
Rotam Agrochemical
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BOUDHA is a water dispersible granule preparation containing 250 g/kg metsulfuron-methyl and 250 g/kg tribenuron-methyl for spring control of broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, winter oats, spring oats and rye.

Operator Protection:
WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. DO NOT BREATHE. SPRAY WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating and drinking and after work.

Environmental Protection:
Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Do not clean application equipment near surface water. Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads.
Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray drift on to non-crop plants outside of the target area.
Storage and Disposal:
KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER tightly closed in a safe place.
EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely.
RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

BOUDHA must not be applied to any crop suffering from stress as a result of drought, waterlogging, low temperatures, pest or disease attack, nutrient or lime deficiency or other factors reducing crop growth.
Do not use BOUDHA on cereal crops undersown with grasses, clover or other legumes or any other broad-leaved crop.
Do not apply BOUDHA to any cereal crop in sequence or in tank-mixture with a product containing a sulfonylurea herbicide.
Due to the high level of activity of the herbicide, special care must be taken to avoid damage by drift onto broad-leaved plants outside the target area, or onto ponds, waterways or ditches. Thorough cleansing of equipment is also very important - see below.
Contract agents should be consulted before using on crops grown for seed.

Weed control
BOUDHA contains metsulfuron-methyl and tribenuron-methyl, sulfonylurea (ALS inhibitors) herbicides, which have both foliar and root activity against a wide range of broad-leaved weeds.
BOUDHA is readily translocated within the weed plant, inhibiting growth within hours of treatment, thus preventing competition with the crop.
Many weeds show marked colour changes as they die back after treatment, but the time taken for these symptoms to appear and death to occur may vary according to weed species and weather conditions. The full effect of the treatment may not be apparent for up to four weeks. Plants not completely killed are often severely stunted and much less competitive with the crop.
BOUDHA is most effective when applied to small, actively growing weeds. As larger weeds may become less susceptible, it is important to note the size of each weed species so that application is made at the optimum time. Good spray cover of the weeds must be obtained. Weed control may be reduced when soil conditions are very dry. Residual effects may be reduced by heavy rain. The susceptibility rating of weeds in the following table refer to good spray cover and good growing conditions.

Weed Resistance
This product contains tribenuron-methyl and metsulfuron-methyl, which are ALS inhibitors, also classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee as 'Group B'. When herbicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, selection of resistant biotypes can take place. These can propagate and may become dominating. A weed species is considered resistant to a herbicide if it
survives a correctly applied treatment at the recommended dose. Development of resistance with a weed species can be avoided or delayed by alternating (or tank mixing) with suitable products having a dif ferent mode of action. A strategy for preventing and managing resistance should be adopted. The Weed Resistance Action Group has produced guidelines and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer.

Susceptible Weeds
The susceptibility rating of weeds in the following table refer to good spray cover and good growing conditions. The weed control claims relate to control at 'six true leaf stage' of the weeds. Weeds germinating after treatment may not be adequately controlled.


Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat20 g1 - 41
Spring wheat20 g1 - 41
Spring barley20 g1 - 41
Spring oats20 g1 - 41
Winter oats20 g1 - 41
Winter triticale20 g1 - 41
Spring triticale20 g1 - 41
Winter rye20 g1 - 41
Spring rye20 g1 - 41