Delaro 325 SC
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Fungicides
- Registered until
- 2024-12-31
- Registration number
- 31533
- Active materials
- prothioconazole175 g/l
- trifloxystrobin150 g/l
Delaro combines two highly dynamic and complementary active ingredients – prothioconazole (Group 3) and trifloxystrobin (Group 11) for dual mode of action to provide quick and long-lasting protection
Broad-spectrum disease control for all major pulse and soybean stem, leaf and pod disease
To prevent contamination store this product away from food or feed.
Keep away from fire or open flame or other sources of heat.
Do not store at temperatures below freezing.
If stored for 1 year or longer, shake well before using.
Store the tightly closed container away from feeds, seeds, fertilizer, plants and foodstuffs.
Do not use or store in or around the home.
Keep in original container during storage.
In case of fire, leaking or damaged containers, call toll free 1-800-334-7577.
Recyclable Container Disposal: Do not reuse this container for any purpose. This is a recyclable container, and is to be disposed of at a container collection site. Contact your local distributor/dealer or municipality for the location of the nearest collection site. Before taking the container to the collection site:
1. Triple- or pressure-rinse the empty container. Add the rinsings to the spray mixture in the tank.
2. Make the empty, rinsed container unsuitable for further use.
If there is no container collection site in your area, dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements.
Returnable Container:
Do not reuse this container for any purpose. For disposal, this empty container may be returned to the point of purchase (distributor/dealer).
Disposal of Unused, Unwanted Product:
For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for cleanup of spills.
Disposal of Unused Spray Solution:
If any spray solution remains in the tank after spraying is finished, it should be sprayed on the perimeter of the area just sprayed, NOT ON THE CROP, away from water supplies, ditches, and irrigation canals. Buffer zones indicated in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE must also be respected.
Diseases: Mycosphaerella blight
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Ascochyta blight
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: White mould
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Grey mould
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Ascochyta blight
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Anthracnose
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: White mould
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Grey mould
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Ascochyta blight
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: White mould
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Grey mould
Rate: Registered application rate for field peas, lentils, chickpeas: 355 ml/ac. (20 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Apply at the beginning of flowering or at first sign of disease.
Diseases: Asian soybean rust
Rate: 236 ml/ac. (30 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Begin fungicide applications preventatively or at the first signs of disease from early flowering (R1) to complete pod fill (R5).
Diseases: Frog eye leaf spot
Rate: 236 ml/ac. (30 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Begin fungicide applications preventatively or at the first signs of disease from early flowering (R1) to complete pod fill (R5).
Diseases: Brown Spot
Rate: 236 ml/ac. (30 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Begin fungicide applications preventatively or at the first signs of disease from early flowering (R1) to complete pod fill (R5).
Diseases: Phomopsis stem blight
Rate: 236 ml/ac. (30 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Begin fungicide applications preventatively or at the first signs of disease from early flowering (R1) to complete pod fill (R5).
Diseases: Charcoal rot
Rate: 236 ml/ac. (30 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Begin fungicide applications preventatively or at the first signs of disease from early flowering (R1) to complete pod fill (R5).
Diseases: White mould
Rate: 236 ml/ac. (30 ac./jug)
Water Volumes: Ground – minimum of 10 US gal./ac. (38 L/ac.). Aerial – minimum of 5 US gal./ac. (19 L/ac.)
Timing: Begin fungicide applications preventatively or at the first signs of disease from early flowering (R1) to complete pod fill (R5).
Treated areas may be replanted with any crop specified on this label, including corn, cereals and sugarbeet, as soon as practical after the last application. For crops not listed on this label, do not plant back within 30 days of last application.
DELARO 325 SC Fungicide must be applied with properly calibrated, clean equipment.
Prior to adding DELARO 325 SC Fungicide to the spray tank, ensure that the spray tank is thoroughly clean.
DELARO 325 SC Fungicide applied alone:
Add one-half of the required amount of water to the spray or mixing tank and start agitation.
Add the required quantity of DELARO 325 SC Fungicide to the water and complete filling with water to the required total volume.
Maintain agitation throughout mixing and spraying.
Field peas
Ascochyta blight
Asian soybean rust
Brown Spot
Frog eye leaf spot
Grey mould
Mycosphaerella blight
White mould
Charcoal rot
Phomopsis stem blight
White mould
British Columbia
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Peas | 880 ml |
Chickpeas | 880 ml |
Lentils | 880 ml |
Soybeans | 572 ml |