
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

A fungicide for the control or suppression of powdery mildew, gray mold, and blossom blight in various crops and ornamentals.

Keep in original container during storage. Store product in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, and use within 12 months of the date of manufacture.
To prevent contamination store this product away from food or feed.

Do not reuse this container for any purpose. This is a recyclable container, and is to be disposed of at a container collection site. Contact your local distributor/dealer or municipality for the location of the nearest collection site.  Before taking the container to the collection site:
1. Triple- or pressure-rinse the empty container. Add the rinsings to the spray mixture in thetank.
2. Make the empty, rinsed container unsuitable for furtheruse.
If there is no container collection site in your area, dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements.
For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills.

FRACTURE FUNGICIDE is a broad spectrum, preventive biofungicide formulated as a suspension concentrate containing 20 percent active ingredient. FRACTURE FUNGICIDE is recommended for the control or suppression of listed plant diseases. It may be applied as a foliar spray in alternating spray programs with other registered pesticides. FRACTURE FUNGICIDE may be applied with spray equipment commonly used for making ground applications.
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Preparation of the Spray Solution: Insure the spray tank is clean and free of residues from previous spray treatments. Fill the spray tank 3/4 full with clean water. Shake the container and pour the required amount of FRACTURE FUNGICIDE into the sprayer tank while the tank agitation system is operating. Add specified amount of FRACTURE FUNGICIDE while filling with the appropriate amount of water into the spray tank. Maintain agitation. Do not store the mixture overnight.
Spray Volume: Apply FRACTURE FUNGICIDE in a minimum of 100 litres of spray solution per hectare, except as noted under “GENERAL” for each crop. Increase spray volume as crop growth increases to ensure thorough coverage of the foliage and fruit. Check equipment calibration frequently. Complete coverage and uniform application are essential for the most effective results, especially when lower spray volumes are applied.
To achieve optimum pest control, it is important to obtain thorough and uniform spray coverage of the plant. Choose a finished spray volume appropriate for the size of tree or vine and amount of foliage that will provide thorough coverage throughout the canopy. For certain pests, also follow recommendations listed under specific crop directions. Use higher dosage rates for heavy infestations or dense foliage. The specific length of residual control depends on environmental factors, plant growth, dosage rate, and degree of disease infestation.
FRACTURE FUNGICIDE may be mixed with foliar fertilizers, provided that the fertilizer is added after FRACTURE FUNGICIDE has been diluted to the recommended field application.
In some cases, tank mixing a pest control product with another pest control product or a fertilizer can result in biological effects that could include, but are not limited to: reduced pest efficacy or increased host crop injury. The user should contact FMC Corporation at 1-800-331-3148 for information before mixing any pesticide or fertilizer that is not specifically recommended on this label. The user assumes the risk of losses that result from the use of tank mixes that do not appear on this label or that are not specifically recommended by FMC Corporation.
Use of Adjuvants: The use of adjuvants with FRACTURE FUNGICIDE is not required.
Pre-Harvest Interval: FRACTURE FUNGICIDE can be applied up to and during the day of harvest.

Registered for culturesRate
Grapes1.5 - 3.3 l
Strawberries1.5 - 3.3 l
Tomatoes1.5 - 3.3 l
Almonds1.5 - 3.3 l
Apricots1.5 - 3.3 l
Cherries1.5 - 3.3 l
Nectarines1.5 - 3.3 l
Peaches1.5 - 3.3 l
Plums1.5 - 3.3 l