Peak 75WG

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Water Dispersible Granular (WG) Herbicide for Post-Emergent Broadleaf Weed Control in Field Corn, Winter Wheat, Seed Corn, Sorghum and Millet

PEAK 75WG Herbicide is a water dispersible granular herbicide for selective post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in field corn, winter wheat, forage sorghum and forage millet. PEAK 75WG Herbicide is recommended for use in these crops in Eastern Canada. It is non-corrosive, non-flammable and non-volatile. PEAK 75WG Herbicide is absorbed through the leaves and is rapidly translocated to the plant’s growing points. PEAK 75WG Herbicide has a high level of crop safety and is active on many broadleaf weeds at a variety of growth stages.
For broadleaf weed control, PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be used only in tank mix with one of the following herbicides:
Field corn- Banvel II Herbicide or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide
Winter wheat- Pardner Herbicide
Seed corn, forage sorghum, forage millet- Banvel II Herbicide
The tank mix components are added at rates of approximately one half of the normal use rates. The resulting PEAK 75WG Herbicide tank mix will provide superior crop safety and control of a broad-spectrum of broadleaf weeds over a wide range of application timing.
The PEAK 75WG Herbicide tank mix combines the activity of two distinct modes of action that controls weeds in two separate ways.
Thorough coverage of the weeds is essential for effective control with the PEAK 75WG Herbicide tank mixes. Depending on the weed species and growing conditions, visual symptoms of dying weeds (discolouration) take 1-3 weeks to appear. Symptoms are first visible in the youngest tissues. Death of plants usually occurs 2-4 weeks after application. Under unfavourable environmental conditions such as drought, heat, flooding, prolonged cool temperatures or insufficient fertility, adequate control may not be achieved and re-growth may occur.
Weed control may also be reduced if the crop canopy has closed in over the weeds, intercepting the spray.
Certain other crops may be sensitive to low concentrations of PEAK 75WG Herbicide in the soil. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to crop rotation plans prior to using PEAK 75WG Herbicide (refer to "RECROPPING GUIDELINES").

Timing of Application:
Apply PEAK 75WG Herbicide as a broadcast spray, with a tank mix partner and a recommended surfactant, to corn between the two and seven leaf stages. Since corn is very tolerant to PEAK 75WG Herbicide, application timing should be determined by weed growth. For optimum results, apply to actively growing weeds in the recommended leaf stage (Refer to “WEEDS CONTROLLED – FIELD CORN” section below).
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be applied with a recommended non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate (Refer to "MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS").

Tank Mixing:
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be tank mixed with either a non-ionic surfactant (AGRAL 90 PCP 11809, Ag-surf PCP 27921, 22881, 15881, or Citowett Plus) or a Crop Oil Concentrate (Assist PCP 16937) plus one of Banvel II Herbicide or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide. Do not use Crop Oil Concentrate if tank mixing with all Ultim herbicide formulations or Accent herbicide. See table below.
Use rate: 13.3 g/ha of PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v or Crop oil concentrate at 1.0% v/v plus one of Banvel II Herbicide at 0.3 L/ha or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide at 0.2 kg/ha
Area threated: PEAK 75WG Herbicide: at this rate, 1 soluble bag treats 1 ha (2.5 acres)

PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Banvel II Herbicide or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide + surfactant:
Weeds Controlled - Recommended Growth Stage at Application:
Buckwheat, Wild – 1 - 6 leaves
Cocklebur (1) - 1 - 6 leaves
Lady’s Thumb – 1 - 4 leaves
Lamb’s Quarters (including triazine-tolerant biotypes) – 1 - 6 leaves
Mustard, Wild – 2 - 12 leaves, prior to flowering
Pigweed, Redroot (including triazine-tolerant biotypes) – 1 - 6 leaves
Ragweed, Common – 1 - 8 leaves
Velvetleaf – 1 - 6 leaves
(1) Controlled only with PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Banvel II Herbicide tank mix

PEAK 75WG Herbicide plus Banvel II Herbicide or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide can be tank mixed with either Ultim Herbicide or Accent Herbicide to provide one-pass control of the broadleaf weeds and annual grass weeds as listed with each 3-way tank mix. See the table below for a list of weeds controlled and rates of use for tank mixes containing Ultim Herbicide or Accent Herbicide. Apply tank mixes containing Ultim Herbicide from the 2 to 6 leaf stage of corn. Tank mixes with Accent Herbicide can be applied from the 2 to 7 leaf stages of corn.

