Polaris Accelerate

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A non-residual, non-selective herbicide for weed control prior to planting crops and pasture, prior to harvesting some crops and for general weed control in horticulture, agriculture and forestry.

Non-selective herbicide – toxic to plants. Avoid contact with foliage or green stems of fruit or crops, desirable plants and trees, since severe injury or death may occur.

It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food Standards.

POLARIS ACCELERATE is a broad spectrum, non-selective, non-residual herbicide that is not volatile and may be used in agriculture, horticulture, drains, aquatic areas, forestry and for other uses including general weed control. POLARIS ACCELERATE is recommended prior to sowing pasture, crops and for the control of a wide range of brushweeds.

POLARIS ACCELERATE is absorbed by plant foliage and green stems. It is inactivated immediately upon contact with the soil and does not provide residual weed control.POLARIS ACCELERATE moves from the point of foliage or stem contact into the root system controlling the plant above and below the ground. Visible effects may take up to 14 days or even longer depending on growing conditions. These effects are a gradual wilting and yellowing of the foliage which advances to deterioration of above and below ground parts.

Apply POLARIS ACCELERATE only to healthy, actively growing plants with adequate leaves for herbicide uptake. Avoid treating plants that are silt laden or affected by drought, frost, water logging, grazing or previous herbicide application.

Rainfall occurring up to 2 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. When Agrosil® is added the rainfree period may be reduced to 30 minutes. If POLARIS ACCELERATE is applied to wet plants, efficacy may be reduced due to runoff.

After application of POLARIS ACCELERATE a withholding period for grazing stock is not required (except where ragwort is present). However, it is recommended that grazing or cultivating is delayed for 1 day after treatment of annual weeds or 3 days if perennial weeds are present to ensure absorption of POLARIS ACCELERATE. With brushweeds wait for stem dehydration to occur prior to burning or slashing.

Refer to “Weeds Controlled” section for rates of application.

General Weed Control: 
Handgun – mix 660 mL of POLARIS ACCELERATE with 100 litres of water (0.66% solution). 
Knapsack – mix 100 ml of POLARIS ACCELERATE with 15 litres of water.
Smaller sprayers – mix 6.5 mL of POLARIS ACCELERATE with every 1 litre of water. 
Apply to completely wet the foliage but not to run-off.

Brushweed Control: 
POLARIS ACCELERATE may be used to control a wide range of brushweeds and woody plants.

Agricultural Areas: 
POLARIS ACCELERATE may be used for the control of annual and perennial weeds as directed in agricultural land prior to sowing any edible or non-edible crop or pasture. Where white clover control is required, tank mix with a suitable white clover herbicide and observe recommended waiting periods prior to planting legumes. Cultivation may start from 3 days after spraying perennial weeds and 1 day for annual weeds. 
Pasture: Direct (Spot) Application. POLARIS ACCELERATE is non-selective and may damage or kill any plant in the sprayed area. Apply as a directed low pressure spray. Retreatment and/or pasture improvement may be necessary to restrict seedling re-establishment.

Selective Wiper Application:
For the control of erect weeds in pastures.

Pasture Renovation: 
POLARIS ACCELERATE may be used to control existing pasture species prior to re-seeding pastures or establishing other crops.

Pasture Seedhead Suppression (Unimproved Pasture):
Treat spring pasture at early grass seedhead emergence with 180–200ml POLARIS ACCELERATE/ha. Temporary pasture brownout will occur. Do not use Agrosil® or any other surfactant. Accurate spray calibration is important. Grazing can be carried out at any time after 3 days from treatment, but for optimum results graze from 21 days after treatment. 

Spraying of Silage Before Cutting 
Where paddocks are to be used for cropping after silage, POLARIS ACCELERATE may be applied before the silage is cut. Use 2.0-2.7 L/ha plus Agrosil 100mL/100 litres of water in 100-200 litres of water per hectare. Use the high rate on perennial ryegrass or if the silage is rank or lodged. Refer to higher label rates on other specific weeds. After spraying wait at least 4 days before cutting. Grass quality is maintained for 7-10 days after the initial planned cutting date, even into the early stages of brown-out.

Spraying of Silage or Hay Paddocks After Cutting 
Before spraying ensure that there is at least 5-10 cm of actively growing green leaf on all tillers. Typically this takes three weeks or more after cutting. Refer to application rates in the table. Always use Agrosil.

Pre-Harvest: Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas. 
For wheat, barley and oats - apply 7-12 days prior to harvest when the grain moisture content is less than 30%. 
Peas - apply 7-14 days prior to harvest when the pods have dried. Use only on peas for threshing. Do not harvest within 7 days after treatment to allow time for the herbicide to translocate into the weed roots. Do not apply to undersown crops including clovers as they may be severely damaged. Do not apply to crops which will be harvested for seed. Use rates up to 2.7 litres/ha depending on the specific weeds to be treated. Avoid treating drought stressed plants.

