
Dow AgroSciences
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Equity is a broad-spectrum insecticide for controlling many pests in agricultural, horticultural and forestry crops.
An emulsifiable concentrate containing 480 g/litre (44.6% w/w) chlorpyrifos.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Other pecific restrictions:
1. For drench applications the following maximum concentrations must not be exceeded: (a) Listed brassicae (field): 100 ml of product per 100 litres of water (b) Strawberries: 2.0 litres of product per 1000 litres of water (c) Peat blocks containing cabbage, Brussels sprout, cauliflower and calabrese: 100 ml of product per 25 litres of water (d) Modules containing cabbage, Brussels sprout, cauliflower and calabrese: 50 ml of product per 5 litres of water
2. Spray applications to broccoli/calabrese, cabbage, cauliflower and oriental cabbages should be made no later than 21 days before harvest.
3. For use on raspberry, a maximum of three applications per year must not be exceeded.
4. For spray applications to cut logs the maximum concentration must not exceed 1.0 litre of product per 10 litres of water.
5. Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering.
6. Apple, pear and plum crops intended for fresh consumption must not be treated post flowering.
7. Equity can only be applied as a drench treatment to strawberries at the end of the cropping season but before the end of November.
8. DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER for any purpose. Read the label before use. Using this product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label may be an offence. Follow the Code of Practice for Using Plant Protection Products
In top fruit crops use pre-blossom up to pink/white bud or post-blossom after petal fall. In other crops do not apply during flowering.
Aphids: Strains of some aphid species are resistant to many aphicides. Where aphids resistant to products containing chlorpyrifos occur, EQUITY is unlikely to give satisfactory control. Repeat treatments of the same product are unlikely to improve efficacy.
Pear suckers: Pear suckers resistant to one or more groups of insecticides are widespread. Where strains resistant to products containing organophosphorus insecticides occur, EQUITY is unlikely to give satisfactory control. Where repeat treatments are necessary use different active ingredients.
Spider mites: Strains of ‘spider mites’ resistant to one or more groups of acaricides are widespread. Where strains resistant to products containing chlorpyrifos occur, EQUITY is unlikely to give satisfactory control.
Maintain agitation of EQUITY during mixing and loading and until spraying is complete.
Pest :Wheat blossom midge 
Rate: 1.0 litre per hectar
Critical Comments:TIME OF APPLICATION:Wheat blossom midge: Only spray those fields where populations of wheat blossom midge above the threshold have been identified. For information on threshold levels for treatment, contact the Dow AgroSciences Hotline or your specialist adviser. Spray between ear emergence and the start of flowering (Zadoks 51-59) to control developing larvae. Treatment should commence once the majority of ears have emerged. Ears not emerged at the time of treatment will not be protected. Water volume should be maintained to ensure good coverage and contact with the pest. Applications beyond Zadoks 59, once the majority of ears have commenced flowering are unnecessary.
Pest :Frit fly, leatherjackets, wheat bulb fly 
Rate:1.5 litres  per hectar
Critical Comments:TIME OF APPLICATION:
Frit fly: Winter wheat crops following grass and late sown spring oats may be attacked. Larvae damage the shoots causing the centre leaf to become yellow and die resulting in plant death or very weak growth. Application to winter wheat can be made pre-crop emergence (but post-drilling), at crop emergence (early post-emergence), or at the first sign of damage. Later applications may be less effective. EQUITY can also be applied prior to desiccation and/or ploughing of the grass crop or grassy stubble which precedes winter wheat. Applications to dense, matted swards containing significant amounts of susceptible species (e.g. ryegrass) should be avoided. In these cases, post-drilling applications to winter wheat are recommended. Application to spring oats should be made at the first sign of attack and not later than the 2 leaf stage of the crop. Later applications may be less effective.
Leatherjackets: Roots and stems are attacked at or below ground level and plants die off rapidly. Damage usually occurs between March and May but earlier attacks can occur in some seasons. Spray as soon as damage is first seen.
Wheat bulb fly: Crops are attacked from mid-January to March. Centre leaves of damaged plants turn yellow and die. EQUITY is a persistent soil insecticide and should be applied at egg hatch, (normally from early January to the end of February). In the event of a prolonged egg hatch, a repeat application of EQUITY may be required, particularly on organic soils. Later applications once an attack is established and deadhearts are visible, will be less effective; under these conditions an approved systemic insecticide such as an approved formulation of dimethoate should be used. Activity of EQUITY may be reduced when soil temperatures remain below 5°C
WATER VOLUME Apply in 200 to 1000 litres of water per hectare.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TREATMENTS AND LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION Two applications of EQUITY* insecticide at 1.5 litres/ha per crop may be applied before flag leaf sheath extending stage (Zadoks 39), AND One application of EQUITY at 1.0 litre/ha per crop before flowering (Zadoks 59).
