Lumax EZ
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2025-12-31
- Registration number
- 30864
- Active materials
- S-metolachlor298 g/l
- atrazine112 g/l
- mesotrione29.8 g/l
For Eastern Canada only.
A herbicide for preemergent field corn, production seed corn, and sweet corn and postemergent use in field corn for control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds.
Use good pesticide practices and apply only when the potential for drift to areas of human habitation or areas of human activity such as houses, cottages, schools and parks is minimal. Take into consideration wind speed, wind direction, temperature inversions, application equipment and sprayer settings used for applications.
For the protection of non-target habitats, over-spray or drift to any body of water or other environmentally sensitive habitats must be avoided. The interaction of many equipment and weather-related factors determines the potential for spray drift. The applicator is responsible for considering all these factors when making application decisions.
LUMAX EZ Herbicide provides selective control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds in corn. LUMAX EZ Herbicide has a high level of crop safety to allow for flexibility of application timing in corn. To ensure weed control during the critical weed free period, LUMAX EZ Herbicide may be applied surface preplant, preemergent and postemergent (up to the 6-leaf corn stage). LUMAX EZ Herbicide will not provide control of emerged grass weeds that are past the 2 leaf stage. LUMAX EZ Herbicide will only provide long-season control of the weeds listed below at the higher rate. At the low rate, LUMAX EZ Herbicide will provide short-term suppression.
LUMAX EZ Herbicide contains three active ingredients and is a one-pass broad-spectrum weed control product for use in corn. LUMAX EZ Herbicide may also be tank-mixed with non-selective herbicides to control a wide range of emerged weeds. Consult the tank mix partner labels for precautions, use rates and weeds controlled.
LUMAX EZ Herbicide will control:
Broadleaf Weeds (1): American nightshade, Eastern black nightshade, Common ragweed, Lady’s thumb, Lamb’s-quarters, Redroot pigweed, Velvetleaf, Wild buckwheat, Wild mustard.
Grasses: Barnyard grass; Crabgrass (smooth, hairy); Fall panicum; Foxtail (green, yellow, giant); Witchgrass.
(1) includes triazine and group 2 tolerant biotypes
NOTE: LUMAX EZ Herbicide contains benoxacor, which has been shown to enhance S-metolachlor metabolism in corn.
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
DO NOT apply more than 4.7 L/product/ha/season.
Buffer Zones
Use of the following spray methods or equipment DOES NOT require a buffer zone: hand-held or backpack sprayer and spot treatment.
The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.
Method of application - field sprayer (1)
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Aquatic habitat – 29
Marine/estuarine habitat – 10
Terrestrial habitat - 10
(1) For field sprayer application, buffer zones can be reduced with the use of drift reducing spray shields. When using a spray boom fitted with a full shield (shroud, curtain) that extends to the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 70%. When using a spray boom where individual nozzles are fitted with cone-shaped shields that are no more than 30 cm above the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 30%.
For tank mixes, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture and apply using the coarsest spray (ASAE) category indicated on the labels for those tank mix partners.
Application timing - surface preplant (2), preemergent and early postemergent (3)
Weeds controlled - annual grasses and broadleaf weeds
Rate / ha Lumax EZ herbicide – 4.7 L
Application timing - surface preplant
Weeds controlled - annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, emerged annual or perennial weeds
Rate / ha Lumax EZ herbicide – 4.7 L
Rate / ha tank mix partner (1) - 1.8-3.6 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL or 900-1800 g ae/ha glyphosate
Comments - LUMAX EZ Herbicide tank-mixed with TOUCHDOWN TOTAL or other glyphosate products will provide residual control of annual weeds listed above and burndown of emerged annual and perennial weeds.
Application timing - surface preplant and preemergent
Weeds controlled - for early season weed suppression only (4)
Rate / ha Lumax EZ herbicide – 3.35 L
Application timing - late postemergent application (5)
Weeds controlled - for late season weed suppression (6)
Rate / ha Lumax EZ herbicide – 3.35 L
Application timing - late postemergent application (5) in glyphosate tolerant corn
Weeds controlled - for late season weed suppression and control of emerged annual or perennial weeds (6)
Rate / ha Lumax EZ herbicide – 3.35 L
Rate / ha tank mix partner (1) – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL or 900 g ae/ha glyphosate
Comments - LUMAX EZ Herbicide tank-mixed with TOUCHDOWN TOTAL or other glyphosate products will provide residual control of annual weeds listed above and burn-down of emerged annual and perennial weeds.
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with LUMAX EZ Herbicide for specific instructions regarding product rates, weeds controlled, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(2) LUMAX EZ Herbicide may be applied to the soil surface up to 7 days before planting for minimum and no-till systems in corn. If possible, do not move the treated soil out of the row or move untreated soil to the surface during planting or weed control will be diminished.
(3) Apply when corn is in the spike to 2-leaf stage and before weeds pass the 2-leaf stage.
