Triflurex 40 EC
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 17223
- Active materials
- trifluralin412 g/l
Carefully read these instructions fully before using TRIFLUREX 40 EC. Usage not in accordance with these instructions may result in inadequate weed control and may damage crop. TRIFLUREX 40 EC is a pre-emergence herbicide which is sprayed on and then mechanically mixed or incorporated into the soil. It kills weeds as they germinate. It does not kill established weeds. TRIFLUREX 40 EC gives long lasting control of seedlings of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds detailed below.
WARNING: Populations of green foxtail tolerant to trifluralin have developed in a number of fields in Western Canada which have had a long history of repeated trifluralin use. Trifluralin or ethalfluralin containing products (i.e. TREFLAN, HERITAGE, TRIFLUREX, RIVAL, ADVANCE, FORTRESS, and EDGE) will not control trifluralin tolerant green foxtail. To delay selection or reduce the spread of trifluralin tolerant green foxtail, avoid use of these products repeatedly in the same field, or use a separate herbicide application for control of trifluralin tolerant green foxtail.
Special attention must be paid to the following aspects of usage:
- Rates must be accurately applied.
- Apply only on soil types indicated (this excluded peat and muck soils).
- Apply only to soils with less than 15% organic matter that are dry and in good working condition. Soils with the potential of becoming waterlogged must not be treated.
- Incorporation is an essential part of application. When correctly applied to crops under normal conditions, TRIFLUREX 40 EC will not harm the crop. Any stress factors such as wet soils, incorrect planting depth, seedling disease, low temperatures, excessive salt in the soil or drought, could bring about damage to the crop from TRIFLUREX 40 EC.
- It is recommended that the following crops not follow TRIFLUREX 40 EC in the rotation cycle: Oats;
Small seeded annual grasses such as Canary grass; Sugarbeets; Creeping Red Fescue; Timothy grass.
Under normal conditions there will not be carryover; however, the above recommendation is precautionary.
- TRIFLUREX 40 EC may damage transplants weakened by any cause resulting in reduced crop yield.
To prevent damage:
1. Plant only healthy transplants.
2. Do not plant when cool, wet, or unfavourable growing conditions exist.
3. Follow application and incorporation directions exactly.
For resistance management, Triflurex 40 EC is a Group 3 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Triflurex 40 EC and other Group 3 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
To delay herbicide resistance:
• Where possible, rotate the use of Triflurex 40 EC or other Group 3 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
• Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
• Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
• Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
• Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.
• Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.
For further information or to report suspected resistance, contact Adama Agricultural Solutions Canada at 855-264-6262
DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application.
Discard clothing or other absorbent materials that have been heavily contaminated with this product. DO NOT reuse them .
Users should remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing.
DO NOT apply this product directly to freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs, ditches and wetlands), estuaries or marine habitats.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
To minimize the release of trifluralin into the environment due to volatilization, trifluralin should only be applied on cool mornings and evenings when air temperatures are 15°C or lower. To further reduce volatilization to the atmosphere, incorporation into the soil should occur concurrently with application.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplet smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
DO NOT apply by air.
Buffer zones:
Use of the following spray methods or equipment DO NOT require a buffer zone: interrow hooded sprayer, spot treatment, soil drench, and soil incorporation.
The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, rangelands, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.
Method of application: Field sprayer*
Crop: Fall seeded wheat
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 35
Greater than 1 m: 4
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 3
Greater than 1 m: 1
Terrestrial habitat: 0
Crop: Rutabaga, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, white turnips, forage kale, and forage rape
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 55
Greater than 1 m: 5
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 4
Greater than 1 m: 2
Terrestrial habitat: 1
Crop: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and crambe, and sweet clover
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 70
Greater than 1 m: 10
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 5
Greater than 1 m: 2
Terrestrial habitat: 1
Crop: Alfalfa, beans (common, dry, kidney, black, Lima), fababeans, snapbeans, peas, soybeans, sunflowers, lentils, barley and wheat, canola/rapeseed, triazine tolerant rapeseed, flax, mustard and safflower
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 80
Greater than 1 m: 10
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 5
Greater than 1 m: 3
Terrestrial habitat: 1
Crop: Asparagus, broccoli and cabbage.
