Chikara Weed Control

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

A non-selective residual herbicide for use on natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, permeable surfaces overlying soil, hard surfaces (railway ballast only).
A water dispersible granule formulation containing 25% w/w flazasulfuron

Hard surfaces (railway ballast only), natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, permeable surfaces overlying soil
Maximum individual dose: (g product/ha) 150

Other specific restrictions:
This product qualifi es for inclusion within the Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP) scheme. A LERAP must be carried out in accordance with CRD’s published guidance before each spraying operation from a horizontal boom sprayer. The results of the LERAP must be recorded and kept available for three years. - UK only
This product must only be used on natural or porous surfaces such as gravel where the user can establish that the underlying surface is soil, and railway ballast surfaces.
This product must not be applied to any non-porous man made surfaces.
To avoid the build up of resistance do not apply this or any other product containing an ALS inhibitor herbicide with claims for control of grass-weeds more than once per year.

CHIKARA Weed Control can be used on natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, permeable surfaces overlying soil and hard surfaces (railway ballast only).

Trials have been conducted to evaluate the susceptibility of a large number of trees and shrubs that could be exposed to spray drift particularly during application to parks or amenity shrub beds. 

CHIKARA Weed Control is active on many plant species. For best results, apply CHIKARA Weed Control before weeds germinate. If weeds are present, tank mix with a suitable foliar herbicide, when the weeds are small and growing actively. Avoid post-emergence application to weeds which are naturally senescent, or where growth is impaired by drought, high temperatures, a covering of dust, fl ooding or frost at, or immediately after application, otherwise poor control may result. It is important, that all weeds are at the correct growth stage when treated, otherwise some re-growth may occur and this will need re-treatment. Do not apply CHIKARA Weed Control in windy conditions or using a high pressure which produces a fi ne spray prone to drifting. DO NOT apply to soils which may later be used to grow crops or plants. Avoid overdosing. Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto desirable plants such as crops, trees or ornamentals.

CHIKARA Weed Control may be tank mixed with various glyphosate products registered in Ireland. CHIKARA Weed Control may be tank mixed with the following herbicides for control of emerged weeds - UK only:
a) Roundup Pro Biactive (MAPP 10330)
b) Roundup (MAPP 12645)
c) Glyfos Proactive (MAPP 11976)
d) Glyfos Gold (MAPP 10570)

Apply 150 g CHIKARA Weed Control per hectare to control weeds for up to 5 months. Use in 200 to 600 litres water. Half fi ll the spray tank with water. Add the recommended quantity of CHIKARA Weed Control to water. Agitate thoroughly and top up the tank with water. Do not store the spray solution overnight in the spray tank. Best results will be obtained when CHIKARA Weed Control is applied in early to late spring before new weeds have germinated.
There are currently no data available on the effectiveness of CHIKARA Weed Control used pre-emergence on mallows, broad-leaf dock, ragwort, creeping thistle or common nettle.
CHIKARA Weed Control will not control Fat hen (Chenopodium album), Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) or Common Field Speedwell (Veronica persica), Smooth hawksbeard (Crepis capillaris) and Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus, Sonchus asper), ribwort plaintain (Plantago lanceolata), narrow-leaved ragwort (Senecio inaequidens) and annual meadow grass (Poa annua L.)

Post-emergence: CHIKARA Weed Control has limited post-emergence activity. Tank mix with one of the specifi ed tank-mix partners. Applying 150 g CHIKARA Weed Control per hectare will provide weed control for up to 5 months. Apply using a water volume of 200 to 600 l/ha. Half fi ll the spray tank with water. Always add the recommended quantity of CHIKARA Weed Control to the water fi rst. Agitate thoroughly. Add the recommended quantity of partner herbicide and top up the tank with water maintaining agitation.
Do not store the spray solution overnight in the spray tank. Use the higher water volume where weed populations are dense. There are currently no data available on the effectiveness of CHIKARA Weed Control when used in tank-mixture for post emergence control of mallows, broad leaf dock or common couch. There are currently only limited data available on the effectiveness of CHIKARA Weed Control when used in tank-mixture for post-emergence control of common nettle. CHIKARA Weed Control in tank mix with a specified tank mix partner will give short-term control only (3-4 months) of Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense), Smooth Hawks Beard (Crepis capillaris), Hairy Rocket (Erucastrum gallicum), Smooth Cat’s Ear (Hypochoeris glabra), Scentless Mayweed (Matricaria inodora), Common Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) or Common Dandelion (Taraxacum offi cinalis), Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare) and Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)

Apply using a hydraulic sprayer or a Knapsack sprayer, choosing a nozzle type to obtain the stated water volume and giving a MEDIUM spray quality (BCPC defi nition). Use a spray pattern that enables good coverage of the larger weeds to be achieved. Before spraying it is important to check all hoses, fi lters and nozzles, and to ensure that the sprayer is clean and correctly set to give an even application at the correct volume

Maintain agitation during spraying as well as during mixing.
Avoid spray drift onto non-target plants and desired vegetation and areas where plantings are planned as serious damage to these plants may occur