Orchards/Vines: Citrus, Apple, Pear, Stonefruit, Kiwifruit, Grapevines. Apply as a directed or shielded spray or with wiper equipment. For long term control of annual weeds POLARIS ACCELERATE may be tank mixed with a suitable residual herbicide. Do not apply near unprotected trees less than 3 years old. Do not allow spray or spray drift to contact any part of stonefruit trees, or green bark, suckers, buds, foliage or fruit of other trees. Do not allow wiper surfaces to contact any part of the trees. Weed foliage coated in copper or calcium based compounds may reduce the activity of POLARIS ACCELERATE.

Market Gardens: POLARIS ACCELERATE can be applied before or after seeding and prior to crop emergence. POLARIS ACCELERATE can be applied prior to transplanting or as a post harvest clean-up. For longer term control of seedling weeds, ADAMA POLARIS ACCELERATE may be tank mixed with Ramrod† or Alanex® Herbicide or other suitable residual herbicides. Use in accordance with the label recommendations for these products.

Asparagus: POLARIS ACCELERATE can be applied: 
Following the final harvest and immediately after removal of all spears but before crop regrowth occurs.
Prior to planting or crop emergence. Do not treat emerging spears.
In established ferns as a directed or shielded spray or with wiper equipment. Do not allow spray, spray drift or the wiper surface to contact any part of the asparagus plants.

Industrial and Non-Agricultural Areas: POLARIS ACCELERATE can be used for the control of annual and perennial weeds as directed. For residual control POLARIS ACCELERATE can be tank mixed with Simanex® SC Herbicide or another suitable residual herbicide.Exercise caution when using residual herbicides prior to planting trees, shrubs or other ornamental plants. 

Turfgrass and Recreational Areas: Apply before establishing lawns, parks, reserves and ornamentals. POLARIS ACCELERATE can also be applied around the base of established trees as a directed or shielded spray or by wiper equipment. Do not allow spray or spray drift or the wiper surface to contact any part of the tree. In mown areas, allow sufficient re-growth before spraying.

Aquatic Areas: Drains and Waterways. Ensure that 75% of the weed to be treated is above water level or efficacy may be reduced. Following spray application do not submerge the treated plant as this will cause the herbicide to be washed off. Avoid treating silt laden plants.

Forestry: POLARIS ACCELERATE can be applied for the control of grasses and a wide range of brushweeds. The addition of Agrosil is required for the control of bracken and gorse. Do not allow spray, spray drift or the wiper surface to contact the foliage or green bark of desirable trees as severe injury can occur.

For broadcast boom application flat fan, wide angle nozzles (e.g. 110°) using pressures of 200-280 kPa are preferred. Set boom height to ensure a double overlap of the spray pattern at the top of the weed canopy. Apply in 100-200 litres of clean water per hectare. For orchard application wide angle, even spray nozzles are preferred. For knapsack or handgun applications adjust equipment to apply a fine spray. Use the minimum spray volume necessary to achieve uniform and complete coverage. Handgun spraying pressures of 1,000-2,000 kPa and No. 4 to No. 6 spray tips are recommended.

Wiper Application - pre-mix 1 part of POLARIS ACCELERATE and 2 parts of clean water to prepare a 33% solution. Mix only enough herbicide for immediate needs and allow the wiping area to become fully saturated before commencing. The wiping area must remain moist and clean otherwise reduced results will occur. In heavy weed infestations or when treating perennial weeds such as Californian thistle or multicrown ragwort, a double pass in opposite directions on the same day will give the best results. As weed density increases, decrease ground speed. Aircraft Application - POLARIS ACCELERATE may be applied by aircraft in forestry and non-cropping areas only. Aerial application of POLARIS ACCELERATE is not recommended on cropping land or near desirable plant species as even slight drift may cause severe injury or destruction. Do not apply in gusty or windy conditions or in other conditions conducive to drift, e.g. still air and inversion conditions. Mistblower Application - Use a solution of 200ml of POLARIS ACCELERATE in 10 litres of water. For the micron attachment increase to 1.3 litres of POLARIS ACCELERATE in 10 litres of water. Provide complete coverage and spray to wet but not to runoff.

Agrosil may be used with POLARIS ACCELERATE to improve rate of uptake and shorten the rainfree period on certain weeds. Refer to Agrosil label before using. Always use Agrosil when treating gorse, broom, bracken, ryegrass and sweet brier.


BARBERRY (Berberis glaucocarpa)
Handgun Vol/100 litres:
660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply Jan. to Apr. from flowering to late fruit. Where bushes have been cut, regrowth should be 1.5 metres tall before spraying. 

