Ethosat 500
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 02666
- Active materials
- ethofumesate500 g/l
A suspension concentrate formulation containing 500 g/l (44.3 w/w) ethofumesate
ETHOSAT 500 is a herbicide for control of annual grass and broad-leaved weeds in sugar beet, fodder beet, red beet and mangels and in amenity grassland
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. ETHOSAT 500 can be used as a pre- or post weed-emergence herbicide in sugar beet, fodder beet, red beet and mangels. It can also be used in amenity grassland situations which includes grassland grown for non-crop use which covers the following:
- areas of semi-natural or planted grassland subject to minimal or non-intensive management.
- areas that may be accessed by the public such as golf roughs.
- air fields and predominantly grassed railway embankments and roadside verges.
It must not be used on grassland for agricultural use or animal consumption
Weather conditions
- As with many residual herbicides, adverse weather, soil or cultural conditions may lead to unsatisfactory results or a check to growth from which recovery may not be complete.
Do not apply when the air temperature is above 21°C or is likely to rise above this temperature on the day of treatment. In these situations, wait for more suitable conditions (e.g.: spray in the late
afternoon or early evening, provided that the temperature has dropped below 21°C). Do not apply during frosty conditions or if frost is forecast or likely to occur within 7 days of treatmen
Drift - Avoid drift to areas outside those being sprayed, having due regard to the prevailing weather conditions and spray quality being used.
Crop Conditions - Apply to healthy crops that are growing normally. DO NOT apply to any crop that is under stress from any cause. Stress can be caused by many factors (examples below). In situations where more than one stress factor is present, the check to crop growth can be severe, possibly leading to some loss of crop and a reduction in yield
Nutrient deficiency - If a crop is suffering from a nutrient deficiency, ETHOSAT 500 may cause a check to the crop from which it may not fully recover. Correct any deficiency before ETHOSAT 500 treatment
Pest or disease attack - If the crop has been damaged by pest or disease, application of ETHOSAT 500 may result in a check to growth from which it may not fully recover.
Wind or Hail - Physical damage can occur to the crop as a result of strong wind action, from wind-blown soil, from hail damage. In these circumstances, wait until the crop has recovered before application.
Light intensity - If crop is under stress for any reason, application under conditions of high light intensity may result in a check to growth from which it may not fully recover.
Temperature - When significant variation occurs between day and night temperature, for a few days before or after application, the crop may suffer a check to growth from which it may not fully recover.
Other Herbicides- When used after other beet herbicides, the crop may be suffering from stress that is not always obvious or predictable. In this situation, application of ETHOSAT 500 may result in a more serious check to growth than would be expected.
Crop Failure - If crop failure occurs by reason of insect damage, soil blow, capping etc., re-drill only with sugar beet, red beet, fodder beet or mangels. For grassland grown as an undersown crop, apply when the cover crop has been removed. Clover - any clover present will be killed or severely checked. In grassland, some slight check of the crop might be noted, but this is generally transient and quickly outgrown.
Amenity ryegrass: owing to lack of competition, amenity ryegrass varieties grown for seed may need to be treated in the spring as well as in the autumn to give adequate control of weed grasses. Farmyard manure - if farmyard manure is to be applied before reseeding, ensure there is a gap of one month before ETHOSAT 500 is applied, and it should be buried by mould board ploughing. Do not apply slurry two months before or one month after ETHOSAT 500 is applied.
Grass seed crops - no guarantee is given that certification will be obtained after using ETHOSAT 500.
Cutting or grazing - do not graze or cut grass for 14 days after applying ETHOSAT 500. Grazing in January or February after an autumn application can reduce control of grass weeds as crop competition is lowered. Where the sward is to be cut or grazed it is preferable to do this before rather than after applying Ethosat 500. Rolling - if required this should be carried out 7 days before or after using ETHOSAT 500, and increased if frost is expected. Reseeding into established grassland - delay application until the seedlings have at least 2-3 leaves and the crop is healthy.
