Cinquefoil spp.

Pontentilla spp.

Life cycle: Perennial 
Growth Habit: Basal rosette with erect flower stem 
Propagation: Seed and stolon 
Leaf Margins: Heavily toothed 
Leaf Hairs: Hairy undersurface 
Leaf Structure: Palmately compund with 3 to 5 leaflets 
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate 
Root Type: Coarse fibrous roots 
Flower Color: Bright yellow

Cinquefoil (Potentilla spp.) often sneaks into lawns in the eastern half of North America, where several species are native to open woodlands. The plants resemble strawberries, but the leaves are made up of five leaflets whereas strawberries (including weedy Indian mockstrawberry) have only three. Cinquefoil's leaves often are a medium to light green color. Numerous 5-petaled small yellow flowers appear from late spring through early summer. For the rest of the season the plants spread quickly by producing plantlets on long stolons. To get cinquefoil under control, pull ordig plants monthly from spring through fall.

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