NOTE In common with many soil-applied pesticides the activity of EQUITY may be reduced in organic soils.
Pest :Frit fly 
Rate: 1.5 litres per hectar
Critical Comments:
WATER VOLUME Apply in 200 to 1000 litres of water per hectare.
TIME OF APPLICATION Spray at first crop emergence or when crop has not more than 2 leaves.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 21 days before harvest.
Pest :Frit fly, leatherjackets 
Rate:1.5 litres per hectar
Critical Comments:
WATER VOLUME Apply in 200 to 1000 litres of water per hectare.
TIME OF APPLICATIONFrit fly: The larvae destroy the central shoots of ryegrasses, fescues and bents. They may affect both establishment and development of a young ley after an arable crop or direct reseeding. Application should be made at emergence where damage is anticipated or at first sign of attack.
Leatherjackets: Roots and stems of old grassland and newly established swards are attacked at or below ground level and plants die off rapidly. Over-winter feeding results in damage becoming visible in the spring. EQUITY may be applied at any time from the beginning of November where high larval populations are detected or damage is first seen. Early treatment is recommended in order to prevent yield losses from over-winter feeding. Later applications may be made on golf courses. EQUITY should not be applied during periods of frost as leatherjacket activity is reduced under these conditions and treatment may not be as effective.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 14 days before harvest.
NOTE Lactating cows should not be grazed on treated pastures within 14 days of application.
Pest :Aphids 
Rate:1.0 litre per hectar
Pest :Caterpillars (small), leatherjackets, whitefly (adults) 
Rate: 1.5 litres per hectar
Pest :Cutworms 
Rate: 2.0 litres per hectar
1 IMPORTANT - Do not spray seed potato crops under severe drought stress as damage may occur. The variety Desirée is particularly susceptible.
WATER VOLUME Broccoli, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage for aphid, caterpillar, leatherjacket control: Apply in 600 to 1000 litres of water per hectare plus an authorised non-ionic wetter/spreader.
Broccoli, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, bulb onions, seed potatoes for cutworm control: Apply in 600 to 1000 litres of water per hectare.
TIME OF APPLICATION Brassica crops - Before head formation (pre BBCH41). Seed potato and bulb onions – up to 21 days before harvest.
Aphids: Spray when pests are first seen, usually early summer.
Caterpillars: Spray when damage is first seen, usually early summer.
Leatherjackets: Apply pre-sowing.
Whitefly: Where EQUITY is used for aphid and caterpillar control it will give some control of whitefly. Cutworm: Cutworm caterpillars live in the surface layers of the soil, feeding on plants just above or below ground level. Plants are either cut off at ground level or large holes are eaten into the roots, most damage occurring in June and July. Treat post-emergence when attack is forecast or when damage is first seen.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS Broccoli, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, seed potatoes: Two per crop
Bulb onion: One per crop.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION Brassica crops – Before head formation (pre BBCH41). Spray applications to broccoli/calabrese, cabbage, cauliflower and oriental cabbages should be made no later than 21 days before harvest. Seed potato and bulb onions – 21 days before harvest.
NOTE In common with many soil-applied pesticides the activity of EQUITY may be reduced on organic soils.
The following crops can be treated: Leaf brassicas (broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage)
Pest :Cabbage root fly 
Rate: 100 millilitres per 100 litres
Critical Comments:
VOLUME Apply a drench of 70 millilitres to the base of each plant. A row treatment can be made by applying the dilute drench at 5 litres per 30 metres of row.
TIME OF APPLICATION Treatment should be made within 4 days of transplanting or at seedling emergence for direct-sown crops after the third week of April.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 4 days after transplanting or at seedling stage.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TREATMENTS One drench application per crop.
Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese and cauliflower grown in peat blocks and modules can be treated prior to transplanting out.
TIME OF APPLICATION Crops should be treated at the 3 to 4 leaf stage. Only good crops with good leaf condition that are growing vigorously should be treated.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS One prior to planting out.
The leaves should be moistened with a light spray of water immediately before treatment.
