- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 05032
- Active materials
- beflubutamid85 g/l
- isoproturon500 g/l
A selective herbicide for control of broad-leaved weeds.
Contains 500 g/l (42.7% w/w) 2,4-D as the dimethylamine salt.
Winter and Spring Wheat and Barley, Winter Oats, Winter Rye, Grassland, Amenity Grassland, Managed Amenity Turf.
Weeds Controlled
Loose Silky Bent - susceptible up to nine or more tillers
Chickweed - up to 9 side shoots Field Pansy - up to 7 side shoots
Wild Pansy - up to 9 side shoots Scented Mayweed - up to 5 side shoot stage
Field Speedwell - up 3 side shoots
Moderate control of Groundsel - up to 2 true leaves*
Ivy leaved speedwell - up 1 side shoot
* Useful control is achieved but due to the continuous germination of this weed throughout the season, a follow up treatment may be required.
Timing of Application
All crops: Before beginning of stem elongation (GS 30) of the crop.
Weeds should be treated early, from before seedling emergence until the stage indicated in ‘Weeds controlled’.
Method of Application
Three-quarters fill the tank with water. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add HERBAFLEX while re-circulating. If tank-mixing, add the other product(s) individually, ONLY when each is fully dispersed. Fill the tank. Maintain circulation while spraying. Wash down sprayer thoroughly after use, using a proprietary spray tank cleaner.
Volume of Water
Apply HERBAFLEX in 200-400 litres of water/ha.
Spray Quality
Good even spray cover of the target is essential. Apply as a spray of medium quality (BCPC definition) using appropriate nozzles.
General Recommendations
Care should be taken to avoid drift onto neighbouring crops, field margins and hedgerows.
Soil Types
Any mineral soil. Weed control may be reduced on soils with more than 6% organic matter.
DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter.
DO NOT use on stony or gravelly soils.
DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging
Seedbed preparation
A standard drilling depth of 2 - 3 cm should be provided. Loose seedbeds should be consolidated before application. Do not treat broadcast cereal crops. Do not treat crops growing on cloddy seedbeds. Transplanted or established weeds present after the completion of seedbed preparation may not be adequately controlled
Post-Application Requirements
Do not disturb the soil after application. Some soil moisture is required for HERBAFLEX to be activated. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions.
Following Crops
There are no restrictions on following crops when HERBAFLEX is used alone.
Crop failure
In the event of crop failure land treated with HERBAFLEX should be ploughed to at least 15 cm. The following crops may then be sown: Winter Wheat, Winter Barley, Spring Beans, Potatoes, Peas, Carrots.
Resistant weeds management
HERBAFLEX is a herbicide containing the active substances Beflubutamid and IPU. For Beflubutamid of the Carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor (HRAC) group F1 no resistant weed populations have been detected, but for IPU as an inhibitor of Photosystem II (HRAC) group C2 some resistant biotypes have been observed.
Some naturally occurring weed biotypes of Alopecurus myosoroides and Apera spica-venti resistant for IPU and other active substances like CTU and Fenoxaprop may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly.
Components of a successful resistance management strategy are:
Conduct a wide crop rotation instead of cereal monoculture or short winter crop rotation for several years.
Use ploughing tillage instead of minimum tillage each year.
Conduct sowing at moderate timing instead of early sowing each season to avoid high weed pressure.
Use herbicides of different modes of action instead of the same mode of action repeated by each year
Strains of some annual grasses (eg Blackgrass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted.
Do not spray crops during periods of prolonged or severe frosts.
Do not spray crops growing on waterlogged soils.
Tank Mixes
When used in tank-mix with another product, HERBAFLEX should be applied in a minimum of 200 litres of water/hectare. Any use restrictions of products in the mixture should be observed. Specific tank-mix recommendations may have been developed since this label was printed. Contact your distributor for further information.
Sequential Treatments
HERBAFLEX and HERBAFLEX mixes may be used in sequence with any other approved product so long as label requirements do not conflict. Leave a minimum 7 days interval unless longer is specified on the other product label.
Registered for cultures | Rate | BBCH |
Winter wheat | 2 l | 1 - 30 |
Winter barley | 2 l | 1 - 30 |
Winter rye | 2 l | 1 - 30 |
Winter triticale | 2 l | 1 - 30 |
Spring triticale | 2 l | 1 - 30 |