Weeds controlled:
Buckwheat, Wild (1) (1-6 leaves)
Lady’s Thumb (1-4 leaves)
Lamb’s Quarters (including triazine tolerant biotypes) (1-6 leaves)
Mustard, Wild (2-12 leaves, prior to flowering)
Pigweed, Redroot (including triazine tolerant biotypes) (1-6 leaves)
Ragweed, Common (1-8 leaves)
Velvetleaf (1) (1-6 leaves)
Green Foxtail (1) (1-6 leaves)
Yellow Foxtail (1) (1-6 leaves)
Barnyard Grass (1-6 leaves)
(1) Suppression only
PEAK 75WG Herbicide:
PEAK 75WG Herbicide + a recommended non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v (13.3 g/ha (1 soluble bag treats 1 ha))
Broadleaf weed partner:
Plus one of: Banvel II Herbicide (0.3 L/ha) or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide (0.2 kg/ha)
Grass control partner:
Plus: Accent 75DF Herbicide (33.4 g/ha (1 soluble bag treats 1 ha))

Weeds controlled:
Buckwheat, Wild (1-6 leaves)
Lady’s Thumb (1-4 leaves)
Lamb’s Quarters (including triazine tolerant biotypes) (1-6 leaves)
Mustard, Wild (2-12 leaves, prior to flowering)
Pigweed, Redroot (including triazine tolerant biotypes) (1-6 leaves)
Ragweed, Common (1-8 leaves)
Velvetleaf (1) (1-6 leaves)
Green Foxtail (1-6 leaves)
Yellow Foxtail (2) (1-6 leaves)
Barnyard Grass (1-6 leaves)
(1) Suppression only
(2) Suppression only with PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Banvel Dry EG Herbicide + Ultim 75DF Herbicide
PEAK 75WG Herbicide:
PEAK 75WG Herbicide + a recommended non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v (13.3 g/ha (1 soluble bag treats 1 ha))
Broadleaf weed partner:
Plus one of: Banvel II Herbicide (0.3 L/ha ) or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide (0.2 gg/ha)
Grass control partner:
Plus: Ultim 25DF Herbicide (100 g/ha (1 soluble bag treats 1 ha)) or Ultim 37.4DF Herbicide (66.7 g/ha (1 soluble bag treats 1 ha)) or Ultim 75DF Herbicide (33.7 g/ha (1 soluble bag treats 1 ha)

Timing of Application:
Apply PEAK 75WG Herbicide as a broadcast spray to wheat up to and including BBCH Growth Stage 32 (beginning of stem elongation). Since wheat is very tolerant to PEAK 75WG Herbicide, application timing should be determined by weed growth. For optimum results, apply to actively growing weeds in the recommended leaf stage (Refer to “WEEDS CONTROLLED- WINTER WHEAT” section below).
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be applied with a recommended non-ionic surfactant. Do not use a crop-oil concentrate (Refer to "MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS").
Tank Mixing:
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be tank mixed with either a non-ionic surfactant (AGRAL 90 PCP 11809, Agsurf PCP 27921, 22881, 15881, or Citowett Plus). Do not use Crop Oil Concentrate for use on winter wheat. See table below.
Use rate: 13.3 g/ha of PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v + 0.5 L/ha of Pardner Herbicide
Area threated: PEAK 75WG Herbicide: at this rate, 1 soluble bag treats 1 ha (2.5 acres)

PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Pardner + surfactant
Weeds Controlled - Recommended Growth Stage at Application:
Buckwheat, Wild – 1 - 6 leaves
Lady’s Thumb – 1 - 4 leaves
Lamb’s Quarters (including triazine-tolerant biotypes) – 1 - 6 leaves
Mustard, Wild – 2 - 12 leaves, prior to flowering
Pigweed, Redroot (including triazine-tolerant biotypes) – 1 - 6 leaves
Ragweed, Common – 1 - 6 leaves
Velvetleaf (1) – 2 - 6 leaves
(1) Suppression only.

