- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 04255
- Active materials
- glyphosate360 g/l
Contains 360g/l glyphosate, present as 480g/l (41.1% w/w) isopropylamine salt, and polyoxyethlene amine surfactant as a soluble concentrate. Symbol is a foliar applied systemic herbicide for the control of a very wide range of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds in the agricultural, horticultural and industrial situations.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. SYMBOL is a foliar-acting herbicide which can be used to control most annual and perennial grasses and most broad-leaved weeds. DO NOT cultivate soils prior to application since SYMBOL is translocated around underground rhizomes, roots and stolons to achieve high levels of kill. Cultivation breaks the underground network of roots and restricts this movement. Allow 5 days for this translocation before making further applications of any sort to the treated area. Perennial grasses such as couch grass must be actively growing and are most susceptible when tillering, ideally with 4-5 leaves 10-15 cm tall. Broad-leaved perennial weeds are most susceptible when flowering or about to flower but all plants must be emerged with sufficient leaf area at application to intercept a lethal dose of the herbicide. Best control of annual grasses is achieved between full ear emergence and senescence. Avoid applications during stem elongation as reduced control is likely
Do not store, mix or apply SYMBOL in galvanised or un-lined steel containers or spray tanks.
Do not use under polythene or glass. Do not use in or alongside hedgerows.
Do not leave the diluted spray in spray tanks for long periods. Consult grain merchant before treating crops grown under contract and especially before treating barley intended for malt for distilling. DO NOT treat crops grown for seed production.
Take special care to ensure that spray drift does not reach non-target plants. Therefore do not apply in windy conditions. Drift onto non-target vegetation will cause severe damage or kill them.
For full activity, a period of at least 6 hours (preferably 24 hours) should elapse after application before significant rain falls.
Do not treat weeds suffering from stress such as drought, water-logging, heat or frost since this will restrict uptake and translocation, resulting in poor control. Weeds which have started to naturally senesce will also exhibit poorer control.
DO NOT use treated straw as horticultural mulch.
1. Pre-harvest application to cereals: SYMBOL can be applied to all crops intended for feed, to wheat, durum wheat and oat crops intended for milling and on barley intended for malt production for brewing. All wheat, barley and oat crops will benefit from the reduction of green material in the crop leading to harvesting and grain storage benefits. Application can be made once the moisture content of the most immature grains has fallen below 30% and then allow at least 7 days to elapse before harvesting the crop. Use of high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and crop dividers is recommended. After harvest the straw may be chopped and incorporated or removed as required. NOTE: If the weather is dull after application, allow extra time, e.g. 14 days, for full activity, particularly on broad-leaved weeds. Some species such as annual nettle, Polygonums, willow herbs and volunteer potato will not be controlled by harvest management dose rates.
2. Pre-harvest application to oilseed rape and mustard: SYMBOL should be applied once the crop seeds have less than 30% moisture. Allow 14-21 days for activity in standing crops of oilseed rape, 8–10 days for standing crops of mustard. DO NOT treat areas of crop which have significant areas of secondary growth or areas affected by pigeon damage or poor drainage leading to late maturity. Crops that are suffering from stress factors such as disease, drought or extreme heat may not mature evenly following treatment.
3. Pre-harvest applications for combining peas and field beans: SYMBOL should be applied once the crop seeds have less than 30% moisture at least 7 days before harvest.
4. Pre-harvest application to linseed: SYMBOL should be applied when the crop seeds have less than 30% moisture. The seeds are normally light brown in brown capsules at this stage with the stems and leaves either green or yellow/green. Allow at least 14 days before harvest and note that under dull cool conditions, harvest may have to wait for up to 28 days after treatment. When using the treatment to control perennial weeds in the autumn, note that weeds which have begun to senesce naturally may not be fully controlled.
5. Pre-drilling of all crops (Stubbles only) – autumn or spring: To optimise control of perennial species, do not cultivate before spraying. Allow at least 5 days to elapse before cultivating land where perennial species (4L/ha maximum) have been treated but where the weed spectrum consists of just volunteer cereals and annual species (1.5L/ha maximum), only 24 hours need elapse before cultivating and fields can be direct drilled 48 hours after treatment. When treating fields in the spring prior to drilling, allow at least 21 days of active weed growth before treatment. When treating volunteer potatoes, ensure that they have ample top growth to intercept the spray before treating.
