. 
Time of Application: Field peas may be treated up to the sixth (6th) trifoliate leaf stage. Apply when volunteer wheat, volunteer barley, wild oats and green foxtail are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage. Apply up to the 4 leaf stage for control of broadleaf weeds. If broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds are not in the recommended treatment stage at the same time, then separate applications should be made. 
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 L/ha tank-mixed with PURSUIT at 210 mL/ha and the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v. 
Weeds Controlled: Wild oats, green foxtail, volunteer barley, volunteer wheat plus the weeds as listed on the PURSUIT label. 
1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. 
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. If tank-mixing ARROW 240 EC and PURSUIT for once over grass and broadleaf weed control in field peas, add the correct amount of PURSUIT. Continue to agitate. 
4. Add the required amount of ARROW 240 EC to the tank. Continue to agitate. 
5. Add the correct amount of adjuvant X-ACT along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank. 
6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system. 
7. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight. 
8. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.

Imazethapyr Tolerant Canola (e.g. canola varieties with the SMART trait): ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with PURSUIT for control of certain broadleaf and grassy weeds in imazethapyr-tolerant canola varieties in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100 litres of water per hectare at a spray pressure of 275 kPa. Follow all precautions, limitations and timing recommendations on the PURSUIT label. 
Time of Application: Imazethapyr-tolerant canola varieties may be treated after the crop has developed one (1) fully expanded leaf. Apply when grassy weeds are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage. Apply up to the 4 leaf stage for control of broadleaf weeds.
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19L/ha tank-mixed with PURSUIT at 0.105 or 0.21 L/ha and the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v.
Weeds Controlled: As listed for ARROW 240 EC plus the following additional weeds. PURSUIT at 0.105 L/ha for control of chickweed, hempnettle, redroot pigweed*, stinkweed, volunteer canola (not imazethapyr-tolerant), wild mustard and wild buckwheat*, in the 1 to 4 leaf stage.

*For the control of light infestations only. For heavy infestations use the 0.21 L/ha rate of PURSUIT.

PURSUIT at 0.21 L/ha for control of weeds as listed on the PURSUIT label.

MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: For mixing instructions, refer to ARROW 240 EC AND PURSUIT tank-mix on field peas. 

Canola: ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with MUSTER for control of certain broadleaf and grassy weeds in canola in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100 litres of water per hectare at a spray pressure of 275 kPa. Follow all precautions, limitations and timing recommendations on the MUSTER label.
Time of Application: Canola may be treated from the 2 leaf stage to the beginning of bolting. Apply when the grassy weeds are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage and when the broadleaf weeds are in the cotyledon to 6 leaf stage. If broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds are not in the recommended treatment stage at the same time, then separate applications should be made.
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 L/ha tank-mixed with MUSTER at 20 or 30 g/ha and the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v.
Weeds Controlled: MUSTER at 20 or 30 g/ha: Wild oats, green foxtail, volunteer barley, volunteer oats, volunteer wheat, hempnettle, wild mustard, green smartweed, flixweed (spring seedlings), stinkweed*, and redroot pigweed.
* Stinkweed suppression at the lower rate. Apply to stinkweed in the 1 to 4 leaf stage.

1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. 
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. Add the required amount of MUSTER to the tank. Continue to agitate.
4. Once MUSTER is in suspension, add the required amount of ARROW 240 EC. Continue to agitate. 
5. Add the correct amount of adjuvant X-ACT along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank. 6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system. 
7. On repeat tankloads, prepare a MUSTER/water slurry and add to required water volume in the spray tank prior to adding ARROW 240 EC and the adjuvant X-ACT. 
8. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight. 
9. Immediately after use, refer to MUSTER label for appropriate tank cleanout instructions. 