PEAK 75WG Herbicide plus Pardner Herbicide can be tank mixed with either 0.25 – 0.5 L/ha of TILT 250E Fungicide or 0.75 – 1 L/ha of QUILT Fungicide to provide one-pass control of the broadleaf weeds listed above and certain diseases as listed with each 3-way tank mix. Consult the TILT 250E Fungicide or QUILT Fungicide labels for further information on diseases controlled. Apply all tank mixes up to the BBCH Growth Stage 32 (beginning of stem elongation) in wheat only. Refer to fungicide labels for best growth stage timing for spray for control of the fungicides listed. Do not harvest winter wheat treated with TILT 250E Fungicide or QUILT Fungicide for forage. Refer to all tank mix partner labels for further use instructions.

Do not apply PEAK 75WG Herbicide where its movement in the soil may place it in contact with non-target plants or their roots.
Do not use soils treated with PEAK 75WG Herbicide for gardens, lawns, etc. without consulting the "RECROPPING GUIDELINES" section.
Overspray or drift to important wildlife habitats such as shelterbelts, wetlands, sloughs or dry slough borders, water bodies and woodlots should be avoided. Leave buffer zones between the last spray swath and the edge of any of these habitats as indicated in the following table:

When PEAK 75WG Herbicide is Tank-Mixed with: - Leave a Buffer Zone of:
Banvel II Herbicide or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide - 20 metres
Banvel II Herbicide, Banvel Dry EG Herbicide + Ultim 75DF Herbicide - 20 metres
Banvel II Herbicide, Banvel Dry EG Herbicide + Accent Herbicide - 22 metres
Pardner Herbicide - 20 metres
Pardner Herbicide + TILT 250E Fungicide or QUILT Fungicide - 20 metres
For tank mixes, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture and apply using the coarsest spray (ASAE) category indicated on the labels for those tank mix partners.
Do not apply PEAK 75WG Herbicide under conditions where uniform coverage at label rates cannot be obtained. Avoid overlapping. Shut off spray boom while starting, turning, slowing or stopping to prevent crop injury from an excess application.
Do not allow spray or spray mist to drift onto adjacent sensitive crops or onto land which will be rotated to sensitive crops (see "RECROPPING GUIDELINES" section). Do not drain or flush spray equipment on or near desirable vegetation.
Do not use flood jet nozzles or controlled droplet application equipment.
For maximum crop safety, do not apply PEAK 75WG Herbicide to corn which has been treated with an organophosphorus insecticide, such as Counter (PCP 15268). If an IR corn hybrid is planted, organophosphorus insecticides can be used according to label directions without increasing the likelihood of injury to those hybrids when PEAK 75WG Herbicide is applied.
Do not apply PEAK to winter wheat if cold, wet environmental conditions that stress wheat are expected within 1 week after application. Cold, wet weather following PEAK applications to winter wheat may result in injury to the cereal crop; this injury is normally temporary and yields are not affected.
Do not apply when environmental conditions such as wind speed, temperature, relative humidity etc. are favourable for drift to occur.
Do not apply to terrain where there is a potential for surface run-off to enter aquatic systems.
Read and follow all use directions, restrictions and precautions of any products to be tank mixed with PEAK 75WG Herbicide.

Minimum of 150 litres per hectare.
Do not use liquid fertilizer as a carrier for PEAK 75WG Herbicide applications. Liquid fertilizer may prevent the water-soluble bags from dissolving properly.
200 - 300 kPa
Flat Fan with 50 mesh or larger screens. For uniform coverage and increased penetration of the crop canopy, set the nozzles at a downward angle of 90 degrees (90o).
PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Banvel II Herbicide or Banvel Dry EG Herbicide must be applied with either:
a) a recommended non-ionic surfactant such as AGRAL 90 (PCP 11809), Ag-Surf (PCP 27921, 22881, 15881) or Citowett Plus at 0.2% v/v (2.0 L for each 1000 L of spray mixture); or
b) a crop oil concentrate at 1.0% v/v (10 L for each 1000 L of spray mixture).
Do not use a crop oil concentrate if tank mixing with all Ultim herbicide formulations or Accent herbicide.
PEAK 75WG Herbicide + Pardner Herbicide plus (optional) TILT 250E Fungicide or QUILT Fungicide must be applied with:
a) a recommended non-ionic surfactant such as AGRAL 90 (PCP 11809), Ag-Surf (PCP 27921, 22881, 15881) or Citowett Plus at 0.2% v/v (2.0 L for each 1000 L of spray mixture).
Do not use a crop oil concentrate if tank mixing with Pardner Herbicide.
Do not apply if rain is expected within 4 hours after spraying.

