
Dow AgroSciences
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Active materials
A suspension concentrate containing 480 g/litre (44.03% w/w) spinosad.
A selective insecticide for use in FIELD VEGETABLES and FRUIT CROPS for the control of CATERPILLAR PESTS and useful control of CABBAGE ROOT FLY and THRIPS including Western flower thrips
IMPORTANT: This leaflet is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Other Specific Restrictions:
For protected strawberry apply a maximum of 2 consecutive sprays followed by a minimum 28 day interval before any further applications. When application is made before planting to broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower or Chinese cabbage only 2 further applications of spinosad may be made to the crop. Module drench treatments to brassica crops must not be made by hand held equipment. In protected situations the total number of applications of any spinosad containing product must not exceed 6 per glasshouse/protected structure in a 12 month period, regardless of the crop being treated (including ornamentals). Read the label before use. Using this product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label may be an offence. Follow the Code of Practice for Using Plant Protection Products.
TRACER® insecticide has a very specific pest spectrum. Only apply TRACER against pests and crops on the label. Taint tests have not been conducted using TRACER. Growers should consult processors before use. Following application allow 12 hours for TRACER to become rainfast before applying irrigation. Wash spray tank and equipment (including knapsack sprayers) thoroughly with water and a liquid detergent immediately after use. Spray out. Fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out again before using another product.
TRACER enters the insect primarily through contact and ingestion. Contact occurs by direct application or by insect movement on a treated surface. Ingestion occurs from feeding on treated surfaces. Following entry, TRACER acts on a unique neuro-receptor site of the insect. Symptoms appear almost immediately and complete mortality occurs within a few hours. TRACER is not systemic but does show translaminar movement.
Outdoor Crops
TRACER has been tested on a wide range of outdoor crops. TRACER has good plant safety when applied at different growth stages, including flowering.
Modular drench application to brassicas
Users should refer to and follow the specific instructions for applying drench treatments.
Protected Strawberry
It is recommended to test TRACER on a small number of plants to confirm the crop safety before spraying a large area.
To reduce the possibility of the development of resistance:
Total reliance on one pesticide will hasten the development of resistance: Spinosad has a different mode of action from other insecticides and is most effective when applied in planned programmes with other insecticides with different modes of action.
Avoid use of the same active ingredient or mode of action on consecutive generations of insects. However, multiple applications to reduce a single generation are acceptable. If uncertain of the generation cycle, no more than three consecutive applications (two for protected crops) should be used nor should there be continuous use for more than 30 days. Do not use TRACER on consecutive generations for insects which show a high risk of resistance such as thrip species.
 Restrict the number of sprays to no more than six applications per glasshouse/protected structure in a 12 month period of any spinosad containing product regardless of crop being treated (including ornamentals).
Do not use reduced label rates when applied alone or in tank mixtures.
 Onion thrips have shown resistance to certain chemical groups and resistance management steps should be taken as it is considered a high resistance risk pest. Carry out careful monitoring. Apply when onion thrips are first seen and repeat the application if needed after 10 days for leeks, bulb onion, salad onion, garlic and shallot. It is vital that TRACER is applied before the pest becomes well established in the crop.
 Apply no further sprays of TRACER (or any other spinosad containing product) once the maximum number of foliar sprays have been applied (or a maximum of two foliar sprays on brassicas if a pre-planting modular drench application of TRACER has already been made).
If thrips are already established consider using a product with knockdown activity such as dimethoate before applying TRACER.
On brassicas, only one pre-planting modular drench application should be made per crop to protect against attack from cabbage root fly with subsequent foliar applications of TRACER restricted to two sprays per crop.
Carry out careful monitoring. For caterpillar control apply TRACER at egg hatch in top fruit and when pests are first seen in other field crops. Repeat applications at 10 day intervals only if needed.
Applications should be targeted against early insect developmental stages whenever possible.
If possible, include multiple tactics (eg cultural or biological controls) when using Integrated Pest Management Programmes.
Use TRACER in programmes with other effective insecticides of a different mode of action to reduce the possibilities of resistance occurring.
Western flower thrips have shown resistance to certain chemical groups and resistance management steps should be taken as it is considered a high resistance risk pest in protected crops/plants.
