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Active materials

For resistance management, please note that Quash contains a Group 3 fungicide. Any fungal population may contain individuals naturally resistant to Quash and other group 3 fungicides. A gradual or total loss of pest control may occur over time if these fungicides are used repeatedly in the same fields. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance management strategies should be followed. To delay fungicide resistance: Where possible, rotate the use of Quash or other group 3 fungicides with different groups that control the same pathogens.
Avoid application of more than the maximum number listed in the label and consecutive sprays of Quash or other fungicides in the same group in a season.
Use tank mixtures with fungicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Fungicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to pesticide use and crop rotation and considers cultural, biological and other control practices. Where possible, make use of predictive disease models to effectively time fungicide/bactericide applications.
Monitor treated fungal populations for resistance development.
If disease continues to progress after treatment with this product, do not increase the use rate. Discontinue use of this product, and switch to another fungicide with a different target site of action, if available.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisor for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or IPM recommendations for specific crops or pathogens.


The active ingredient in Quash is metconazole, a broad-spectrum triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting demethylation and other processes in sterol biosynthesis. Quash is systemic and is quickly absorbed into plant tissue. Metconazole is absorbed quickly into the plant tissue and can move up, but not down, in the plant. Metconazole has no effect on fungal spore germination, but interferes with other early developmental processes in the life cycle of certain fungi. Although Quash cannot prevent spore germination, it prevents spore formation and inhibits mycelial growth. Quash is most effective when applied prior to infection. Optimal disease control is achieved when Quash is applied in a regularly scheduled spray program and used in combination and/or rotation with other effective fungicides that have different modes of action (i.e., non-Group 3 fungicides). Quash is a sterol biosynthesis inhibitor; avoid rotating with other sterol biosynthesis inhibitors. RAINFASTNESS Applications should not be made if rain is expected within 2 hours of application or disease control may be reduced.

Before applying Quash, start with clean, well maintained application equipment. The spray tank hoses and booms must be cleaned to ensure no residue from the previous spraying operations remain in the sprayer. The spray equipment must be cleaned according to the manufacturer's directions for the last product used before the equipment is used to apply Quash. If two or more products were tank mixed prior to Quash application, the most restrictive cleanup procedure should be followed. Application equipment should be clean and in good repair. Nozzles should be frequently checked for accuracy.

Clean sprayer equipment each day following Quash application. After application is complete, use the following steps to clean spray equipment:
1. Completely drain the spray tank, rinse the sprayer thoroughly, including the inside and outside of the tank and all in-line screens.
2. Fill the spray tank with clean water and flush all hoses, booms, screens, and nozzles.
3. Drain tank completely.
4. Remove all nozzles and screens and rinse them in clean water.

1. Fill clean spray tank 1/2 to 2/3 of desired level with clean water.
2. While agitating, slowly add the Quash to the spray tank. Agitation should create a rippling or rolling action on the water surface.
3. If tank mixing Quash with other labeled pesticides, add water soluble packets first, followed by dry formulations, flowables, emulsifiable concentrates and then solutions.
4. Add any required adjuvants.
5. Fill spray tank to desired level with water. Agitation should continue until all spray solution has been applied.
6. Mix only the amount of spray solution that can be applied the day of mixing. Apply Quash within 24 hours of mixing.

Apply Quash in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of foliage, blossoms, and fruit. Thorough coverage is required for optimal disease control. For ground application, apply a minimum of 200 L of spray mixture per hectare. For aerial application, apply a minimum of 50 L of spray mixture per hectare to ensure uniform coverage.

To minimize drift, apply the largest droplet size consistent with uniform coverage and satisfactory disease control. To obtain satisfactory application and avoid drift, the following directions must be observed:
Do not apply during low-level inversion conditions, when winds are gusty or under other conditions that favour drift. Do not spray when wind velocity is less than 3 km/h or more than 16 km/h.
Carrier Volume and Spray Pressure: Application at less than 50 litres per hectare may provide inadequate coverage and control. The higher litreage applications generally afford more consistent disease control. Do not exceed the nozzle manufacturer’s recommended pressures. For many nozzle types, lower pressure produces larger droplets. When higher flow rates are needed, use higher flow rate nozzles instead of increasing pressure.
Nozzle Selection and Orientation: Formation of very small drops may be minimized by appropriate nozzle selection, by orienting nozzles away from the air stream as much as possible and by avoiding excessive spray pressure. Use nozzles that produce flat fan or cone spray patterns. Use non-drip type nozzles, such as diaphragm type nozzles, to avoid unwanted discharge of spray solution. The nozzles must be directed toward the rear of the aircraft, producing a spray discharge at an angle between 0 and 15° downward. Do not place nozzles on the outer 25% of the wings or rotors.
Adjuvants and Drift Control Additives: Refer to tank mix partner’s label for adjuvant recommendation. Drift control additives may be used although it is better to obtain coarser sprays through appropriate nozzle selection and use wherever possible. When a drift control additive is used, read and carefully observe the cautionary statements and all other information appearing on the additive label, and be certain of compatibility with the tank mix and nozzle types being used before selecting any adjuvant types.

A 30-day plant back interval for all crops not listed on the label.

Quash should be used as a part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
Apply as a foliar spray in sufficient water to obtain thorough coverage of the plant.

As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.

Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.

Airblast application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT direct spray above plants to be treated. Turn off outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows. DO NOT apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at the application site as measured outside of the treatment area on the upwind side.

Aerial application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at flying height at the site of application. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. To reduce drift caused by turbulent wingtip vortices, the nozzle distribution along the spray boom length MUST NOT exceed 65% of the wing- or rotorspan.

Buffer zones:
Use of the following spray methods or equipment DO NOT require a buffer zone: hand-held or backpack sprayer and spot treatment. The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Canola140 - 280 g45
Peas280 g21
Chickpeas280 g21
Lentils280 g21
Potatoes175 - 280 g1
Beans280 g21
Blueberries180 g7
Black currant180 g7
Red currant180 g7
Sea buckthorns180 g7
Sunflowers280 g21