Reseeding grass - ETHOSAT 500 may be applied post-emergence whether traditional cultivations, minimum cultivations or direct drilling techniques are used, although weed control may be reduced where minimum tillage or direct drilling have been carried out. Ryegrass may be safely sown any time after ETHOSAT 500 treatment. Cocksfoot, Timothy or Meadow fescue may be sown three months before or two months after the use of ETHOSAT 500, provided conditions are suitable for the grass seeds to germinate. The oversown grasses should be drilled not broadcast
Soil Types and Soil Conditions- E T H O S AT 500 should not be used on sands, very light soils containing a high percentage of stones, or on soils containing above 5% organic matter (this level can only be determined by chemical analysis). Do not use ETHOSAT 500 on heavy soils. Sufficient soil moisture is necessary for residual activity. The seedbed should have a good tilth and be firm and free of clods. Ensure that the soil is not acidic by correcting any lime deficiency prior to drilling, because ETHOSAT 500 may cause a growth check to crops on acidic soils. Ensure any surface trash isburied before applying
Storage - Store in a safe dry place designated as a chemical store
Sugar Beet, Red Beet, Fodder Beet and Mangels
All varieties of these crops (including seed crops) may be sprayed with ETHOSAT 500. Consult the processor before using ETHOSAT 500 on contracted crops of beet
ETHOSAT 500 can be applied pre-emergence of the weed and post-emergence of the crop and weed, either as a conventional overall application or repeat low dose programme
Maximum Individual Dose: 2 L/ha of ETHOSAT 500 Total Maximum Dose: 2 L/ha of ETHOSAT 500 The following doses apply to OVERALL AND BAND APPLICATION. For band application, the doses relate to the area of the sprayed band. The area of field treated by these doses depends on the row spacing and the width of the band. For information on band spraying see APPLICATION.
APPLICATION - Volume: 200 - 240 litres water / hectare
Spray Quality - Overall Application
ETHOSAT 500 should be applied as a MEDIUM quality spray (BCPC definition). Do NOT use a coarse quality spray such as produced by low pressure of “reduced-drift” nozzles, as this may give poor weed control
Spray Quality - Band Application - Flat fan nozzles, including Evenspray nozzles, with a fan angle of 80° and having an output of 0.4 litres per minute at 3 bar pressure are particularly suitable for application to an 18 cm band at 240 litres / hectare
Tank Mixes For control of black-bindweed up to the first true leaf stage Ethosat 500 may be used in a split dose of treatment in mixture with Alpha Phenmedipham 320SC. 1.0 l/ha Ethosat 500 should be mixed with 1.0 l/ha Alpha Phenmedipham 320SC and this may be followed by a second application of 1.0 l/ha Ethosat 500 mixed with 1.0 l/ha Alpha Phenmedipham 320SC. Applications must be separated by an interval at least of 5 days
Volume: 80 - 100 litres water / hectare
Applications must be separated by at least 5 days. Do NOT spray once the crop has met between the rows
Spray Quality - Low Volume Overall Application
FINE quality spray (BCPC definition) The required spray quality can be achieved by setting an appropriate combination of nozzles, pressure and forward speed. Fan or hollow cone nozzles which have an output of 0.3 to 0.6 litres per minute at 3 bar have been found to be suitable. Fan nozzles must have at least an 80° spray angle F80-110 / 0.3-0.6 / 3 HC- / 0.3-0.6 / 3
ETHOSAT 500 can be safely used on Italian, hybrid and perennial rye grasses, timothy, cock’s-foot, meadow fescue and tall fescue, as described below
Control declines once tillering begins for best results apply when weeds are small and conditions are favourable for good crop growth and competition.
1. New Leys
Rye-grass (perennial, Italian and Hybrid) and Tall Fescue - Apply when the crop has 2-3 leaves, and is healthy at the time of application.
Leys Containing Cock’s-foot, Timothy and Meadow Fescue - Apply ETHOSAT 500, 60 or more days after crop seedling emergence provided the majority are in the 2-3 leaf stage. Ensure the crop is healthy at the time of application. Apply at a rate of 2.0 l/ha. Avoid overlapping.
