Prowl H2O
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2025-12-31
- Registration number
- 29542
- Active materials
- pendimethalin455 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation/drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Field sprayer application
DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) medium classification.
DO NOT apply by air.
PROWL H2O herbicide applied on corn will control certain annual grass and annual broadleaved weeds (see appropriate section under Application Directions for weeds controlled).
PROWL H2O herbicide can be applied on corn alone as a pre-emergence treatment or in tank mix with atrazine, BANVEL II or MARKSMAN at pre-emergence or post-emergence timings. PROWL H2O herbicide may also be applied as a post-emergence treatment in tank mix with Elim EP 25% DF, Elim EP 25% DF plus BANVEL II, Accent 75 DF plus BANVEL II, glyphosate or MARKSMAN + glyphosate. Apply post-emergence tank mixes with glyphosate to glyphosate tolerant corn only (i.e., varieties with the Roundup Ready gene).
For burndown and residual control of selected annual weeds, PROWL H2O herbicide may be tank mixed with Roundup (1) or Touchdown iQ Liquid Herbicide and applied after seeding but before crop emergence.
PROWL H2O herbicide tank mixture treatments are most effective in controlling weeds when adequate rainfall is received within 7 days after application. If cultivation is necessary because of soil crusting, soil compaction, or weed germination before rain, use shallow tillage (such as rotary hoe), and make certain corn seeds are below the tilled area. After early post-emergence treatments, wait 7 to 10 days before cultivating. Annual grasses must be in the 2-leaf stage or smaller at the time of early post-emergence application. A shallow cultivation or rotary hoeing will generally result in improved weed control.
Read and follow the label of tank mix partner products regarding specific precautions, restrictions and application information.
(1) Roundup Original Liquid Herbicide, Roundup Transorb Liquid Herbicide, Roundup WeatherMax with Transorb 2 Technology Liquid Herbicide or Roundup Ultra2 Liquid Herbicide
Soil textures are classified as coarse, medium and fine. These terms are further defined as follows:
Coarse - sands, loamy sands, sandy loams
Medium - sandy clay loams, sandy clays, loams, silts, silt loams
Fine - silty clay loams, sandy clay loams, clay loams, silty clays, clays
PROWL H2O herbicide applied preplant to soybeans will provide residual control of select broadleaf weeds and annual grasses (see appropriate section under APPLICATION DIRECTIONS for weeds controlled).
PROWL H2O herbicide can be applied to soybeans as an early preplant surface application in tank mix with glyphosate or PURSUIT herbicide and glyphosate. PROWL H2O herbicide may also be applied as a preplant incorporated application to soybeans up to 45 days before planting in tank mix with PURSUIT herbicide.
PROWL H2O herbicide controls certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds as they germinate, but will not control established weeds. Unusually cold, excessively wet, or hot and dry conditions that delay germination or extend germination over a long period of time can reduce weed control.
Read and follow the label of tank mix partner products regarding specific precautions, restrictions and application information.
For control of selected annual weeds in adzuki, snap and lima beans, PROWL H2O herbicide may be applied as a preplant incorporated application at a rate of 2.37 L/ha. PROWL H2O herbicide controls certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds as they germinate, but will not control established weeds.
Uniformly apply with properly calibrated ground equipment using a minimum of 200 L water per hectare. PROWL H2O herbicide must be soil applied and incorporated into the soil prior to planting.
DO NOT apply after planting adzuki, snap and lima beans as crop injury may occur.
Adequate soil moisture is required for optimum activity. The amount of rainfall or irrigation required following application depends on existing soil moisture, soil texture and organic matter content. If adequate moisture is not received, then cultivation is recommended to control escaped weeds.
Unusually cold, excessively wet or hot and dry conditions that delay germination or extend germination over a long period of time may reduce weed control.
For control of selected annual weeds in white and kidney beans, PROWL H2O herbicide may be applied as a preplant incorporated application at a rate of 2.37 L/ha. PROWL H2O herbicide controls certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds as they germinate, but will not control established weeds.
Uniformly apply with properly calibrated ground equipment using a minimum of 200 L water per hectare. PROWL H2O herbicide must be soil applied and incorporated into the soil prior to planting.
DO NOT apply after planting white and kidney as crop injury may occur.
Adequate soil moisture is required for optimum activity. The amount of rainfall or irrigation required following application depends on existing soil moisture, soil texture and organic matter content. If adequate moisture is not received, then cultivation is recommended to control escaped weeds.
Unusually cold, excessively wet or hot and dry conditions that delay germination or extend germination over a long period of time may reduce weed control.
Prowl H2O herbicide will control key annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in green (bunching) onions and transplanted leeks grown on mineral soils. Uniformly apply the recommended rate of Prowl H2O herbicide as a single application at the 2 to 3 true leaf stage of green onions or after transplanting leeks and before weed emergence. PROWL H2O herbicide will not control emerged weeds. Destroy existing weeds before applying PROWL H2O herbicide. PROWL H2O herbicide treatments are most effective in controlling weeds when adequate rainfall or overhead irrigation is received within seven (7) days after application.
Uniformly apply with properly calibrated ground equipment using a minimum of 200 L water per hectare. Do not apply PROWL H2O herbicide in liquid fertilizers.
Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
Application Timing
Transplanted Leeks
After transplanting of leeks and before weed emergence
Green (Bunching) Onions
At the 2 to 3 true leaf stage after the crop has fully emerged and before weed emergence. Application made prior to full emergence may result in significant crop injury.