BLACKBERRY (Rubus fructicosus)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha
: 6-13
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml – 1 litre
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply to healthy plants from blossom to ripe fruit stage prior to Autumn frosts (Dec. to Apr.). Only bushes with a welldeveloped canopy of leaves should be treated. Early treatment (Dec. to Jan.) may be preferred in drought prone areas. Leave sprayed blackberry for 40-60 days before burning or slashing and oversow the area. Where treatment has been carried out under marginal conditions some regrowth can be expected within 1-2 years. For aerial application of hard to kill blackberry or where no follow-up pasture management is anticipated, use the higher rate

BOXTHORN (Lycium ferocissimum)
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 830 ml
Critical Comments: Apply Nov. to Apr. to actively growing plants. Avoid salt damaged plants. Spray to ensure complete coverage of dense thickets. DO NOT USE ADDITIONAL surfactant as poor results may occur

BRACKEN (Pteridum aquilinum)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 6 + Agrosil 250ml/100 litres (min 500ml/ha)
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660ml + Agrosil 200ml/100 litres
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66 + Agrosil 20ml 

BROOM (Cytisus scoparius) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 6 + Agrosil 250ml/100 litres (min 500ml/ha)
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660ml + Agrosil 200ml/100 litres 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66 + Agrosil 20ml 
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 66 + Agrosil 20ml 
Critical Comments: Aerial Application – Best results are obtained when plants are in full leaf. Handgun Application – Apply all year round. Ensure full coverage.

BUDDLEJA (Buddleja davidii)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 6 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Critical Comments: Handgun. If actively growing treat all year. Aerial. Treat buddleja up to 2 metres high during Feb. to Apr.

GORSE (Ulex europaeus L) 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660ml + Agrosil 200ml/100 litres 
Critical Comments: Apply all year round. Spray to ensure complete coverage

OLD MAN’S BEARD (Clematis vitalba)
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml – 1.3 litres
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 130
Critical Comments: Apply Nov. to Mar. prior to leaf senescence. Vines too high for complete coverage should be cut at ground level in winter or spring and the regrowth sprayed in Mar. When plants are at least 0.5 metres long. Followup treatment will be necessary to control seedlings. Use the low rate for small vines

PAMPAS GRASS/TOETOE (Cortaderia spp.) 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Critical Comments: Apply Spring-Autumn. Ensure complete coverage. Best results are achieved when applied after flowering.

RING FERN (Paesia scaberula)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 660 ml – 2 litres
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 200 ml 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 23
Critical Comments: Control: Apply 2 L/ha in Jan. to Apr. Pasture Manipulation: Apply 700ml – 1.4 L/ha Dec. to Apr. Use the high rate for dense infestation. Burn 4-6 weeks after treatment and oversow with pasture

SWEET BRIER (Rosa rubiginosa) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 8 litres + Agrosil 250 ml/100 litres (min 500ml/ha) 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml + Agrosil 200 ml/100 litres 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66 + Agrosil 20 ml 
Critical Comments: Apply from late flowering to early leaf yellowing. Best results achieved with full coverage.

WILLOW (Salix species)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 9-12 + Agrosil 250 ml/100 litres (min 500ml/ha) 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml + Agrosil 200 ml/100 litres
Critical Comments: Apply from Jan. to Apr. before leaf fall begins. Total spray coverage is essential for best results. Use the high rate for pussy willow control


ANNUAL WEEDS (Seedlings)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 660 ml – 1.3 L
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 130 ml 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 13
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 40
Critical Comments: Use higher rate for larger weeds

BARLEY GRASS (Hordeum murinum)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 660 ml 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 130 ml 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 13
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 40

CLEAVERS (Galium aparine)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 1
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 330 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 33
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 100

RYEGRASS Short rotation (Annual, Italian, Hybrid) Established < 8 months 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 2 - 2.7 + Agrosil 100ml/100 litres 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660ml + Agrosil 100ml/100 litres
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66 + Agrosil 10ml
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200 + Agrosil 10ml

Established > 8 months 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 2 - 2.7 + Agrosil 100ml/100 litres 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660ml + Agrosil 100ml/100 litres
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66 + Agrosil 10ml
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200 + Agrosil 10ml

Critical Comments: Ensure plants are actively growing and have at least 5-10 cm of green leaf. Add Agrosil at all times.


AUSTRALIAN SEDGE (Carex longebrachita) Wiper* 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4; 6 Aerial 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660mL 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply from Nov. to Mar. Where rank growth is present the area should be burnt 12-18 months prior to aerial application to ensure adequate spray coverage.

