Stellar XL
- Manufacturer
- Dow AgroSciences
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2024-12-31
- Registration number
- 32099
- Active materials
- florasulam2.5 g/l
- fluroxypyr100 g/l
- MCPA350 g/l
Stellar XL Herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide for the control of hard-to-kill annual broadleaved weeds in spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, spring barley and oats. Stellar XL Herbicide is mixed with water and applied as a uniform broadcast spray.
Stellar XL Herbicide MUST be applied early postemergence, to the main flush of actively growing broadleaved weeds. Warm, moist growing conditions promote active weed growth and enhance the activity of Stellar XL Herbicide by allowing maximum foliar uptake and contact activity. Weeds hardened off by cold weather or drought stress may not be adequately controlled or suppressed and re-growth may occur. For best results, ensure thorough spray coverage of target weeds. See “DIRECTIONS FOR USE” section of this label for complete use details.
Stellar XL Herbicide stops growth of susceptible weeds rapidly. However, typical symptoms (discolouration) of dying weeds may not be noticeable for 1 to 2 weeks after application, depending upon growing conditions and weed susceptibility. Degree of control and duration of effect are dependent on weed sensitivity, weed size, crop competition, growing conditions at and following treatment, and spray coverage.
Stellar XL Herbicide contains a Group 2 and a 4 mode of action herbicide. The Group 2 mode of action herbicide inhibits the production of the ALS enzyme in plants. This enzyme is essential for the production of certain amino acids required for plant growth. The Group 4 mode of action herbicide disrupts normal plant growth regulation resulting in death of susceptible plants.
Sensitive Plants
Do not apply Stellar XL Herbicide directly to, or otherwise permit it to come in direct contact with susceptible crops or desirable plants including alfalfa, edible beans, canola, flowers and ornamentals, lentils, lettuce, peas, potatoes, radishes, soybeans, sugar beets, sunflowers, tomatoes or tobacco.
Apply only when the potential for drift to areas of human habitation or areas of human activity such as houses, cottages, schools and recreational areas is minimal. Take into consideration wind speed, wind direction, temperature inversions, application equipment and sprayer settings.
Non-Target Sites
Do not apply where proximity of susceptible crops or other desirable plants is likely to result in exposure to spray or spray drift. See Environmental Hazards section of the label.
Crop Rotation
Fields previously treated with Stellar XL Herbicide can be seeded the following year to barley, canola, corn, field beans, flax, lentils, mustard, oats, peas, potato, soybean, sunflower or wheat or fields can be summerfallowed.
This product has potential to leach. Do not apply excessive irrigation. Do not use in successive years at the same site.
Tank Mixtures
In some cases, tank mixing a pest control product with another pest control product or a fertilizer can result in biological effects that could include, but are not limited to: reduced pest efficacy or increased host crop injury. The user should contact Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. at 1-800-667-3852 or for information before mixing any pesticide or fertilizer that is not specifically recommended on this label. The user assumes the risk of losses that result from the use of tank mixes that do not appear on this label or that are not specifically recommended by Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc.
Spray Equipment Precaution
Do not apply through any type of irrigation system.
To Reduce Spray Drift:
1. Use nozzles delivering higher volumes and coarser droplets.
2. Use low pressures (200 to 275 kPa).
3. Use 100 L/ha of spray solution.
4. Spray when the wind velocity is 15 km/hr or less.
5. Spot treatments should only be applied with a calibrated boom to prevent over-application.
Sprayer Clean-Out Instructions
To avoid injury to desirable plants, thoroughly clean equipment used to apply this product before re-use or using it to apply other chemicals.
1. Immediately after spraying, completely drain the sprayer tank. Any contamination on the outside of the spraying equipment should be removed by washing with clean water.
2. First rinse:
Spray the inside of tank with clean water and fill the sprayer with at least one tenth of the spray tank volume.
Agitate and circulate for 15 minutes, and flush through booms and hoses.
Remove end caps or open ball valves on the ends of each boom section, and flush solution through the boom ends to ensure there is no spray solution trapped between the boom end and the nozzles.
Drain tank completely.
