- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 04071
- Active materials
- metribuzin700 g/l
A water dispersible granule formulation containing 70% w/w metribuzin.
A residual herbicide for control of weeds in potatoes.
General Information
SHOTPUT is both a contact and residual herbicide. It can be used to control weeds in named varieties pre-emergence and in certain varieties post-emergence. A list of varieties which may be treated is summarized below. For the latest information, please consult Makhteshim-Agan (UK) Ltd representatives.
SHOTPUT should not be used if a previously applied residual herbicide still remains in the soil. This is especially significant on organic soils.
Avoid drift as SHOTPUT may damage sensitive crops especially sugar beet, brassicas and lettuce.
Do not apply SHOTPUT to crops suffering from disease, stress or nutrient deficiencies or that are cold, waterlogged or grown in acidic conditions.
Care should be taken to avoid spray overlap, as crop damage may occur which may not be outgrown.
Soil types and conditions
Do not use SHOTPUT on sands.
Do not use SHOTPUT pre-emergence on Maris Piper in very light soils and do not treat this variety post-emergence.
Tubers should be planted in a moist, clod-free bed with a good tilth with well-rounded ridges. After planting, no further improvements should be required to the soil tilth; further cultivations will increase weed germination and reduce the effectiveness of SHOTPUT.
The soil should be moist when spraying. Dry conditions may reduce the effectiveness of SHOTPUT.
The residual activity of SHOTPUT may be reduced on peaty and organic soils and on mineral soils with high organic matter content.
Yellowing of foliage may occur as a result of treatment, which is more frequent if spraying is carried out less than 3 days after cool cloudy weather and particularly if a sudden change to hot sunny conditions occurs at the time of spraying. The crop should outgrow this yellowing. In conditions of high sunlight intensity and high daytime temperatures, spraying should be carried out in the evening.
On gravelly or stony soils damage may occur particularly if heavy rain falls soon after application.
Following crops
Before drilling or planting the next crop, the soil must be mould-board ploughed to a depth of at least 15 cm.
It is recommended that ploughing takes place as soon as possible after lifting and definitely before the end of December.
Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds.
Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed planting, etc.).
Use tank mixes or sequences of herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops.
Copies of the guidelines may be obtained from the CPA, your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer.
Potato varieties
Not all varieties of potato may be safely treated with SHOTPUT®. For the latest list of potato varieties which may be treated with SHOTPUT contact Makhteshim-Agan (UK) Ltd.
Add half the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Add the recommended quantity of SHOTPUT . Rinse the empty container thoroughly and add the rinsate to the spray tank through the filter basket. Add the rest of the water.
Maintain agitation throughout the filling, travelling and spraying operations. Dilute solutions should be sprayed immediately. After spraying, thoroughly clean the sprayer using a recognised decontaminant.
For information on tank-mixes, consult Adama Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd, your agronomist or your distributor
For information on tank-mixes, consult Adama Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd, your agronomist or your distributor
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Potatoes | 0.5 - 0.75 kg |