BROWNTOP (Agrostis capillaries)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660mL 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply to 5 – 10 cm high actively growing plants. Some regrowth may occur. Long-term control requires a pasture renewal programme utilizing annual crops and repeat applications of POLARIS ACCELERATE before re-establishing perennial pasture

CALIFORNIAN THISTLE (Cirsium arvense) Wiper* 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 2.7
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply after flower bud development but before autumn browning. To ensure maximum shoot emergence do not cultivate for 6 months prior to treatment. Wiper - A double pass at low speed is recommended in heavy infestations. Mowing thistles 10 days after treatment may assist control. Retreatment may be necessary in the following season.

COUCH (Elytrigia trepens)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 2 – 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200 
Critical Comments: For suppression use 2 litres/ha, for control use 2.7 – 4 litres/ha when growing conditions are satisfactory. Autumn treatment is preferable. Use the high rate in late spring. Apply to plants with at least 4-5 leaves and active shoot and root growth. Do not cultivate for 6 months prior to application to ensure maximum shoot emergence. Long-term control requires a pasture renewal programme utilizing annual crops and repeat applications of POLARIS ACCELERATE before re-establishing perennial pasture. See the Use Recommendations section for control of couch in a pre-harvest situation. 

CHEWINGS FESCUE (Festuca rubra subsp. commutate) RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra subsp. rubra)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 6 + Agrosil 100ml/100 litres 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660ml + Agrosil 100ml/100 litres
Critical Comments: Apply to healthy actively growing plants with 10-15 cm leaf length. Spring treatment gives best results. Some regrowth may occur. Long-term control requires a pasture renewal programme utilizing annual crops and repeat applications of POLARIS ACCELERATE before re-establishing perennial pasture.

DOCK (Rumex obtusifolius) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 2.7 – 6
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Critical Comments: Treat plants in spring or summer when actively growing and in full leaf. Use low rate for seedlings and young plants. Use high rate for control of established plants

FLOATING SWEET GRASS (Gylceria fluitans) REED SWEET GRASS (Glyceria maxima) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply to actively growing plants when most have reached early seedhead.

INDIAN DOAB (Cynodon dactylon) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 6
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Critical Comments: Apply when most plants have reached early seedhead.

JOHNSON GRASS (Sorghum halepense)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply to actively growing plants.

KIKUYU (Pennisetum clandestinum)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200

MERCER GRASS (Paspalum distichum)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 6
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 1 litre
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 100
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 300

Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200

Critical Comments: Apply to actively growing plants. Under dense growth conditions mulch and allow at least 10-15 cm of regrowth before treatment. Long-term control requires a pasture renewal programme utilizing annual crops and repeat applications of POLARIS ACCELERATE before re-establishing perennial pastures.

NODDING THISTLE (Carduus nutans) Wiper* 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Critical Comments: Wiper Application (see Application Instructions). Apply when actively growing when at least 10cm of the weed can be wiped. In heavy infestations a double pass is recommended.

PASPALUM (Paspalum dilatum) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 2.7 – 4 
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Use the low rate from Jan. to Apr. (early seedhead) prior to frosts. Use 4 litres/ha on vegetative plants.

POTATO (self set) (Solanum tuberosum) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 2
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 330 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 33
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 100

Prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 1

RAGWORT (Scenecio jacobaea) Wiper*
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres:
 660 ml
Critical Comments: Apply when actively growing. Wiper: Apply when plants are 10 – 15 cm above the pasture. In heavy infestations a double pass is recommended. Caution: Ragwort plants may become more palatable following spraying and stock should be removed until the treated plants brown out

RATSTAIL (Sporobolus africanus)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 3.3
Critical Comments: Apply to actively growing plants in Autumn.

RAUTAHI (CUTTY GRASS) (Carex coriacea) 
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200

RUSHES (SOFT) (Juncus spp) Wiper*
Boom or Aerial litres/ha: 4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200

Critical Comments: Apply to actively growing plants from Jan. to Mar. Burning or slashing may take place from 30 days after treatment following brownout. Wiper (Rushes only). Apply Nov. to May.

TALL FESCUE (Festuca arundinacea)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha:  4
Handgun Vol/100 litres: 660 ml 
Knapsack ml/10 litres: 66 
Mistblower ml/10 litres: 200
Critical Comments: Apply to actively growing plants Jan. to Mar.

YARROW (Achillea millefolium)
Boom or Aerial litres/ha:  2-4
Critical Comments: Apply to plants with 5- 10cm of leaf. Cultivate with a minimum of 2 grubbings from 10 days after treatment. Use the 2 litre rate when a competitive crop to yarrow is to be drilled. Use the 4 litre rate when the crop to be drilled is a poor competitor

Registered for cultures
Glyphosate who kills all plants