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 90
Greater than 1 m: 10
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 5
Greater than 1 m: 3
Terrestrial habitat: 1
Crop: Woody and perennial ornamental planting and nursery stock (field and container grown), shelterbelts (American elm, caragana, green ash, Scotch pine, Siberian elm)
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 120
Greater than 1 m: 20
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 15
Greater than 1 m: 5
Terrestrial habitat: 1
*For field sprayer application, buffer zon es can be reduced with the use of drift reducing sp ray shields. When using a spray boom fitted with a full shield (shroud, curtain) that extends to the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 70% .
When using a spray boom where individual nozzles are fitted with cone-shaped shields that are no more than 30 cm above the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 30%.
When a tank mixture is used, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture.
Cultivate to destroy existing weeds before TRIFLUREX 40 EC application. When applying to stubble fields, chop and thoroughly mix crop residues into soil to a depth of 10-15 cm. Disc-type implements provide the best results. See table below for weeds controlled and crops registered.
Add the recommended amount of TRIFLUREX 40 EC to clean water in the spray tank during the filling operation and agitate thoroughly. Apply in at least 100 litres of water per hectare (broadcast basis) using any properly calibrated low-pressure herbicide sprayer that will apply the spray uniformly. Check the sprayer daily to ensure proper calibration and uniform application. Apply with ground equipment only. Apply TRIFLUREX 40 EC to soil surface and incorporate in the same operation if possible. Ensure that large clods are broken. Do not delay incorporation more than 8 hours after application. When applied as directed, TRIFLUREX 40 EC will not harm crops that follow in rotation; however, over-application, non-uniform application or other excess application may cause injury to crops that follow in rotation.
To incorporate, work TRIFLUREX 40 EC into soil in two different directions. Use a tandem disc, discer or field (Vibrashank-type) cultivator for the first incorporation, set to work 7.5-10 cm deep. Disc or cultivate in cross direction at the same depth. Operate disc implements 6.5-10 km/hr, cultivators at 10-13 km/hr.
TRIFLUREX 40 EC should not be incorporated with field cultivator when soil is crusted, lumpy or too wet for good mixing action. Disc-type implements are preferred on stubble. Incorporation with implements set to cut less than 7.5 cm deep or more than 10 cm deep may result in erratic weed control or crop damage. Rod weeders, harrows or hoe drills will not properly incorporate TRIFLUREX 40 EC.
Check application rates and incorporation instructions. Ensure timely incorporation. Apply between September 1st and before soil freeze-up for weed control the following year. Two incorporations in the fall are recommended to be followed by shallow tillage (5-8 cm) in the spring before planting. However, if this is not convenient, the first incorporation within 8 hours of spraying can be followed by a second in the spring when the seed bed is being prepared. Always ensure incorporation to the correct depth. (See spring tillage recommendation below).
Check application rates and incorporation instructions, Ensure timely incorporation. Apply TRIFLUREX 40 EC to summer fallow between June 1st and September 1st. Ensure that incorporation must be within 8 hours of spraying. The timing of subsequent incorporation can be suited to the necessity to destroy resistant weed growth later in the season. Before planting in the spring, ensure shallow tillage (5-8 cm). (See Spring tillage recommendations below)
In spring, once the soil is warm enough to promote germination, it must be tilled if summer or fall applications of TRIFLUREX 40 EC have been made. Till to a depth of 5-8 cm with a suitable implement such as a disc or Vibrashank cultivator. Follow accepted practices and prevent transplanting weed seedlings.
TRIFLUREX 40 EC may be mixed with liquid nitrogen fertilizer, (e.g. 28-0-0) for application either preplant soil incorporated or postplant incorporated. TRIFLUREX 40 EC may also be tank-mixed with Avadex BW® and liquid fertilizer for postplant incorporated application in wheat or barley. All TRIFLUREX 40 EC label recommendations regarding rates per hectare, approved crops, incorporation, special instructions, cautions and special precautions must be followed. TRIFLUREX 40 EC should be poured directly into the liquid fertilizer, mixed thoroughly and applied as soon as possible. Constant agitation is needed until application is complete. Apply the TRIFLUREX 40 EC fertilizer mixture with a properly calibrated sprayer. Ensure that the material is applied uniformly to the soil surface. Follow normal TRIFLUREX 40 EC incorporation procedures.