DRY BULB ONIONS ON MUCK SOIL (direct seed only)
PROWL H2O herbicide can be applied at the loop and 2-true-leaf stage of crop development. Uniformly apply the recommended rate of PROWL H2O herbicide in 250 or more litres of water per hectare by ground equipment. PROWL H2O herbicide treatments will NOT control emerged weeds. Destroy existing weeds before applying PROWL H2O herbicide. PROWL H2O herbicide treatments are most effective in controlling weeds when adequate rainfall or overhead irrigation is received within seven (7) days after application.
Prowl H2O Herbicide will control labeled weeds listed above in carrots grown on muck and mineral soils. Uniformly apply the recommended rate of Prowl H2O Herbicide as a single broadcast spray to the soil surface as a post-plant treatment within 2 days after planting and prior to the emergence of the crop and weeds. One application per year. Prowl H2O Herbicide will not control emerged weeds. Destroy existing weeds before applying Prowl H2O Herbicide. Prowl H2O Herbicide treatments are most effective in controlling weeds when adequate rainfall or overhead irrigation is received within seven (7) days after application.
Uniformly apply with properly calibrated ground equipment using a minimum of 200 L water per hectare.
Do not apply Prowl H2O Herbicide in liquid fertilizers.
Do not apply as a broadcast spray over top of carrots or crop injury may result.
Do not apply to carrots grown for seed production.
Do not feed forage or graze livestock in treated fields.
Do not apply within 90 days of harvest.
1. Fill tank one-half to three quarters full with clean water or liquid fertilizer and agitate. Prior to mixing PROWL H2O or PROWL H2O tank mixtures in liquid fertilizer, refer to appropriate label sections for recommended uses in liquid fertilizer, application instructions and compatibility determinations. DO NOT apply PROWL H2O herbicide post-emergence in liquid fertilizers. Apply post-emergence applications in water only.
2. PROWL H2O Herbicide Alone
When using PROWL H2O herbicide alone, add PROWL H2O to the partially filled tank while agitating and then fill the remainder of the tank with water or liquid fertilizer.
If applying with liquid fertilizer, pre-slurry PROWL H2O 1-to-1 with water prior to mixing with liquid fertilizers.
3. PROWL H2O Herbicide Tank Mixes
When applied as a tank-mix combination, read and observe all label directions, including rates, restrictions and grazing limitations for each product used in the tank-mix. Follow the more stringent label precautionary measures for mixing, loading and applying stated on both product labels.
Add the tank mixture ingredients in the order listed below prior to adding PROWL H2O herbicide:
a) Wettable Powder, Dry Flowable or Water Dispersible Granule Formulations: When using water as your carrier, add the dry material to the partially filled tank while agitating. If applying with liquid fertilizer, first make a slurry of the dry material in water (1:2 ratio) before adding to liquid fertilizer in spray tank.
b) PROWL H2O herbicide: Add PROWL H2O herbicide to the partially filled tank while agitating. If applying with liquid fertilizer, pre-slurry PROWL H2O 1-to-1 with water prior to mixing with liquid fertilizers. Ensure that PROWL H2O is completely mixed prior to adding additional tank mix products to tank.
c) LIQUID formulations: Add the liquid to the partially filled tank while agitating.
d) Emulsifiable Concentrate formulations: Add the EC to the partially filled tank while agitating.
e) Solution formulations, including glyphosate products: Add the solution to the partially filled tank while agitating. Add the glyphosate tank mix partner after any solution formulation products but prior to any surfactants.
After complete mixing, add PROWL H2O herbicide to the partially filled tank while agitating.
When tank mixing ELIM EP 25% DF, ELIM EP 25% DF plus BANVEL II, or ACCENT 75 DF plus BANVEL II, ensure that the tank mix is well mixed and in suspension, then add a recommended non-ionic surfactant such as CITOWETT PLUS, AGRAL or AG-SURF to the tank mix.
Fill the remainder of the tank with water or liquid fertilizer while agitating.
4. MAINTAIN CONTINUOUS AGITATION WHILE ADDING HERBICIDES AND UNTIL SPRAYING IS COMPLETE. If the spray mixture is allowed to settle for any period of time, thorough agitation is essential to re-suspend the mixture before spraying is resumed.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage.
PROWL H2O herbicide freezes around -9 C and is stable under conditions of freezing and thawing. If this product has been stored where freezing temperatures have occurred, agitate or mix contents of container well before use.
Recyclable Containers
Do not reuse this container for any purpose. This is a recyclable container, and is to be disposed of at a container collection site. Contact your local distributor/dealer or municipality for the location of the nearest collection site. Before taking the container to the collection site:
1. Triple- or pressure-rinse the empty container. Add the rinsings to the spray mixture in the tank.
2. Make the empty, rinsed container unsuitable for further use.
If there is no container collection site in your area, dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements. For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills.
Returnable Containers
Do not reuse this container for any purpose. For disposal, this empty container may be returned to point of purchase (distributor/dealer).
For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills.
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Corn | 3.7 l | |
Soybeans | 0 l | 100 |
Millet | 3.7 l | 120 |
Adzuki beans | 2.37 l | 90 |
Snap beans | 2.37 l | 50 |
Dry lima beans | 2.37 l | 80 |
Beans | 2.37 l | 90 |
Kidney beans | 2.37 l | 90 |
Onions | 2.37 - 6.6 l | |
Leeks | 2.37 l | |
Apples | 3.7 l | |
Peaches | 3.7 l | |
Nectarines | 3.7 l | |
Cherries | 3.7 l | |
Apricots | 3.7 l | |
Carrots | 3.7 - 6.6 l | 90 |