6. Grassland destruction: Select the application rate which controls the most susceptible weed and grass species present. Do not apply fertiliser or lime before application of SYMBOL. Time the application either before grazing/mowing in June-Oct, when growth is 30-60 cm not dense and lacking mature seeds, or to treat re-growth after grazing/mowing. Five days after treatment the grass may be utilised as normal – either grazed by cattle, dairy cows or sheep or they can be fed the treated forage. IMPORTANT: Ensure that poisonous plants have been removed or buried before re-grazing or mowing. Once the field has been cleared of the grass crop, cultivations to establish the next crop may start.
When re-drilling treated grass fields, leys of 1-2 years without thick surface mats may be re-drilled after 5 days provided all surface trash is removed. When long-term leys are killed with SYMBOL, application is best timed in the autumn with re-drilling delayed until the following spring.
7. Land not intended to bear vegetation: This category includes clearance of land prior to replanting and weed control along fence lines and around stockyards, buildings and storage areas. It also includes weed control along roads, paths and ditches, control of re-growth in root-crop storage areas but does not include use in or along hedgerows or under glass or polythene.
8. Orchards: Any top fruit crop may be planted 7 days after application of SYMBOL. When spraying around trees in situ, the trees must have been established for at least 2 years before receiving treatment. Apply SYMBOL after leaf fall in the autumn but before green cluster in apples and pears and before white bud stage in stone fruit such as cherries, plums and damsons. Aim spray at the ground and avoid contact with branches or the trunks more than 30 cm above ground level. For control of tree suckers, treat in late spring only.
The application method for SYMBOL should be according to the crop and weed species being treated. The following application methods are recommended:
In cereals, peas for combine harvesting or field beans, stubbles of all crops, ‘Land not intended to bear vegetation’ and in orchards use hydraulic sprayers delivering 80-250 L/ha or rotary atomisers delivering 40 L/ha. When rotary atomisers are employed, the droplets produced must be in the size range 200-300 μm.
In standing crops of oilseed rape, mustard and linseed use only hydraulic sprayers delivering 80-250 L/ha.
For application to grassland, use hydraulic sprayers delivering 150-250 L/ha.
Apply at the annual weed dose at least 2 days before sowing/planting.
Apply at the perennial weed doses at least 5 days before sowing/planting
There is a low risk for the development of weed resistance to Symbol. Growers are encouraged to implement a weed resistance strategy based on a) Good agricultural practices and b) Good plant protection practices by:
Following label recommendations
The adoption of complimentary weed control practices Minimising the risk of spreading weed infestations
The implementation of good spraying practice to maintain effective weed control
Application only under appropriate weather conditions
Monitoring performance and reporting any unexpected results to United Phosphorus Ltd
Strains of some annual weeds (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian rye-grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. This should include integrating herbicides with a programme of cultural control measures. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.
Conventional hydraulic sprayers: Apply SYMBOL as a MEDIUM or COARSE spray as defined by BCPC in the recommended water volume for the type of use and do not exceed 2.5 bar (36 psi) pressure. DO NOT SPRAY in windy conditions or near desirable amenity species since any slight drift will cause damage. Nozzles of 80-110° delivering 200-250 L/ha at 1.5–2.5 bar give the best results. Select a tractor speed of 4-9 kph and ensure that the boom is set at the correct height. Excess height and speed increases the risk of drift. Wash all application equipment immediately after use and use a cleaning agent to remove all traces of the herbicide. Any SYMBOL residues left in the spray tank may damage other crops and plants sprayed next.