EQUITY should then be applied at 100 ml per 5,000 blocks (43 X 43 X 43 mm) in as dilute a solution as possible. The drench volume should be determined by estimating the uptake of water by one block and then multiplying by 5,000 to calculate the volume for the 5,000 blocks to be treated. This volume should then be at least 25 litres per 5,000 blocks.
Immediately after treatment, the spray should be washed off the leaves of the treated crop with water. The volume of water should be sufficient to clear the leaves of spray deposit but not so much that EQUITY is leached from the block. Any such leaching will reduce pest control and may also lead to soil contamination (see 'Notes' below).
Application is a 3 stage process:
 moisten the leaves of the plants to be treated immediately prior to treatment; 
 apply the EQUITY drench; 
 wash off the EQUITY drench from leaves of plants with water;
It is important that the total volume of water used in these three stages does not exceed the water holding capacity of the modules, otherwise leaching of the EQUITY will occur which may reduce Cabbage root fly control and lead to contamination of underlying glasshouse soil (see Notes below).
The water volumes below are given as a guide for modules of 11 to 13 ml capacity (the minimum size and hence the minimum volume recommended). Larger volumes can be used with larger modules.
Leaves of the plants should be wetted with a light spray of water immediately before treatment using 2 litres per 5,000 plants.
EQUITY should then be applied at 50 ml in 5 litres water per 5,000 plants. Immediately after treatment the insecticide must be thoroughly washed off the leaves of the plant with clean water, using 5 litres of water per 5,000 plants.
Notes: Peat blocks and modules
EQUITY MUST BE APPLIED ALONE. Tank-mixing of EQUITY for this use is liable to produce severe leaf scorch.
EQUITY should not be used to treat blocks or modules which will be planted out before the beginning of April.
Breakdown of EQUITY in soils inside glasshouses can be very slow. Residues, even from one application of EQUITY at the high concentrations used, can damage susceptible crops (eg lettuce, celery, Chinese leaves, chrysanthemums etc) planted several months later. To avoid this, do not apply EQUITY in such a large volume of water that it passes through the compost. Also prevent the spray contaminating the pathways and covered areas surrounding the trays being treated. This can be done in a number of ways eg interceptor trays, polythene sheeting, use of correct water volumes etc. After use, remove plastic sheeting, wash down and dispose of safely. When handling recently drenched trays of plants PROTECTIVE RUBBER GLOVES AND COVERALLS MUST BE WORN. Modules should generally be transplanted as soon as possible after treatment. However, EQUITY can be leached out of the compost in the first 24 hours after application after which it becomes strongly bound (absorbed) onto the peat. If plants are to be despatched freshly watered, EQUITY should be applied a few days beforehand to ensure that it is not leached from the module during the final watering. Transplanting of treated blocks and modules to a depth which brings untreated soil into contact with plant stems above the top of the block or module will lead to reduced control. Further treatments to control cabbage root fly larvae may be required in areas of high activity. Overdosing can result in transient yellowing of leaves, especially where high rates of a composting or wetting agent have been used.
Pest :Leatherjackets, pygmy mangold beetle 
Rate:1.5 litres per hectar
Critical Comments:
WATER VOLUME Apply in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare.
Leatherjackets: Leatherjackets can often cause serious damage when sugar beet crops follow infested grass. Where sugar beet is to follow grass, the recommended method of control with EQUITY is to detect and treat the leatherjackets in the grassland prior to cultivation and drilling of the sugar beet crop (see ‘Pasture’ section). As a follow up treatment to this, or when prior treatment has not been possible, EQUITY should be applied to the sugar beet crop if high pest levels are found or at the first sign of damage by leatherjackets. Application can be made from post-drilling. When prior treatment to the previous grass crop has not been possible, damage may be reduced rather than prevented.
Pygmy mangold beetle: Pygmy mangold beetle feed on newly establishing sugar beet crops. An application of EQUITY at 1.5 litres/ha at the earliest recommended timing on sugar beet, will help reduce feeding damage caused by the larvae and adults. A minimum water volume of 200 litres/ha should be used.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION End of July in year of harvest.
NOTE An interval of 4 days should elapse between applications of EQUITY and any herbicide. DO NOT TREAT CROPS UNDER STRESS.
Pest :Aphids, apple blossom weevil, apple sucker, capsids, tortrix, winter moths 
Rate:1.0 litre per hectar
POST-BLOSSOM (Cider apples only)
Pest :Aphids, codling moth, common green capsid, late winter moths, red spider mite, sawfly, tortrix, woolly aphid 
Rate: 2.0 litres per hectar
WATER VOLUME Apply in 250 to 2000 litres of water per hectare.