COMPATIBILITY TEST: Because of the wide range of fertilizer products, small amounts of liquid fertilizer and TRIFLUREX 40 EC should be tested for compatibility using the following method prior to tank mixing:
(1) Place 500 mL of liquid fertilizer into a 1 L jar.
(2) Pour in 10 mL of TRIFLUREX 40 EC.
(3) Close jar and shake well.
(4) Leave jar sit for 5 minutes.
TRIFLUREX 40 EC and fertilizer are compatible if TRIFLUREX 40 EC remains in suspension. If the TRIFLUREX 40 EC settles out quickly but goes into suspension easily upon shaking, the mixture may be used provided constant agitation is utilized.
The following weeds are controlled with TRIFLUREX 40 EC when sprayed according to these instructions:
Annual Grass:
Wild Oats*, Green & Yellow Foxtail (Wild Millet), Barnyardgrass Pigweed, Crabgrass, Bromegrass, Cheat, Stinkgrass, Goosegrass, Annual Bluegrass, Persian Darnel
Annual Broadleaves:
Wild Buckwheat*, Cowcockle, Pigweed, Lambsquarters, Russian Thistle, Chickweed, Purslane, Knotweed, Carpetweed
NOTE: *Wild Oats and Wild Buckwheat are not fully controlled but suppressed by TRIFLUREX 40 EC.
Crop growth will not be seriously hampered by these suppressed weeds.
Rapeseed (Canola), Sunflower, Dry Common Beans (Field Kidney or Black Beans, Peas (Field or Canning), Faba Beans
(Horsebeans), Transplanted Shelterbelts, Sweet Clover (spring only), Triazine-tolerant Rapeseed, Mustard, Crambe, Wheat, Barley,
Flax, Safflower, Lentil (fall only)
The use of TRIFLUREX 40 EC on oilseed crops will provide control of certain broadleaf weeds and wild oats and non-tolerant green foxtail or millet. Trifluralin-tolerant green foxtail or millet will not be controlled and may require the subsequent spraying of a post-emergent herbicide.
Soil Texture:
Light: Sand Sandy loam (Less than 6% Organic matter)
Medium or Heavy: Loam, Sift loam, Silt Sandy clay loam (all soil with 6- 15% organic matter), Silty clay loam, Clay loam, Silty clay,Clay
Crop: Rapeseed, Sunflower, Mustard, Faba Beans, Crambe, Peas (Field & Canning), Dry Common Beans (Field, Kidney and Black beans), Triazine-tolerant Rapeseed, Safflower, Sweet Clover
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light soil: 2.0
Medium or Heavy soil: 2.75
Remarks: TRIFLUREX 40 EC can be applied immediately prior or up to 3 weeks before planting.
Crop: Shelterbelts (American elm, caragana, green ash, Scotch pine, and Siberian elm)
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light soil: 5.5
Medium or Heavy soil: 11.0
Remarks: Apply prior to transplanting seedlings. The higher rate of application will result in better weed control and longer persistence in the soil.
Crop: Rapeseed, Sunflower, Mustard, Flax, (do not use on low linolenic acid varieties) Peas, Faba Beans, Dry Common Beans (Field, Kidney or Black Beans), Lentils, Triazine-tolerant Rapeseed, Safflower.
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light soil: 2.75
Medium or Heavy soil: 3.5
Remarks: Apply and incorporate between September 1st and up to soil freeze-up.
Crop: Rapeseed, Flax, Triazine-tolerant Rapeseed, Safflower
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light soil: All soils 4.25
Medium or Heavy soil: 4.25
Remarks: Apply and incorporate between June 1st and September 1st. Second and subsequent incorporations may be done any time up to soil freeze-up.
NOTE: Do not delay incorporation more than 8 hours after application.
