Certitude A
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2026-12-31
- Registration number
- 33908
- Active materials
- topramezone336 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
Certitude A is a systemic herbicide that provides post-emergence control of emerged weeds, including those that are glyphosate resistant, when applied as a pre-seed treatment to canola.
Certitude A is absorbed by leaves, roots, and shoots and translocated to the growing points of sensitive weeds to provide post-emergence control of emerged weeds. Certitude A controls weeds by inhibiting carotenoid biosynthesis (HPPD inhibitor). Temperatures and moisture conditions for active plant growth are important for optimum Certitude A activity
Application Timing and Weeds Controlled
When tank-mixes are permitted, read and observe all label directions, including rates and restrictions for each product used in the tank-mix. Follow the more stringent label precautionary measures for mixing, loading and applying stated on both product labels.
Certitude A + Certitude B
Apply Certitude A as surface application prior to seeding canola (all types, including LibertyLink, Clearfield, Roundup Ready and conventional) when weeds are actively growing. Always apply in tank mix with Certitude Bfor control of volunteer canola (all types, including glyphosate resistant) and kochia (including glyphosate resistant biotypes).
Application should be made to emerged volunteer canola seedlings at the fully expanded cotyledon to the 6-leaf stage and to emerged kochia up to 10 cm in height. Apply before seeding canola. Do not apply as a pre-emergence application.
Certitude A + Certitude B + Glyphosate
For broad spectrum weed control, Certitude Aand Certitude Bshould be applied in combination with glyphosate as a pre-seed application to canola. Certitude A plus Certitude B will provide enhanced control of volunteer canola (all types, including glyphosate resistant) and kochia (including glyphosate resistant biotypes) over glyphosate applied alone. Refer to the glyphosate label for weeds controlled by glyphosate as a pre-seed application.
Certitude A is compatible with all liquid glyphosate formulations in which glyphosate is present as isopropylamine salt, di-ammonium salt or potassium salt. Use only glyphosate products registered for pre-seed application to canola.
Application Rates
Uniformly apply Certitude A as a broadcast spray by ground at rates indicated below in a water volume of 50 to 200 L/ha. Thorough spray coverage is required for optimum weed control.
Always apply Certitude Ain tank mix with Certitude Band Merge Adjuvant at 0.5 L/ha.For broad spectrum weed control, Certitude A and Certitude B should be applied in combination with glyphosate. Apply with Merge Adjuvant at 0.5 L/ha.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American
Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
Aerial application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at flying height at the site of application. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. To reduce drift caused by turbulent wingtip vortices, the nozzle distribution along the spray boom length MUST NOT exceed 65% of the wingspan or rotorspan.
1. Fill spray tank half full with clean water.
2. Add required amount of Certitude B. Begin agitation.
3. If tankmixing, add the recommended amount of the tank mix partner product to the spray tank first, agitate, and then add Certitude B (unless otherwise directed).
4. Complete filling spray tank with water, continue agitation.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Canola | 0.05 - 0.2 l |