3. Second rinse:
Fill the tank with clean water.
Add All Clear Spray Tank Decontaminator plus 1 L of household ammonia (containing a minimum of 3 % ammonia) per 100 L of water while filling the tank with clean water.
Agitate and then flush the boom and hoses with the cleaning solution. Top up with water making sure the tank is completely full. Allow to stand for 15 minutes with agitation. Flush the solution out of the spray tank through the spray booms. Remove end caps or open ball valves on the ends of each boom section, and flush solution through the boom ends to ensure there is no spray solution trapped between the boom end and the nozzles.
If possible, let the solution stand in the sprayer tank and booms for an extended period of time, overnight if possible.
After flushing the boom and hoses, drain tank completely.
Remove nozzles and screens and clean separately with a cleaning agent or an ammonia solution (100 mL in 10 L water).
4. Third rinse:
Rinse the tank with clean water and flush through the boom and hoses using at least one tenth of the spray tank volume.
Remove end caps or open ball valves on the ends of each boom section, and flush solution through the boom ends to ensure there is no spray solution trapped between the boom end and the nozzles.
Drain tank completely.
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated area for 12 hours following application.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE S572.1) coarse classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
DO NOT apply by air.
Crops Registered
spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, spring barley and oats
Application Directions
For control of a wide spectrum of broadleaved weeds (see the following list of weeds controlled), apply Stellar XL Herbicide at 1.0 L/ha in a minimum of 100 L per hectare of water. Apply to spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, spring barley and oats from the 2 leaf expanded to 6 leaf stage. Apply when weeds are actively growing (2-4 leaf stage). Only weeds emerged at the time of treatment will be controlled. Best results are obtained from applications made to seedling weeds.
Weeds Controlled or Suppressed by Stellar XL Herbicide
Weeds Controlled:
burdock, Russian pigweed, cleavers(1-8 whorl) ♦, shepherd’s-purse, cocklebur, smartweed, common chickweed, stinkweed, flixweed, sunflower (annual), hemp nettle, vetch, kochia♦, volunteer canola, lamb’s-quarters, volunteer flax, plantain, wild buckwheat, prickly lettuce, wild mustard, ragweed, wild radish, redroot pigweed
♦ including ALS resistant biotypes
Weeds Suppressed:
Mixing Instructions
1. Fill sprayer tank 1/2 full of water
2. Start sprayer tank agitation
3. Add the required amount of Stellar XL Herbicide
4. Complete filling the sprayer tank with sufficient water to spray 100 L of spray mixture per hectare
5. Follow sprayer directions and precautions as outlined above, especially when applying next to sensitive crops (e.g. canola and legumes)
6. Follow sprayer clean-up directions
Note: Do not add a surfactant to this product.
Pre-Harvest/Grazing Intervals
1. Do not cut the treated crop for hay or graze treated crop within 7 days after application.
2. Do not harvest the treated crop within 60 days after application.
Crops Registered
Spring wheat, winter wheat, durum wheat and spring barley (see table below for exclusions)
Application Directions
Tank mixtures of Stellar XL Herbicide with other herbicides will provide control of additional broadleaved weeds and specified annual grasses. Apply when crops and weeds are actively growing. Only weeds emerged at the time of treatment will be controlled. Best results are obtained from applications made to seedling weeds. Follow the most stringent of all precautions, restrictions, minimum interval to harvest and directions for use on the Stellar XL Herbicide and tank-mix partner labels.
