- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 02953
- Active materials
- carfentrazone-ethyl15 g/kg
- mecoprop-p600 g/l
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- LabelView
A selective herbicide for turf, formulated for control of a wide spectrum of broad leaved weeds and moss in managed amenity turf and amenity grassland.
Water soluble granule formulation containing 1.5% w/w Carfentrazone-ethyl and 60% w/w Mecoprop-p.
Direction for use: Jewel can be used on managed amenity turf and amenity grassland areas from the 3-leaf stage (approximately 4-6 weeks after sowing depending on climatic conditions) onwards, to control post-emerging broad-leaved weeds and moss. Jewel has a post emergence contact activity with Carfentrazone-ethyl and a systemic activity with Mecoprop-P.
Apply when the weather is fair, the soil is moist, the grass dry, when the moss and broad-leaved weeds are actively growing. Do not apply if rainfall is expected within 24hrs. Do not apply in frosty weather. Weed control in 3-5 weeks. Retreatment may be necessary for heavy infestations or if moss returns or weeds re-grow.
Weed control
Safety to crops grown for seed production has not been established. When renovating treated grass areas an interval of 6-8 weeks should elapse before re-seeding grass seed. For best results apply Jewel when weeds are at an early growing stage.
Dose, volume and application rates:
Dose: 1.5 kg/ha ( 50 ml dose cap = 200m²)
Volume: 500 l water. Maximum number of applications 2 per annum. Maximum total dose 3kg/Ha.
Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Commence agitation. Steadily add the recommended quantity of product to the spray tank (pre-mixing is not necessary). Maintain continuous agitation during mixing. Complete filling and maintain agitation (15 minutes) of the suspension before and during spraying until the tank is empty. When Jewel has been used in the autumn a second application may also be made in the following spring where subsequent fresh germination of weeds has occurred at a level that requires treatment.
Adjacent crops: Because some non-target plants are sensitive to Jewel, spray drift must be avoided on to nearby susceptible broad-leaved plants outside the target area, or on to ponds, waterways and ditches. Thorough cleaning of equipment is also important
Spray tank clean out: To avoid damage to crops other than turf, thoroughly clean all spray equipment (including inside and outside of the lid), using clean water:
1.Immediately after spraying of Jewel, drain tank completely. Any contamination of the outside of the spraying equipment should be removed by washing with water to which should be added a commercially available cleaning agent.
2.Rinse inside of tank with clean water, to which should be added a commercially available cleaning agent (e.g. All ClearTM Extra), and flush through boom and hoses using at least one tenth of the spray tank volume. Drain tank completely. Repeat operation.
3.Do not contaminate surface water or ditches with rinse water or empty containers.
Avoid overlapping spray swaths,
Do not apply Jewel to turf under stress from drought, waterlogging, frost, pests or diseases, nutrient or lime deficiency or other factors reducing plant growth.
The crop should not be mown three days before and after spraying.
Jewel can be used on all turf grass species.
Resistance Management: Strains of some annual weeds have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. To prevent the development of resistant weeds, herbicides with different modes of action must be used when applying Jewel in sequence. Treat weeds when they are small and actively growing and investigate any unexplained incidences of poor weed control for possible resistance.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Grassland | 1.5 kg |