(4) Will provide suppression only through the critical crop establishment phase and is to be used in a planned weed management program with a post-emergent herbicide treatment. Monitor the species and growth stages of escapes in order to better select a post-emergent herbicide application.
(5) Apply to 3 – 6 leaf corn.
(6) Application must be made prior to weed emergence or if weeds have emerged a tank mix with TOUCHDOWN TOTAL in glyphosate tolerant corn is recommended.
Seed and sweet corn
Application timming - preemergent application
Weeds controlled- annual grasses and broadleaf weeds
Rate / ha Lumax EZ herbicide – 4.7 L
Pre-harvest intervals
Crops – PHI (days)
Field corn grain/stover – 100
Field corn forage – 90
Sweet corn - 50
LUMAX EZ Herbicide may be used surface preplant, preemergence, or postemergence on field corn and preemergence in production seed corn and sweet corn. Please refer to seed company recommendations before using LUMAX EZ Herbicide on production seed corn in-breds and sweet corn varieties.
Although LUMAX EZ Herbicide has a flexible recropping profile, certain crops may be sensitive to low concentrations in the soil. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to crop rotation plans prior to using LUMAX EZ Herbicide (refer to "RECROPPING GUIDELINES").
Do not apply when weather conditions may cause drift to non-target areas. To avoid spray drift, do not apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h (10 mph) or during periods of temperature inversions. Use of larger droplet sizes will also reduce spray drift.
Do not apply under conditions which favour runoff or wind erosion of soil containing LUMAX EZ Herbicide to non-target areas.
Make only one application of LUMAX EZ Herbicide per year. Do not apply other mesotrione-containing products to ground that has been treated with LUMAX EZ Herbicide in the same season.
Dry conditions following application may reduce the preemergent activity of LUMAX EZ Herbicide. If an activating rain (>1.25 cm) is not received within 7-10 days after a preemergent application, rotary hoeing is suggested to activate the herbicide.
Do not apply to soils that contain less than 1% or more than 10% organic matter.
Temporary crop injury (bleaching) may occur under extreme weather conditions or when the crop is under stress due to inadequate or abnormally high moisture levels or extreme temperatures as well as under conditions of insect or plant disease attack, carryover of pesticide residues, use of certain soil applied systemic insecticides, improperly placed fertilizers or soil insecticides. The symptoms are most visible where excessive rates have been applied, such as sprayer overlaps. Corn quickly outgrows these effects and continues to grow normally.
Do not make a foliar postemergent application of any organophosphate or carbamate insecticide within 7 days before or 7 days after a LUMAX EZ Herbicide application or severe corn injury may occur. Syngenta Canada Inc. will not be held responsible for losses or damage resulting from such use.
Severe corn injury and crop yield loss may occur if LUMAX EZ Herbicide is applied to corn crops that are treated with Lorsban.
LUMAX EZ Herbicide may be applied prior to or following a pyrethroid-type insecticide such as FORCE Insecticide or MATADOR 120EC Insecticide.
Do not apply LUMAX EZ Herbicide through any type of irrigation system
When tank mixing, always read the labels of the tank mix partners and follow all directions for use, precautions and restrictions.
Protect sprayer operators from drift or mist. Additional information on spray drift management for GROUND APPLICATIONS is provided in the section “SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT FOR GROUND APPLICATIONS”. When low volumes of spray are applied, complete coverage and thorough application are essential for most effective results. Schedule applications in accordance with local conditions. Consult your local agricultural authorities for specific use information.
Water Volume:
Apply in 100 – 200 litres per hectare.
Spray Pressure:
200 - 275 kPa
Spray Nozzles:
Flat Fan with 50 mesh or larger screens. Do not use floodjet or controlled droplet application equipment for postemergent application.
Mixing Procedure:
1. Ensure that the sprayer is totally clean.
2. Fill the sprayer half full with water. Engage gentle agitation. All return lines to the spray tank must discharge below the liquid level.
3. Ensure that the agitation system is working properly and that it creates a rippling or rolling action on the water surface.
4. Add LUMAX EZ Herbicide slowly and agitate until completely dispersed. To ensure complete dispersion, wait 2 or 3 minutes after LUMAX EZ Herbicide has been added to the tank.
5. Fill the tank to three quarters full with water.
6. Add the glyphosate-containing tank-mix partner, if required.
7. Continue agitation while completing the filling of the sprayer with water.
8. Always ensure that agitation is maintained until spraying is completed, even if stopped for brief periods of time. Reduce agitation once tank volume is reduced to about one third of capacity.
9. If agitation is stopped for more than 5 minutes, re-suspend the spray solution by running on full agitation prior to spraying. LUMAX EZ Herbicide must be sprayed the same day as mixing. Do not allow spray solution to remain in tank overnight.