1. Ensure that the sprayer is totally clean.
2. Fill the spray tank three quarters full with water. Engage gentle agitation.
NOTE: Growers using a sprayer with by-pass agitation should allow the water-soluble bags to completely dissolve before engaging the by-pass. Otherwise, undissolved bags could be sucked into the by-pass and plug the main screen.
3. Ensure the agitation system is working properly and that it creates a rippling or rolling action on the water surface.
4. Add the appropriate number of water-soluble bags of PEAK 75WG Herbicide and Ultim Herbicide or Accent Herbicide, if being used, directly into the spray tank. Do not touch water-soluble bags with wet gloves. Allow eight (8) minutes for complete mixing. The water-soluble bag may become brittle with age and exposure to cold temperatures. Longer mixing time may be required if the bag is brittle or if the water is cold.
5. Ensure PEAK 75WG Herbicide and Ultim Herbicide or Accent Herbicide, if being used, is completely in suspension before adding the desired broadleaf weed tank-mix partner. Agitate an additional 2 to 3 minutes, then add a recommended non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v (2.0 L for each 1000 L of water) or crop oil concentrate at 1.0% v/v (10 L for each 1000 L of water).
Do not use a crop oil concentrate if tank mixing with all Ultim herbicide formulations, Accent herbicide or Pardner herbicide.
6. Continue agitation while completing the filling of the sprayer.
7. Continuous agitation is required to keep PEAK 75WG Herbicide in suspension. Do not allow the spray mixture to stand without agitation.
8. Use the spray suspension as soon as it is prepared.
9. Water Soluble Bags must be dissolved in clean water. After spraying a tank load, some of the mixture will remain in the bottom of the tank. For repeat tank loads, pre-slurry PEAK 75WG Herbicide in 10 litres of clean water (in a pail) prior to adding to the spray tank.
10. Do not mix, load or clean spray equipment where there is a potential to contaminate wells or aquatic systems.

Certain crops have been shown to be highly sensitive to low residues of PEAK 75WG Herbicide in the soil. The risk of injury to rotational crops is affected by the application rate and by a combination of factors including soil parameters (i.e. soil type, soil temperature, soil pH), sensitivity of the rotational crop, rainfall levels and the recropping interval. The breakdown process is more rapid under conditions of high soil moisture, high soil temperature, and low soil pH. Degradation is generally slower under conditions of low soil moisture, low soil temperature, and high soil pH. The minimum recropping interval is the time between the last application of PEAK 75WG Herbicide and the anticipated date of planting of the next crop.
To avoid injury to subsequent crops after an application of the recommended rate of PEAK 75WG Herbicide, the following recropping intervals should be observed.

Crop – Minimal Interval (months)
Field Corn, Spring Barley, Spring Oats, Peas, Soybeans, White Beans – 10
Alfalfa – 22
All Other Crops – Field Bioassay
Observe the recropping guidelines of any product to be tank mixed with PEAK 75WG Herbicide.
Land treated with PEAK 75WG Herbicide CAN ONLY BE PLANTED TO A CROP NOT LISTED IN THE PRECEDING TABLE if a field bioassay can be successfully performed. The bioassay must indicate normal growth with no yield reductions.
When conducting a field bioassay, it is very important to select a representative area(s) of the field previously treated with PEAK 75WG Herbicide to plant the test crop(s).

Representative Sample:
Ensure that soil parameters such as soil texture, depth of top soil layer, soil pH and drainage of the test area selected are representative of the remainder of the field.
Sample Size:
The seeded area of each selected bioassay crop must be large enough to ensure that reliable results are obtained. The seedbed preparations and seeding of the bioassay crop(s) should be conducted the same way as when the entire field would be planted.
Other Residual Herbicides:
It is important that other herbicide products which are known to have residual activity were not applied to the field between the last application of PEAK 75WG Herbicide and the bioassay testing period. Avoid the use of other pesticides during the duration of the bioassay as they may damage the indicator crop(s).
Ideally, an untreated check strip in a neighbouring field should be established and monitored for comparison since growing conditions can vary greatly from year to year and may result in erroneous results.
The site should be monitored regularly throughout the growing season. Watch for any damage to the crop such as thinning, yellowing or stunting. A yield sample should be taken and compared to an adjacent untreated field.
Failure to follow these recropping guidelines could result in injury to seeded crop(s).