Most Green Foxtail seeds germinate in the upper 5 cm of the soil. TRIFLUREX 40 EC sprayed and incorporated into this zone will prevent germination. Wheat and Barley seed should be sown below this layer (5-8 cm deep) to prevent crop damage. Apply and incorporate TRIFLUREX 40 EC after planting but before emergence of
Wheat and Barley.
RECOMMENDED RATES: Light Soils 1.4 L/Ha; Heavy Soils 2.1 L/ha
Seed the crop to a depth of 5-8 cm. in a well-tilled seedbed. Before crop emergence apply TRIFLUREX 40 EC at the recommended rate (see above) according to the following procedure.
- Use a low pressure sprayer which delivers spray mix uniformly. Calibrate before operation. Calculate the quantity of TRIFLUREX 40 EC needed. Use at least 100 L water in the spray tank per hectare (broadcast basis). Add TRIFLUREX 40 EC to the spray tank while filling up with clean water. Agitate thoroughly.
- Check sprayer operation daily before spraying and regularly while spraying to ensure maintenance of calibration and uniform application.
- The soil surface must be clean of trash or have been fallowed the previous year. Incorporate to a shallow depth in two directions (see Mode of Action above). Use diamond harrows, tyne harrows or other similar implements traveling at 8 km/hr. Where possible spray and incorporate in the same operation. Incorporate twice within 8 hours.
Post plant, pre-emergence application:
Apply only to trash free soils or soils fallowed the previous year. Seed to a depth of 5-8 cm with a conventional seeder. Apply and incorporate in the spring after planting prior to the emergence of the crop.
Caution must be taken to incorporate shallow above the crop seeds (see Mode of Action above). Use diamond harrows, tyne harrows or other similar implements. Incorporate in two different directions. Add AVADEX BW® at a rate of 3.5 L/ha in wheat and 4.25 L/ha in barley (Broadcast basis) to the above mentioned recommended rates for TRIFLUREX 40 EC.
Sequential treatment for control of Green Foxtail (Wild Millet) and Wild Oats in Wheat and Barley.
- Follow a pre-plant incorporated treatment of TRIFLUREX 40 EC on Wheat and Barley in accordance with instructions listed elsewhere on the label. Refer to Mataven and Avenge labels for rates, precautions and limitations.
Rapeseed (Canola), Dry Common Beans (Field, Kidney or Black Beans), Peas (Field or Canning), Rutabaga, Alfalfa, direct seeded Cauliflower, direct seeded Cabbage, direct seeded Forage Kale, White Turnips, (stubble for feed only), Soybeans, Lima Beans, Snap Beans, Faba Beans, Mustard, Carrots, Forage Rape
Transplants of Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers and tomatoes
Perennial Ornamentals, (woody nursery stock) Transplanted shelterbelts
The use of TRIFLUREX 40 EC on oilseed crops will provide control of certain broadleaf weeds and wild oats and non-tolerant green foxtail or millet. Trifluralin-tolerant green foxtail or millet will not be controlled and may require the subsequent spraying of a post-emergent herbicide.
Recommendations Rates of Triflurex 40 EC in Eastern Canada and British Columbia
Light: Sandy, Sandy loam
Medium: Loam, Silt loam, Silt, Sandy clay, Loam
Heavy: Silty clay loam, Clay loam, Silty clay, Clay
Crop: Rapeseed, Soybeans, Field Beans (Dry & Kidney), Snap Beans, Carrots, Faba Beans, Forage Rape, Forage Kale, White Turnips, (stubble for feed only)
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light: 1.5
Medium: 2.0
Heavy: 2.75
Remarks: Incorporate immediately after application. Apply up to 3 weeks before planting.
Crop: Direct seeded Alfalfa, Cabbage, Cauliflower
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light: 1.5
Medium: 2.0
Heavy: 2.75
Remarks: Incorporate immediately after application. Apply up to 3 weeks before planting. Direct seeded cabbage and cauliflower have exhibited marginal tolerances to recommended rates of TRIFLUREX 40 EC. Under some circumstances stunting or reduced stands may occur.
