
Registered until
Registration expired
Registration number
Active materials
An emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing 250 g/l (21.7% w/w) propiconazole.
Contains propiconazole. May produce an allergic reaction.
BUMPER 250 EC is a broad-spectrum systemic and contact fungicide for the control of foliar and ear disease in cereals, oilseed rape, sugar beet and grasses.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. BUMPER™ is a fungicide containing propiconazole, of the triazole family.

BUMPER is a triazole group fungicide and contains a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola/Septoria tritici) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. Strains of wheat powdery mildew with decreased sensitivity to triazoles are common in Ireland. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and visit the FRAG-UK website. When possible, alternate the use of BUMPER with fungicides not of the triazole group i.e. with fungicides having different modes of action, or use in tank-mixes designed to help combat resistance. Over-reliance on BUMPER against pathogens, such as powdery mildew, with a tendency to develop resistant strains, is to be avoided. Fungicides should be used in combination with cultural methods such as crop rotation and use of disease resistant varieties.

BUMPER is a systemic and contact fungicide, with a broad spectrum of plant disease activity. When applied to the plant foliage, BUMPER is readily translocated to the site of activity. The rate of absorption depends on the prevailing local conditions being best under warm moist growing weather.
Winter and spring wheat
Early appearance of disease should be treated as soon as it is seen in the crop. When late foliar and ear diseases are seen they should be sprayed from flag leaf to ear emergence. Treatments should be repeated if weather conditions are favourable to disease spread.
Winter and spring barley, oats and rye
Treatments should be applied as soon as disease is seen in the crop.
Grass for ensiling/hay or seed crops
Treatments should be applied in spring as soon as disease is seen. If the grass is for ensiling, at least 28 days should elapse before cutting.
Oilseed rape
Treatment should be applied as soon as disease is seen in the crop.
Sugar beet, fodder beet and mangolds
Treatments should be applied as soon as disease is seen. If required, a second application may be made 21 days later.
BUMPER should be applied to all crops at 0.5 litres per hectare. Conventional ground applications should be made in a water volume of 100-200 litres of water per hectare at 2-3 bar.
For use by tractor mounted/trailed sprayer/knapsack. Shake well before use. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the required amount of BUMPER and the remainder of water whilst agitating. Continue to agitate the mixture until spraying is completed. Wash out the sprayer thoroughly with water and add liquid detergent immediately after use. Finally, wash out with water and drain.
Do not re-use container for any other purpose.
This product may only be used in a tank-mix or in sequence with other products when these uses comply with the label recommendations of every product in the tank-mix/sequence.
Registered for culturesRateBBCHPreharvest Interval
Spring barley0.5 l1 - 71
Winter barley0.5 l1 - 71
Spring oats0.5 l1 - 71
Winter oats0.5 l1 - 71
Winter rye0.5 l1 - 71
Spring rye0.5 l1 - 71
Winter wheat0.5 l1 - 71
Spring wheat0.5 l1 - 71
Winter rape0.5 l028
Spring rape0.5 l028
Sugar beets0.5 l028
Beets0.5 l028
Chard0.5 l028
Grassland0.5 l028
Grassland0.5 l035