Common daisy, dog dais, moon daisy
Leucanthemum vulgare
Leucanthemum vulgare is a perennial herb one to three feet high by 1 foot (0.30 m) wide. The stem is mostly unbranched and sprouts laterally from a creeping rhizomatous rootstock.
The leaves are dark green on both sides. The basal and middle leaves are petiolate, obovate to spoon-shaped, and serrate to dentate. The upper leaves are shorter, sessile, and borne along the stem.
L. vulgare blooms from late spring to autumn. The small flower head, not larger than 5 centimetres (2.0 in), consists of about 20 white rayflorets that surround a yellow disc, growing on the end of 1 to 3 ft (30 to 91 cm) tall stems. The plant produces an abundant number of flatseeds, without pappus, that remain viable in the soil for 2 to 3 years. It also spreads vegetatively by rhizomes.