Crop: Rutabaga, Mustard
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light: -
Medium: 2.0
Heavy: 2.75
Remarks: Incorporate immediately after application. Apply up to 3 weeks before planting.
Crop: Transplants: Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Peppers, Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussel sprouts
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light: 1.5
Medium: 2.0
Heavy: 2.75
Remarks: Incorporate immediately after application. Apply up to 3 weeks before planting.
Crop: Lima Beans, Peas (Field & Canning)
Rate –Litres/Hectare:
Light: 1.5
Medium: 1.5
Heavy: 2.0
Remarks: Incorporate immediately after application. Apply up to 3 weeks before planting.
Do not apply TRIFLUREX 40 EC to ornamental ground covers such as Ajuga, Myrtle and Pachysandra. Injury may result.
The TRIFLUREX 40 EC/Lexone or TRIFLUREX 40 EC/Sencor tank-mix controls all of the annual grasses and broadleaf weeds listed on this label, plus additional broadleaf weeds including velvetleaf, wild mustard and common ragweed. Control of cocklebur may be erratic ranging from fair to excellent. The TRIFLUREX 40 EC/Lexone or TRIFLUREX 40 EC/Sencor tank-mix may be applied up to 10 days before planting. Incorporate properly.
Soil Texture(s): Light [sandy loam (a), loamy sand (b)]
Triflurex 40 EC: 1.5 litres
Lexone or Sencor: See product label
Soil Texture(s): Medium [loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay loam]
Triflurex 40 EC: 2.0 litres
Lexone or Sencor: See product label
Soil Texture(s): Heavy [silty clay, silty clay loam (c), clay loam, clay]
Triflurex 40 EC: 2.75 litres
Lexone or Sencor: See product label
(a) On variable soils with light sandy areas, apply the proper rate to the sandy areas. Over-application may result in damage to these areas.
(b) Do not use on light soils with less than 1% organic matter.
(c) Sandy loam and silty clay loam soils may be classified either as medium or heavy textured soils in some regions.
Tank Mix: TRIFLUREX 40 EC preplant incorporated/Lorox(R) L and Afolan(R) F
Soil Type:
Light: 1.5
Medium: 2.0
Heavy: 2.75
Remarks: See Lorox L and Afolan F labels for use rates, additional weeds controlled, and precautions and limitations.
Tank Mix: TRIFLUREX 40 EC preplant incorporated/Basagran(R) + Assist(R) postemergence
Soil Type:
Light: 1.5
Medium: 2.0
Heavy: 2.75
Remarks: See Basagran label for use rates, additional weeds controlled, and precautions and limitations.
TRIFLUREX 40 EC may affect crops adversely if not used strictly in accordance with these instructions. It can only be used on crops mentioned on this label. The only grain crops for which it is suitable for use are wheat and barley. It may not be used on other grain crops such as oats, rye, or grass crops. Conditions causing seedling stress, such as wet soils, incorrect planting depth, seedling disease, low temperatures, excessive salt in the soil or drought, could bring about damage to the crop from TRIFLUREX 40 EC.
Spraying with TRIFLUREX 40 EC may not provide satisfactory control of weeds other than Green Foxtail (Wild Millet) in wheat and barley.
Do not graze the treated crops or cut for hay; sufficient data are not available to support such use.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Winter rape | 2 - 4.25 l |
Spring rape | 2 - 4.25 l |
Sunflowers | 2 - 3.5 l |
White mustard | 2 - 3.5 l |
Crambe | 2 - 2.75 l |
Peas | 2 - 3.5 l |
Beans | 2 - 3.5 l |
Clover | 2 - 2.75 l |
Clover | 2 - 2.75 l |
Winter flax | 2.75 - 4.25 l |
Spring flax | 2.75 - 4.25 l |
Lentils | 2.75 - 3.5 l |
Rutabagas | 2 - 2.75 l |
Tomatoes | 1.5 - 2.75 l |
Cauliflower | 1.5 - 2.75 l |
Peppers | 1.5 - 2.75 l |
Broccoli | 1.5 - 2.75 l |
Cabbage | 1.5 - 2.75 l |
Brussels sprouts | 1.5 - 2.75 l |