10. Do not mix, load or clean spray equipment where there is a potential to contaminate wells or aquatic systems.
Certain crops have been shown to be sensitive to low residues of LUMAX EZ Herbicide in the soil. The minimum recropping interval is the time between the last application of LUMAX EZ Herbicide and the anticipated date of planting of the next crop.
To avoid injury to subsequent crops after an application at the recommended rate of LUMAX EZ Herbicide, the following recropping intervals should be observed.
Crop – minimal recropping interval
Field corn, production seed corn, silage corn and sweet corn - immediately (no restriction)
Winter wheat - 4.5 months
Spring wheat - 10 months
Soybeans, white beans, alfalfa - 11 months
All other crops - bioassay
Observe the recropping guidelines of any product to be tank mixed with LUMAX EZ Herbicide.
In the event of crop failure, only field corn (grain or silage), seed corn, or sweet corn can be planted as a salvage crop in the same fields in which the failed crop was treated with LUMAX EZ Herbicide.
Land treated with LUMAX EZ Herbicide CAN ONLY BE PLANTED TO A CROP NOT LISTED IN THE PRECEEDING TABLE if a field bioassay can be successfully performed. The bioassay must indicate normal growth with no yield reductions.
A bioassay may be conducted in any year following the year of application to assess the tolerance of the tested crop intended for planting in the year following the bioassay. Do not conduct a bioassay in the year of application. When conducting a field bioassay, it is very important to select a representative area(s) of the field previously treated with LUMAX EZ Herbicide to plant the test crop(s).
WARNING. Do not plant any crop other than corn in the same year on land treated with LUMAX EZ Herbicide as injury may occur. Crops that may be planted the following year are provided in the recropping guidelines. However, when the rotational crop is subjected to stress conditions, e.g. abnormally hot, dry weather, preceded by extended periods of dry weather the previous season, injury may occur. Do not tank mix with any other herbicide or additive unless listed on this label.
To avoid subsequent injury to other crops, thoroughly clean application equipment immediately after spraying each day. Ensure that all traces of the product are removed. Do not allow residue to dry in spray tank. Do not allow solution to remain in lines or tank overnight. The following procedures are recommended:
1. Drain and flush tank, boom and all hoses for several minutes with clean water. Ensure dead end lines are flushed. Do not clean the sprayer near desirable vegetation, wells or other water sources.
2. Prepare a cleaning solution of one part of household ammonia per 25 parts of water. A household detergent may also be added to the solution.
3. Use a pressure washer to clean the inside of the spray tank with this solution. Take care to wash all parts of the tank, including the inside top surface. If a pressure washer is not available, completely fill the sprayer with the cleaning solution to ensure contact of the cleaning solution with all internal surfaces of the tank and plumbing. Start agitation in the sprayer and thoroughly recirculate the cleaning solution for at least 15 minutes. All visible deposits must be removed from the spraying system.
4. Flush hoses, spray lines, and nozzles for at least 1 minute with the cleaning solution.
5. Dispose of all rinsings in accordance with provincial regulations.
6. Repeat steps 2-5.
7. Remove nozzles, screens, and strainers and clean separately in the ammonia solution after completing the above procedures.
8. Rinse the complete spraying system with clean water.
To reduce runoff from treated areas into aquatic habitats, consider the characteristics and conditions of the site before treatment. Site characteristics and conditions that may lead to runoff include, but are not limited to, heavy rainfall, moderate to steep slope, bare soil and poorly draining soil (e.g., soils that are compacted, fine textured or low in organic matter such as clay). Contamination of aquatic areas as a result of runoff may be reduced by including a vegetative strip (buffer zone) between the treated area and the edge of the water body. The use of this chemical may result in contamination of groundwater particularly in areas where soils are permeable (e.g., sand, loamy sand and sandy loam soils) and/or the depth to the water table is shallow. Avoid applying this product when heavy rain is forecast.
Toxic to small wild mammals, non-target terrestrial plants and aquatic organisms. Observe the buffer zones and precautionary measures listed. Do not overspray non-target terrestrial or aquatic habitats. Do not contaminate aquatic habitats when cleaning and rinsing spray equipment or containers.
Atrazine is persistent and will carry over. It is recommended that any products containing atrazine not be used in areas treated with this product during the previous season.
NOTE: One application of LUMAX EZ Herbicide provides 0.375 – 0.525 kg ai/ha of atrazine. Do not apply more than 1.5 kg ai/ha of atrazine per year either as a pre- or post-emergent application before corn reaches 30 cm in height. An additional treatment of a product containing atrazine can be made as long as the amount of atrazine applied does not exceed 0.975 kg ai/ha. Atrazine may be applied alone or as a registered tank mix partner. Refer to the tank mix partners for further instructions.
For resistance management, LUMAX EZ Herbicide is a Group 5, 15 and 27 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to LUMAX EZ Herbicide and other Group 5 and/or 15 and/or 27 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist.
Approved provinces - NB, NS, ON, PE, QC.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Corn | 3.35 - 4.7 l |