Dacthal W-75
- Manufacturer
- Amvac Chemical
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2023-12-31
- Registration number
- 8963
- Active materials
- Chlorthal750 g/kg
- Links
- LabelView
Preparation and Application of the Spray: DACTHAL W-75 should be thoroughly mixed in the spray tank with water to provide for broadcast application of at least 225 litres of water per hectare depending on equipment and local practices. To ensure uniform suspension in the spray tanks, DACTHAL W-75 should be pre-mixed in a clean container at the rate of about 5.5 kilograms to 15 litres of water. This mixture should be stirred until a slurry is formed and then added to the spray tank during or after filling. Adequate agitation should be maintained during filling and spraying to keep material in uniform suspension. Use nozzles suitable for applying wettable powder so that the spray can be uniformly distributed over the properly prepared soil surface. Any screen or strainer in spray equipment should be no finer than 50 mesh to prevent clogging. It is essential that the sprayer be properly calibrated before making applications. Standard low-pressure (207 -345 kPa) boom-type sprayers are recommended. A minimum of 1 centimetre of water, either as rain or irrigation, is necessary to activate DACTHAL W-75 and thereby obtain pre-emergence control of weeds specified.
Normally, water must be applied within 3 to 5 days of application, if sufficient rainfall does not occur. However, when surface soil is dry but subsurface soil contains enough moisture to germinate weeds, water should be applied immediately. If furrow irrigation is used, the top of the bed must be thoroughly wet. If rainfall does not occur during this period and irrigation cannot be made, shallow incorporation, when recommended, will aid in weed control.
Soil Preparation: Prior to making application, the soil should be cultivated to provide a weed-free and uniform surface since DACTHAL W-75 herbicide is effective only when applied before weed seed germination occurs. Unless incorporated, DACTHAL W-75 should be applied within two or three days following cultivation, to prevent subsurface germinating weeds from becoming established. When cultivating between rows, use shields on cultivator to prevent untreated soil from covering treated bands. Cultural practices, such as forming crop beds, should be completed prior to DACTHAL W75 application in order to avoid exposing untreated soil in the bottom of the furrow and concentrating the sprayed soil within the bed.
Soil Incorporation: (Do not incorporate deeper than 5 centimetres)
Shallow soil incorporation, when recommended, (see specific crop recommendations) often gives more consistent results. Depending on crop and time of application, several incorporation methods may be used.
Pre-plant Incorporation: This type of incorporation often provides better weed control on irrigated land, and also on non-irrigated land when dry weather is anticipated following planting. When recommended, DACTHAL W-75 can be sprayed on the soil surface and then incorporated into the soil using a disc harrow or related tilling equipment. To ensure complete incorporation, double disc in two directions. For incorporating banded treatments, hooded power driven rotary tillers or ground tillers are essential.
Delayed Pre-emergent Incorporation: For crops where pre-plant incorporation can be used (see recommendations). Incorporation at this time should be done when adequate rainfall or irrigation is not available within 3 to 5 days after planting. Lightly incorporate (1.5 to 2.5 centimetres deep) with drag harrow, rotary hoe or other suitable tillage equipment.
Layby Incorporation: (Just prior to stage when plant growth would prevent further cultivation). Cultivate soil to remove established weeds. Apply DACTHAL W-75 and lightly incorporate with suitable equipment.
Rates of Application and Weeds Controlled: DACTHAL W-75 is recommended at the rates of 6.75-22.5 kg/ha depending on soil type and weeds to be controlled. The following table outlines general recommendations for the use of DACTHAL W-75 on various soil types. The maximum rate for each soil type should be used when moderately susceptible weeds are present. Specific recommendations for each crop should be consulted.
DACTHAL W-75 should not be applied to certain crops under conditions of cool, wet weather when plants are not actively growing. Refer to specific label recommendations for seeded melons, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant for further details.
Do not enter or allow entry into treated areas during the restrictedentry interval (REI) of 12 hours.
Rates of application can be reduced by banding – See conversion chart.
The following weeds are grouped according to their susceptibility to DACTHAL W-75.
Susceptible (controlled at recommended rates): Common lambsquarters, smooth crabgrass, large crabgrass, lovegrass, carpetweed, witchgrass, purslane, yellow foxtail, green foxtail, common chickweed.
Moderately Susceptible (higher rates required for effective control): Redroot pigweed, barnyardgrass, goosegrass, groundcherry, annual bluegrass, johnsongrass (from seed).
Tolerant: Velvetleaf, common ragweed, johnsongrass established from rhizomes, mustards, jimsonweed, galinsoga, smartweed, nutsedge, cocklebur.
Replanting: Replanting crops other than those included on this label, in DACTHAL W-75 treated soil within 8 months of application may result in crop injury. If replanting is required because of an early crop failure, the planting of onions, seeded melons, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants or peppers at this time may result in crop injury. However, all crops on this label may be planted following harvest of a DACTHAL W-75 treated crop.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Broccoli | 15.5 kg |
Brussels sprouts | 15.5 kg |
Cauliflower | 15.5 kg |
Cabbage | 15.5 kg |
Melons | 15.5 kg |
Watermelon | 15.5 kg |
Cucumbers | 15.5 kg |
Squash | 15.5 kg |
Garlic | 18 kg |
Onions | 18 kg |
Sweet potatoes | 15.5 kg |
Tomatoes | 15.5 kg |
Eggplant | 15.5 kg |
Peppers | 15.5 kg |
Tomatoes | 15.5 kg |
Strawberries | 9 - 13.5 kg |