Stellar XL Broadleaf Tank Mix Combinations plus Other Herbicides for Annual Grass Control and Additional Broadleaved Weeds
Herbicide Tank Mix Partner: SimplicityTM GoDRITM Herbicide
Crops Registered: spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat
Adjuvant and Rate: Refer to the SimplicityTM GoDRITM Herbicide label
Rate Product/ha: 52 g/ha
Additional Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Wild oats**
Rate Product/ha: 70 g/ha
Additional Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Annual grass weeds: barnyard grass, Japanese Brome, yellow foxtail, wild oats, green foxtail
Broadleaved weeds:
corn spurry, cow cockle, round-leaved mallow, Russian thistle, dandelion, Canada thistle
Herbicide Tank Mix Partner: Assert 300 SC Herbicide
Crops Registered: spring wheat, durum wheat & spring barley
Rate Product/ha: 1.6 L
Adjuvant and Rate: Refer to the Assert 300 SC Herbicide label
Additional Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Annual grass weeds: wild oats
Herbicide Tank Mix Partner: Axial BIA Herbicide
Crops Registered: spring wheat & spring barley
Rate Product/ha: 1.2 L
Adjuvant and Rate: included
Additional Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Annual grass weeds: wild oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, barnyard grass, volunteer oats, volunteer canary seed, proso millet
Herbicide Tank Mix Partner: Everest 2.0 Herbicide*
Crops Registered: spring wheat & durum wheat
Rate Product/ha: 36-72 mL/ha
Adjuvant and Rate: Non-ionic surfactant (see label) 0.25% v/v
Additional Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Annual grass weeds: wild oats, green foxtail, volunteer tame oats
Herbicide Tank Mix Partner: Traxos Herbicide
Crops Registered: spring wheat & durum wheat
Rate Product/ha: 1.2 L
Adjuvant and Rate: included
Additional Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Annual Grass Weeds: wild oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, volunteer oats, Persian darnel, volunteer canary seed, proso millet
* Wheat (including durum) exposed to water-logged or saturated soils, or temperature extremes such as heat or freezing weather, or drought, low fertility or plant disease at application time could show unacceptable injury symptoms. Weed control may also be reduced by these same conditions.
**Only for control of low wild oats populations (<75 plants/m2).
Mixing Instructions
1. Fill sprayer tank 1/2 full of water.
2. Start sprayer tank agitation.
3. Add the WG herbicides first, then liquids, depending on the mixture followed by Stellar XL Herbicide and continue to agitate.
4. Add the required amount of tank-mix partner.
5. Fill the sprayer tank with sufficient water to spray 100 L of spray mixture per hectare.
Note: Add only the adjuvant recommended. Follow tank-mix partner label for order of mixing.
Use of the following spray methods or equipment DO NOT require a buffer zone: hand-held or backpack sprayer and spot treatment.
The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands) and sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands).
Method of application: Field sprayer
Crop: Wheat, barley, oats
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 1
Greater than 1 m: 0
Terrestrial habitat: 1
For tank mixes, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture and apply using the coarsest spray (ASAE) category indicated on the labels for those tank mix partners.
The buffer zones for this product can be modified based on weather conditions and spray equipment configuration by accessing the Buffer Zone Calculator on the Pest Management Regulatory Agency web site.
For resistance management Stellar XL Herbicide is a Group 2 and Group 4 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Stellar XL Herbicide and other Group 2 and Group 4 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of Stellar XL Herbicide or other Group 2 and Group 4 herbicides within a growing season (sequence) or among growing seasons with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted. To delay resistance, the less resistance-prone partner should control the target weed(s) as effectively as the more resistance-prone partner.
Herbicide use should be based on an integrated weed management program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical control methods), cultural (for example, higher crop seeding rates; precision fertilizer application method and timing to favour the crop and not the weeds), biological (weed-competitive crops or varieties) and other management practices.
Monitor treated weed populations after herbicide application for signs of resistance development. (for example, only one weed species on the herbicide label not controlled). If resistance is suspected, prevent weed seed production in the affected area if possible by an alternative herbicide from a different group. Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment when moving between fields, and planting clean seed.
Have suspected resistant weed seeds tested by a qualified laboratory to confirm resistance and identify alternative herbicide options.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.
NOTICE TO USER: This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. It is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label. The user assumes the risk to persons or property that arises from any such use of this product.
Registered for cultures | Rate | BBCH | Preharvest Interval |
Winter wheat | 1 l | 2 - 6 | 60 |
Spring wheat | 1 l | 2 - 6 | 60 |
Spring barley | 1 l | 2 - 6 | 60 |
Spring oats | 1 l | 2 - 6 | 60 |
Winter oats | 1 l | 2 - 6 | 60 |