Apple aphid

Aphis pomi

Aphis pomi, commonly known as the apple aphid (the literal significance of its Latin name), or the green apple aphid, is a true bug in the family Aphididae. It is found on young growth of apple trees and on other members of the rose family where it feeds by sucking sap. Reproduction is mainly by parthenogenesis, in which unmated females give birth to live young.
Wingless females have a pear-shaped bright green or yellowish-green body, undusted with wax particles, and grow to a maximum length of about 2.2 mm (0.09 in). The cauda (tail-like elongation of the body) and cornicles are black and the antennae and legs are pale with brown tips. Winged females have a black thorax and green abdomen, often with three pairs of blackish spots on the front three segments and dark semicircular spots in front of and behind the cornicles.

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