Aphids (rosy leaf-curling etc), tortrix, winter moths: Bud burst to pink bud.
Apple blossom weevil: Bud burst.
Capsids, apple sucker: Green cluster to pink bud.
A late green cluster to pink bud application will control all the above pests except common green capsid, rosy leaf-curling aphid and rosy apple aphid, which will require a further spray at petal fall or soon after. Where there is a known history of rosy leaf-curling aphid, spray pre-blossom and again at petal fall.
POST-BLOSSOM (Cider apples only) To be used post-blossom on apples intended for cider making only.
Common green capsid, aphids (rosy leaf-curling etc), sawfly: Petal fall.
Later winter moths, codling moth: Mid to late June in most seasons. Repeat the application 14 days later and again if necessary.
Tortrix: This pest will be controlled by the codling moth sprays. Severe or late attacks in late July or early August will require a third application.
Aphids: Following pre-blossom treatment rosy leaf-curling aphid and rosy apple aphid will require a further spray at petal fall or soon after to complete control. If no pre-blossom control measures have been taken it is advisable to use at least 1000 litres water per hectare to obtain penetration of curled leaf.
Red spider mite: Where EQUITY is used at petal fall for capsid, late winter moth or sawfly control, or later where it is used for codling or tortrix moth control, it may not be necessary to use an acaricide treatment. Woolly aphid: This pest will also be controlled by the codling and tortrix spray applications.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 14 days before harvest (cider apples), all other apples pre-blossom.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPPLICATIONS A maximum number of one pre-blossom application and three post-blossom applications per year of EQUITY may be made to apples.
NOTE Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering.
Pest :Aphids, capsids, tortrix, winter moths
Rate:  1.0 litre per hectar
POST-BLOSSOM (Pears for Perry)
Pest :Aphids, capsids, caterpillars. codling moth, pear sucker, red spider mite 
Rate:2.0 litres  per hectar
WATER VOLUME Apply in 250 to 2000 litres of water per hectare.
TIME OF APPLICATION PRE-BLOSSOM Aphids, capsids, tortrix, winter moths: These pests will be controlled when spraying between bud burst and white bud.
POST-BLOSSOM (Pears for Perry only) To be used post-blossom on pears intended for Perry making only.
Aphids: Post-blossom sprays will control aphids including leaf-curling species.
Capsids, caterpillars, sucker: Spray when pests are seen.
Codling moth: Mid to late June in most seasons. Repeat the application 14 days later and again if necessary.
Pear sucker: Good coverage is essential and it is advisable to spray high volume and thoroughly soak the trees.
Red spider mite: This pest when it occurs on pears may also be controlled by post-blossom applications.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 14 days before harvest (pears for Perry), all other pears pre-blossom.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS A maximum number of two applications per year of EQUITY may be made to pears.
NOTE Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering.
Pest :Aphids, tortrix, winter moths 
Rate:1.0 litre per hectar
POST-BLOSSOM (Plums subject to heat preservation)
Pest :Damson hop aphid, mealy plum aphid, red spider mite, winter moths 
Rate:2.0 litres per hectar
WATER VOLUME Apply in 250 to 2000 litres of water per hectare.
TIME OF APPLICATION PRE-BLOSSOM Winter moths, tortrix, aphids: Bud burst to white bud.
POST-BLOSSOM (Plums subject to heat preservation only) To be used post-blossom on plums intended for heat preservation processing only.
Aphids: Spray in May or June when aphids are first seen and repeat as necessary for further aphid migrations into orchards.
Winter moths: Spray at cot split (7 to 10 days after petal fall).
Red spider mite: Where EQUITY is used at cot split to control late winter moths it may not be necessary to use an acaricide treatment.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 14 days before harvest (plums for heat preservation), all other plums pre-blossom.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS A maximum number of three applications per year of EQUITY may be made to plums.
NOTE Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering.
Pest :Aphids, tortrix 
Rate:1.0 litre per hectar
Pest :Red spider mite, strawberry blossom weevil 
Rate:1.5 litres per hectar
WATER VOLUME Apply in 1000 litres of water per hectare.
Aphids: Fruiting beds: Spray just before flowering and before the aphids build up (usually in mid to late April for outdoor crops). For early attacks it may be necessary to apply in late March. Protected crops: Spray in March. Runner beds/maiden beds: Spray in mid-May.