To avoid subsequent injury to other crops, thoroughly clean application equipment immediately after spraying. Ensure that all traces of the product are removed. The following procedures are recommended:
1. Drain and flush tank, boom and all hoses for several minutes with clean water containing a household detergent. Do not clean the sprayer near desirable vegetation, wells or other water sources.
2. Fill the sprayer tank with clean water and add one litre of household ammonia (containing 3% ammonia) per 100 litres of water. Allow the solution to agitate for 15 minutes prior to flushing the solution through the boom and nozzles. Drain the system.
3. Remove the nozzles and screens and wash separately in a bucket containing the ammonia solution.
4. Thoroughly rinse the tank, hoses, booms, nozzles and screens with clean water for a minimum of 5 minutes to remove all traces of ammonia.
5. Dispose of all rinsings in accordance with provincial regulations.
CAUTION: Do not use ammonia in conjunction with chlorine bleach as this could result in the release of chlorine gas which can cause severe eye, nose, throat and lung irritation. Do not clean sprayer equipment in an enclosed area.

The DIRECTIONS FOR USE for this product for the uses described below were developed by persons other than Syngenta Canada Inc. and accepted for registration by Health Canada under the User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion program. Syngenta Canada Inc. itself makes no representation or warranty with respect to performance (efficacy) and/or crop tolerance (phytotoxicity) claims for this product when used on the crops listed below.
Accordingly, the Buyer and User assume all risks related to performance and crop tolerance arising, and agree to hold Syngenta Canada Inc. harmless from any claims based on efficacy and/or phytotoxicity in connection with the uses described below.

Ground application only. Do not apply by air. Make only one post emergent application per year. Do not graze or cut sorghum or millet for forage within 60 days of application. Do not graze or cut sorghum or millet for grain within 120 days of application.
Timing of Application:
Apply PEAK 75WG Herbicide as a broadcast spray, with Banvel II Herbicide and a recommended surfactant, to grain and forage sorghum or grain and forage millet between the three and five leaf stages. For optimum results, apply to actively growing weeds when they are in the one to six leaf stage.
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be applied with a recommended non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate (See below).
Tank Mixing:
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be tank mixed with either a non-ionic surfactant (AGRAL 90 PCP 11809, Ag-surf PCP 27921, 22881, 15881 or Citowett Plus) or a Crop Oil Concentrate (Assist PCP 16937) plus Banvel II.
Use rate: 13.3 g/ha of PEAK 75WG Herbicide + non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v or crop oil concentrate at 1.0% v/v plus Banvel II herbicide at 0.3 L/ha
Area treated: At this rate, 1 soluble bag of PEAK 75WG Herbicide treats 1 ha (2.5 acres)
Weeds Controlled:
Cocklebur, Lady’s Thumb, Lamb’s Quarters (including triazine-tolerant biotypes), Wild Mustard, Redroot Pigweed (including triazine-tolerant biotypes), Common Ragweed, Velvetleaf

Ground application only. Do not apply by air. Make only one post emergent application per year. Do not graze or feed treated forage to livestock. Do not use seed from treated plants for food, feed or oil purposes. Consult the seed supplier for information on the tolerance of seed corn inbred lines prior to the use of PEAK 75WG Herbicide.
Timing of Application:
Apply PEAK 75WG Herbicide as a broadcast spray, with Banvel II Herbicide and a recommended surfactant, to seed corn between the two and seven leaf stages. For optimum results, apply to actively growing weeds when they are in the one to six leaf stage.
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be applied with a recommended non-ionic surfactant (See below).
Tank Mixing:
PEAK 75WG Herbicide must be tank mixed with a non-ionic surfactant plus Banvel II in a minimum spray volume of 150 litres per hectare.
Use rate: 13.3 g/ha of PEAK 75WG Herbicide + non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v plus Banvel II herbicide at 0.3 L/ha
Area treated: At this rate, 1 soluble bag of PEAK 75WG Herbicide treats 1 ha (2.5 acres)
Weeds Controlled:
Cocklebur, Lady’s Thumb, Lamb’s Quarters (including triazine-tolerant biotypes), Wild Mustard, Redroot Pigweed (including triazine-tolerant biotypes), Common Ragweed, Velvetleaf

Resistance-Management Recommendations
For resistance management, Peak 75WG is a Group 2 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Peak 75WG and other Group 2 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.

To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of Peak 75WG or other Group 2 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development. Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.

Registered for culturesRate
Corn13.3 g
Winter wheat13.3 g
Sorghum13.3 g
Millet13.3 g