Arysta LifeScience
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Active materials

Contains 400 g/l (40.9 %w/w) chlorpropham and solvent naphta as an Emulsifiable Concentrate For use only as a selective herbicide for the control of many annual weeds in certain flower bulb crops, carrots, celery, parsley, onions, lettuce, strawberries, gooseberries, blackcurrants and lucerne.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Mode of Action-Herbicide Use
C.I.P.C. is a soil-acting residual herbicide that kills weeds as they germinate over several weeks. It must be applied to weed free soil. For best results, it should be applied to a fine, firm and moist seedbed.
It is important to ensure complete cover of the soil by the spray. Drought after application will reduce effects, some rain after application will improve results, but heavy rain may result in crop damage due to leaching to the roots. Seed should be well covered with soil to provide protection. Do not disturb the soil surface after treatment. Do not roll or cultivate soils after they have been sprayed. C.I.P.C. may be used on a wide range of soil types but its effectiveness is reduced on highly organic soils and its use is not generally recommended on such soils. Do not use on sand soils with less than 1% organic matter or sandy open textured soils; on these soils the material may be washed from the upper layers of the soil and affect the crop roots. Avoid over-lapping when spraying. Avoid spraying when the wind would cause drift and hence damage neighbouring crops such as beet, brassicas, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, fruit crops and ornamentals. C.I.P.C. is a volatile chemical and high temperatures and dry conditions will reduce its effec-tiveness. C.I.P.C. may be used on certain crops under glass, but not when other crops are being grown in the same block of houses: high temperatures and poor ventilation under glass could result in crop damage. For succeeding crops, after harvesting or lifting treated crops, the land should be cultivated to a depth of 15cm to disperse any resi-dues of C.I.P.C. remaining in the soil.

Weeds controlled
-Susceptible: Annual Meadow-grass, Black-bindweed, Black-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Field Speedwell, Common Hemp-nettle, Common Mouse-ear, Common Poppy, Corn Spurrey, Field Penny-cress, Green Field Speedwell, Knotgrass, Pale Persicaria, Redshank, Small Nettle,
-Moderately susceptible: Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Fat-hen, Ivy-leaved Speedwell, Shepherd's-purse, Wild-oat
-Moderately resistant: Charlock, Mustard, Wild radish (Runch)
-Resistant: Black medick, Black Nightshade, Cleavers, Common Vetch, Corn Marigold, Cut-leaved Crane's-bill, Field Pansy, Fool's Parsley, Gallant Soldier, Groundsel, Hairy Tare, Henbit Dead-nettle, Mayweeds, Nipplewort, Parsley-piert, Prickly Sow-Thistle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Smooth Sow-thistle, Wild Pansy Common Chickweed and small nettle are the only weeds which will be controlled after they have emerged.
Chlorpropham acts through the roots of plants thus some susceptible weeds may emerge before they die, or they will be blind.Under favourable conditions weed control will persist for up to 10 weeks.

Mixing and spraying
Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the required quantity of C.I.P.C. and begin agitation. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation during spraying. Use between 400-1,000 litres of clean water per hectare, the higher the volume the better the cover on the soil. Apply the spray solution at low pressure and avoid overlapping when spraying. Do not leave spray solution in the tank after use or overnight. Clean out thoroughly after completion of spraying with a detergent followed by clean water washes.


Registered for culturesRate
Carrots2.8 - 4.2 l
Celery2.8 - 5.6 l
Parsley2 - 2.8 l
Onions2.8 - 5.6 l
Lettuce2 - 2.8 l
Strawberries2.8 l
Gooseberries5.6 l
Black currant5.6 l
Alfalfa5.6 l