Rotary atomisers: Recommended rotary atomisers include: Clean-acres Dual-Option Sprayer CDA Boom and CDA Lightweight Horstine Farmery Microdrop Lely Hydraspin Technoma Girojet
Set the spray droplet size to a Volume Median Diameter within the range 200–300 m for each machine, corresponding to a BCPC spray quality of MEDIUM or COARSE and use a water volume of 40 L/ha. Select a tractor speed of 4-9 kph and ensure that spray bouts match accurately
Hand-held applicators: These machines are ideal for spot or directed applications in orchards and non-crop areas. Normal application rates for these machines are 200-300 L/ha but using low volume nozzles can reduce this to 100-150 L/ha. Use a COARSE or MEDIUM quality spray as defined by BCPC.
Calibrate the sprayer before application. A sprayer holding 10 litres of diluted spray will treat 500m2 when applied at 200 L/ha. To apply SYMBOL at 4.0 L/ha, add 200 mls SYMBOL to 9.8 litres of water, to apply SYMBOL at 6.0 L/ha, add 300 mls to 9.7 litres of water.
Hand-held weed wipers: This method of application is only recommended for use in non-crop areas or top fruit orchards. Dilute 1 part SYMBOL with 2 parts water and add a water-based dye if required to aid identification of treated foliage.
Tractor-mounted wipers: These machines are ideal for treatment of sugar beet bolters, weed beet and other tall weeds in arable crops and grassland areas. Target weeds must be 10 cm taller (minimum margin 5 cm) than the desired vegetation for effective wiper application. Two passes in opposite directions achieves better coverage of the target weeds and keep tractor speeds low to avoid flinging droplets of herbicide onto non-target species. Weeds must be actively growing for effective control and treatment before weed seeds are mature minimises seed return to the soil. For weed beet and bolting beet control, a programme of three applications early July, mid July and early August is recommended. Do not treat later than early August to avoid harvesting rotting beet which may cause hot spots in beet clamps after harvest. Recommended tractor-mounted wipers include: Hectaspan Weedwiper Keenan Weed Licker Matrot Mobilcord Technoma Weedwiper Telford Homburg Chemical Applicator Vicon Wedge-Wik
Dilute 1 part SYMBOL with 1 part water for use in these machines except under very dry conditions when 1 part SYMBOL to 2 parts water works better.
IMPORTANT: Keep livestock out of treated areas for at least 7 days to allow the SYMBOL to be fully effective. All poisonous plants must be removed before re-grazing or ensiling
Before spraying it is important to check all hoses, filters and nozzles, and to ensure that the sprayer is clean and correctly set to give an even application at the correct volume. Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Begin agitation and add the required quantity of SYMBOL directly to the tank. Add the remainder of the water and agitate the mixture thoroughly before and during spraying.
SYMBOL should not be tank-mixed with other pesticides or fertilisers except the recommended adjuvants since otherwise a reduction in overall control may occur. SYMBOL, when used at doses of 2.0 L/ha or less, can benefit by the addition of an 800 g/l ethoxylated tallow amine based adjuvant. Add the adjuvant at a rate of 0.5 litres per 100 litres of spray when using conventional hydraulic sprayers. DO NOT add extra adjuvant when using rotary atomiser sprayers since it will affect the droplet size
To avoid damage to other crops, the application equipment must be thoroughly de-contaminated after application.
Immediately after application, drain the tank completely and wash down with clean water. Rinse out the tank and flush through the booms and hoses.
Half-fill the tank with clean water and add the recommended dose of detergent cleaner. Agitate and then flush the boom and hoses with the cleaning solution. Top up the tank so that it is completely full and leave to stand for 15 minutes with the agitation running. Flush the booms and hoses again and drain completely.
Remove the nozzles and filters and clean separately in a solution of detergent cleaner in 10 litres of water.
Rinse the tank again with clean water, using at least 10% of the tank volume and dispose of the washings safely. For disposal of washings comply with local and national regulations.
SYMBOL has no significant residual activity and treated soils may be planted 48 hours after application unless directed otherwise (see above for specific restrictions). Wait for treated weeds to die back before cultivating which, in good growing conditions, will be after 7 days but under poor growing conditions, wait for the treated foliage to show the typical red/yellow colouration before cultivating. When direct-drilling after application of SYMBOL, a mass of decaying vegetation on the soil surface may cause a slight check to crop growth. To prevent this occurring, thoroughly cultivate soils to bury or disperse dense areas of decaying vegetation and ensure adequate fertilisation