2. Herbage Seed Crops
(Including perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, hybrid ryegrass, tall fescue, cock’s-foot, Timothy and Meadow fescue - For Timothy and Cock’s-foot, ensure crop is healthy and growing well at the time of application, as these species are prone to stress and ETHOSAT 500 applied at the wrong time may cause crop damage. Apply at a rate of 2.0 l/ha, but a follow up application with a suitable herbicide may be required within 3 months of the first application.
3. Established Grassland
(Includes amenity ryegrass and seed crops in their second or subsequent years - ETHOSAT 500 is safe to ryegrass, (perennial, Italian and hybrid), tall fescue, cock’s-foot, Timothy and Meadow fescue. It essential that the above grasses are the main grasses and are evenly distributed throughout the sward. Otherwise, large bare areas will be left following treatment which may be recolonized by grass weeds. For Annual meadow grass and common chickweed apply at 2.0 l/ha. Make a follow up treatment as required within 3 months. For Annual grass weeds and common chickweed apply at 2.0 l/ha in one application
Succeeding crops
Any crop may be sown 3 months after using ETHOSAT 500 at recommended doses. Ploughing (mould board) to a minimum depth of 15 cm should precede preparation of the new seedbed.
Application - ETHOSAT 500 may be applied as an overall spray (overall as a low volume spray) or as a band spray.
Wash out the sprayer, spraybars and nozzles to ensure no trace remains of previous chemicals. This is most important after hormone or sulfonyl urea weedkillers. Contaminated hoses should be replaced by new hoses. All hose connections must be secured with hose clips.
Check that nozzle tips are clean, undamaged, of the correct type to apply the recommended spray quality and all of the same size, given equal spray outputs and distribution
Mixing and Filling - Ethosat 500 mixtures Pre-emergence
Part fill the sprayer with clean water and check that the agitation is functioning properly. Following the instructions for the partner product, add and thoroughly disperse the required quantity of the partner product in the spray tank. Then add the required volume of Ethosat 500. Fill the tank with water to the required level, and mix well by agitating or stirring. Continue agitation until tank load is used. If agitation is stopped for any reason it is essential to re-suspend the spray mixture by through agitation and stirring before commencing spraying
Mixing and Filling - Ethosat 500 Post-emergence
Start to fill the sprayer with clean water and check that the agitation is operating properly. Add the required quantity of ETHOSAT 500 to a small quantity of water in the tank and agitate until dispersed. Add water to the required level and mix well by agitating or stirring. Continue agitation until tank load is used
Mixing and Filling - Ethosat 500 + Alpha Phenmedipham 320SC Post-emergence
Start to fill the sprayer with clean water and check that the agitation is operating correctly. Add the required quantity of Alpha Phenmedipham 320SC to a small quantity of water in the tank and agitate until dispersed. When the Alpha Phenmedipham 320SC is thoroughly dispersed, add more water and half fill the tank, then add the required quantity of ETHOSAT 500 and mix well by agitation or stirring. Add water to the required level and mix well by agitating or stirring. Continue agitation until tank load is used.
Important Note
Read also carefully and follow the instructions on the label of the tank-mix partner.
Rinse all completely used containers carefully and empty washings into the spray tank. The use of sprayer mounted pressure rinsing equipment is advised, if not
Wash sprayer and other equipment thoroughly after use.
The interval between preparation of the spray mixture and completion of spraying should be kept to a minimum, certainly no more than two hours. Any longer may result in crystallisation, particularly if the water temperature is below 5°C (41 °F)
ETHOSAT 500 is compatible with Goltix Flowable, Goltix WG, Alpha Phenmedipham 320SC and Falcon. A 4 day interval should be left between the application of ETHOSAT 500 mixture and an insecticide treatment. ETHOSAT 500 is a registered trademark of Feinchemie Schwebda GmbH.
Registered for cultures | Rate | BBCH |
Sugar beets | 2 l | 10 - 19 |
Beets | 2 l | 10 - 19 |
Red beet | 2 l | 10 - 19 |
Mangels | 2 l | 10 - 19 |
Grassland | 2 l | 10 - 19 |