Tortrix: Spray in April, when pest appears. This pest can cause serious damage in some seasons.
Red spider mite: Application of EQUITY at the time for aphids will also control nonorganophosphorus resistant red spider mite. In some seasons a spray in early April may prove necessary. Spray protected crops in early March to early April.
Strawberry blossom weevil: Where infestations are not severe, application should be made after the first sign of damage up until just before the crop flowering stage. Where infestations are severe, two applications should be made; the first at the first sign of weevil damage and the second just before the crop flowering stage.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 15 days before harvest.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS A maximum number of two foliar applications per crop of EQUITY at 1.5 litres/ha may be made in strawberries for use against strawberry blossom weevil or red spider mite. A maximum number of one foliar application per crop of EQUITY at 1.0 litre/ha may be made in strawberries for use against aphids and tortrix.
NOTE Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering.
Pest :Aphids, raspberry beetle, raspberry cane midge 
Rate:1.0 litre per hectar
Pest :Red spider mite 
Rate:1.5 litres per hectar
WATER VOLUME Apply in a minimum of 1000 litres of water per hectare for control of raspberry beetle; 500 litres of water per hectare for other pests.
TIME OF APPLICATION Aphids: Spray pre-blossom as required. Raspberry beetle: Spray at first pink fruit stage. Red spider mite: Attacks at first pink fruit will be controlled by sprays applied for raspberry beetle control or spray later as required. Raspberry cane midge: Southern England: Early/mid-May. Scotland: Late May/early June Spray one week later in both areas after a cold spring. Delay first application until small longitudinal splits are found on the young spawn or on ADAS advice. Repeat 10 to 14 days later just before but not during flowering. Direct spray into bottom 600 millimetres of young canes, i.e. below bottom wire.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 7 days before harvest.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS/MAXIMUM TOTAL DOSE A maximum number of three applications per year of EQUITY may be made to raspberries, but a maximum total dose of 3.0 litres product/ha must not be exceeded.
NOTE Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering.
The following crops can be treated: Blackcurrants, redcurrants, whitecurrants
Pest :Aphids, capsids, caterpillars 
Rate:1.0 litre per hectar

Pest :Red spider mite 
Rate:1.5 litres per hectar
WATER VOLUME Apply in a minimum of 2000 litres of water per hectare for control of red spider mite; 1000 litres of water per hectare for other pests.
Aphids: Spray as and when attack occurs.
Capsids, caterpillars: Spray before first open flower and again at the end of flowering.
Red spider mite: Spray at fruit set and repeat if necessary. Repeat after picking to avoid spider mite hibernating for next season.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 14 days before harvest.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS A maximum number of three applications per crop of EQUITY may be made to currants.
NOTE Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering
Pest :Aphids, capsids, 
Rate:1.0 litre per hectar
Pest :Red spider mite 
Rate:1.5 litres per hectar
WATER VOLUME Apply in a minimum of 2000 litres of water per hectare for control of red spider mite; 1000 litres of water per hectare for other pests.
Aphids: Spray as and when attack occurs.
Capsids: Spray before first open flower.
Caterpillars: Spray as soon as the pests are seen, usually soon after fruit set. It is important to force the wash into the centre of large bushes.
Red spider mite: Spray as soon as mites are seen on the foliage, usually late April to early May.
LATEST TIME OF APPLICATION 14 days before harvest.
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS A maximum number of one application per year of EQUITY may be made to gooseberries.
NOTE Fruit crops must not be treated during flowering.
For the latest advice on tank mixes with EQUITY please contact Dow AgroSciences.
Registered for culturesRateBBCHPreharvest Interval
Winter wheat1 - 1.5 l39 - 59
Spring wheat1 - 1.5 l39 - 59
Spring barley1 - 1.5 l39 - 59
Winter barley1 - 1.5 l39 - 59
Spring oats1 - 1.5 l39 - 59
Winter oats1 - 1.5 l39 - 59
Corn1.5 l021
Sugar beets1.5 l0
Potatoes2 l021
Onions2 l021
Grassland1.5 l014
Broccoli2 l414
Cabbage2 l414
Calabrese2 l414
Cauliflower2 l414
Chinese cabbage2 l414
Brussels sprouts2 l414
Apples1 - 2 l014
Pears1 - 2 l014
Plums1 - 2 l014
Strawberries1 - 1.5 l015
Raspberries1.5 l07
Gooseberries1.5 l014
White currant1.5 l014
Red currant1.5 l014
Black currant1.5 l014