Canola:For use on Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant canola varieties only (e.g. varieties or hybrids labelled LIBERTY LINK). ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with LIBERTY for control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds in Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant canola varieties in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 110 L/ha spray volume at a pressure of 275 kPa. Follow all precautions, limitations and timing recommendations on the LIBERTY label.
Time of Application: Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant canola varieties may be treated from the cotyledon stage up to the early bolting stage. Apply when the wild oats, volunteer wheat, volunteer oats and green foxtail are in the 1 to 5 leaf stage. Refer to LIBERTY label for application timing on all remaining grass and broadleaf weeds for 2.7 or 3.3 L/ha.
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.06 L/ha tank-mixed with LIBERTY at 2.7 to 3.3 L/ha and with the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v.
Weeds Controlled: Wild oats, green foxtail, volunteer barley, volunteer wheat, volunteer oats plus all remaining grass weeds and broadleaf weeds listed on the LIBERTY label at the application rates of 2.7 and 3.3 L/ha.

1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. 
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. Add the required amount of the adjuvant X-ACT to the tank. Continue to agitate until thoroughly mixed. 
4. STOP agitation. Add the correct amount of LIBERTY to the spray tank. Start agitation system. 
5. Add the correct amount of ARROW 240 EC along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank. 
6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system and spray out immediately. 
7. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight. In the case of tank mixtures with broadleaf herbicides, settling will occur if agitation is not continuous. 
8. If an oil film starts to build up in the tank, drain it and clean tank with strong detergent solution. 
9. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.

Flax (including low linolenic acid varieties): ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with CURTAIL M for control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds in flax in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100 L/ha spray volume at a pressure of 275 kPa.
Follow all precautions, limitations, restrictions and timing recommendations on the CURTAIL M label.
Time of Application: Flax may be treated from 5 to 15 cm in height. Apply when the grassy weeds are in the 2-6 leaf stage and the broadleaf weeds are actively growing. Application to Canada thistle should be made when Canada thistle is between 10 cm and up to the pre-bud stage. If broadleaf weeds and grass weeds are not in recommended treatment stage at the same time, then separate applications should be made.
Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 L/ha tank-mixed with CURTAIL M at 1.5 to 2.0 L/ha and with the surfactant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v.
Weeds Controlled: Weed claims listed on the ARROW 240 EC Herbicide label plus weed claims listed on CURTAIL M label. Refer to the CURTAIL M label for the broadleaf weeds controlled. 
Grazing Interval: Do not cut treated crops for feed or graze until 60 days after application.

1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. 
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. Add the required amount of CURTAIL M to the tank. Continue to agitate. 
4. Add the correct amount of ARROW 240 EC. Continue to agitate. 
5. Add the correct amount of X-ACT along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank. 
6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system. 
7. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight. In the case of tank mixtures with broadleaf herbicides, settling will occur if agitation is not continuous. 
8. If an oil film starts to build up in the tank, drain it and clean tank with strong detergent solution.
9. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.

For control of weeds listed on the ARROW 240 EC label.
Time of application: Apply a maximum of one application per year, post-emergent by ground application. Apply ARROW 240 EC at 0.125 to 0.19 L/ha with the adjuvant X-ACT at 0.5% v/v when grassy weeds are in the 2 to 6 leaf stage. 

ARROW 240 EC may be tank-mixed with Roundup Original or Roundup-Weathermax (or other liquid glyphosate products registered for use on glyphosate tolerant soybeans) for control of volunteer glyphosate tolerant corn and other weeds listed on the product labels. All weeds listed on each label can be controlled in one spray operation. Apply in a minimum of 100L/ha spray volume at a pressure of 275 kPa. 
Follow all precautions, limitations, restrictions and timing recommendations on the Glyphosate brand labels.
Time of application: Glyphosate tolerant soybeans may be treated from 1st trifoliate through to flowering, observing the 75 day PHI. Apply when the grassy weeds are in the 2-6 leaf stage and the broadleaf weeds are actively growing. Application Rate: ARROW 240 EC at 0.19 L/ha tank-mixed with 900 to 1800 g a.e./ha of a liquid glyphosate product that is registered for use on glyphosate tolerant soybeans (equivalent to 1.67 to 3.33 L/ha of Roundup Weathermax, a 540 g/L product, or 2.5 to 5.0 L/ha of Roundup Original, a 360 g/L product) plus X-ACT surfactant at 0.5% v/v.
Weeds Controlled: Weed claims listed on the ARROW 240 EC Herbicide label (volunteer glyphosate tolerant corn in particular) plus weed claims listed on the glyphosate product label. Refer to the glyphosate product label for the broadleaf weeds controlled.
Grazing Interval: Do not cut treated crops for feed or graze until 60 days after application.

1. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. 
2. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system. 
3. Add the correct amount of ARROW 240 EC. Continue to agitate.
4. Add the correct amount of X-ACT. Continue to agitate. 
5. Add the required amount of Glyphosate brand to the tank along with the remaining amount of water necessary to fill the spray tank. 
6. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system. 
7. After any break in the spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit overnight. In the case of tank mixtures with broadleaf herbicides, settling will occur if agitation is not continuous. 
8. If an oil film starts to build up in the tank, drain it and clean tank with strong detergent solution. 
9. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.

The DIRECTIONS FOR USE for this product for use on dry onions were developed for use by persons other than Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. (MANA) and accepted for registration by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency under the User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion Program. MANA itself makes no representation or warranty with respect to performance (efficacy) and/or crop tolerance (phytotoxicity) claims for this product when used on dry onions. Accordingly, the User assumes all liability arising, and agree to hold MANA harmless from any claims based on efficacy and/or phytotoxicity in connection with the use on dry onions

For suppression of annual bluegrass and control of other annual weeds listed on the ARROW 240 EC label.
Time of Application: Apply ARROW 240 EC post-emergent when the crop is in the 1 to 4 leaf 18 stage. Apply by ground application. One application per year. Observe a PHI of 45 days.

Suppression of annual bluegrass
Leaf Stage 2-6
0.38 L/ha 
Application Rate of Adjuvant X-ACT® 
0.5 % v/v

Water volume and spray pressure:
 For Ground Application, use sprayers equipped with standard flat fan nozzles. For optimum spray coverage use nozzles tilted 45° forward. The use of flood jet or hollow cone nozzles is not recommended, because of uneven and inadequate spray coverage. Thorough and uniform spray coverage over the entire leaf area of the target weeds is necessary for optimum weed control. 
Thoroughly clean all screens to prevent nozzle clogging, especially when water volumes of 55 to 110 L/ha are used. 
In general, use water volumes of 55 to 225 L/ha and a minimum of 275 kPa pressure. For applications to dense weed infestations or to dense crop canopies, use a minimum of 110 litres of water per hectare at pressures of 275 to 425 kPa. In any situation, ensure the proper rate of adjuvant X-ACT is maintained as listed on the label under APPLICATION RATES OF ARROW 240 EC.

1. Use only for crops listed on the label. 
2. Thorough pre-plant tillage operations are required to fields where sod or forage grass crops may have grown in the previous year. 
3. Take necessary precautions to avoid sprayer overlaps. 
4. Rainfall within one hour of application may reduce the effectiveness of the spray. 
5. Do not mix or apply ARROW 240 EC with any other additive, pesticide or with fertilizer except as specifically recommended on the label. 
6. Allow 4 days between application of ARROW 240 EC and any other chemical not recommended as a tank-mix combination on the label. 
7. Do not apply more than 0.38 L/ha (90 grams a.i./ha) per season. 
8. Do not use crops for grazing of livestock or green feed following application of ARROW 240 EC until after the appropriate interval as specified in the crop recommendations table has been observed. Do not cut treated crops for forage until the appropriate interval as specified in the crop recommendations table has been observed. 
9. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Use ground equipment only. 
10. Overspray or drift to important wildlife habitats such as shelter belts, wetlands, sloughs 19 or dry slough borders, woodlots, vegetated ditchbanks and other cover on the edges of fields should be avoided. Leave a 15 meter buffer zone between the last spray swath and the edge of any of these habitats.

For resistance management, ARROW 240 EC is a Group 1 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to ARROW 240 EC and other Group 1 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistancemanagement strategies should be followed. 
To delay herbicide resistance: 
Where possible, rotate the use of ARROW 240 EC or other Group 1 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.
For further information or to report suspected resistance, contact Adama Agricultural Solutions Canada Ltd.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Canola0.38 l60
Winter flax0.38 l60
Peas0.38 l75
Alfalfa0.38 l30
Beans0.19 l60
Potatoes0.38 l60
Chickpeas0.19 l60
Onions0.38 l45
White mustard0.38 l60
Soybeans0.38 l75
Sunflowers0.38 l72
Lentils0.38 l60