 Before undertaking a spray programme with TRACER establish whether incoming plant material has previously been treated with TRACER or another spinosad containing product.
Carry out careful monitoring and apply when Western flower thrips are first seen making repeat applications at 7 day intervals only if needed, with a maximum of two consecutive spinosad sprays to protected strawberry. Leave at least 28 days before any further applications of TRACER (or any other spinosad containing product) in the structure (even if only treating some of the plants).
 For protected strawberry crops restrict the total number of sprays to no more than four applications of TRACER per strawberry crop. In multi-cropping situations restrict the total number of sprays to no more than six in a 12-month period in the same glasshouse or structure of any spinosad containing product regardless of the crop being treated (including ornamentals and all year round (AYR) chrysanthemums).
 Apply in programmes with other insecticides with a different mode of action and use no further sprays of TRACER (or any other spinosad) containing product) once the maximum number of sprays have been applied.
 If the final insecticide application to a crop was spinosad, choose a different insecticide active ingredient to begin spraying on the next crop.
Applications should be targeted against early insect developmental stages whenever possible.
 Do not use reduced label rates.
 Whenever possible use an Integrated Pest Management programme.
 Choose resistant cultivars.
 Whenever possible use an Integrated Pest Management programme.
 For further information and the latest advice on beneficial insects and mites and their integrated use with TRACER consult Landseer Limited.
Do not apply in the heat of the day when bees may be foraging as contact with direct spray may be harmful. Remove the hive during spraying as exposure to direct spray may be harmful to bees. Dow AgroSciences take the most restrictive approach and recommend that a period of 24 hours after application and all spray deposits are thoroughly dry before exposure of bees. Water pools with residues of spinosad will continue to pose a risk and should be avoided.
 TRACER can be used in an integrated pest management strategy in top fruit as it has been found to have no long term adverse effects on predatory bugs Anthocoris spp or the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri.
 Overall applications of TRACER to control pests in field brassicas, leeks, onions and strawberry are of low risk to predatory insects and mites both in the plant canopy and on the soil below. There is risk to parasitic Hymenoptera but these effects are of short duration (2 weeks) as the persistence of TRACER is low and recovery of these highly mobile species would be rapid.
 TRACER, when used according to good agricultural practice is unlikely to pose an unacceptable risk to honeybees and beneficial arthropods.
It is best practice to make module spray applications in a specific spray area away from other plants where beneficial insects may be present. If this is not possible then do not make an application of TRACER where populations of beneficial insects and especially parasitic wasps are present in high numbers. If module plants are raised as part of an integrated pest management system then follow the directions given for protected crops.
As part of an Integrated Pest Management programme.
 Inspect all incoming plant material for presence of Western flower thrip and treat if necessary.
 Monitor stock routinely to determine the need for control measures.
 Use screens or barriers to prevent insects migrating.
 Use predators and parasites.
 Exposure to direct spray is harmful to bumble bees, but dry spray deposits are harmless.
 Carefully choose any chemical products used in the pesticide programme and consider any side effects on bees and beneficial arthropods
TRACER has been tested on a wide range of predators and parasites used to control pests in protected crops. The active ingredient, spinosad has been shown to be of low impact to many insect and mite predators but harmful to adults of most parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera).
When applied to plants where insect and mite predators are present TRACER may cause a temporary reduction in abundance.
For susceptible predators (parasitic hymenoptera) re-introduction is possible after 7 days following application (with perhaps 14 days in winter months). For most other predators introduction is possible 24 hours after application. Re-introduction of Orius laevigatius is advised one week later.
To avoid variable performance, timing of application should be optimised and good coverage of the foliage should be achieved. Optimal timing of application of TRACER post-blossom for control of caterpillars is when first egg hatch is predicted based on threshold counts in pheromone traps being reached. It is important when making all applications to top fruit to use sufficient water volume to achieve effective cover and penetration of the foliage. Where tree height and/or canopy density is reduced, the dose (and water volume) should be adjusted in accordance with an appropriate dose adjustment scheme. Consult your specialist advisor for further information.
 Pest:Over wintered tortrix moths
 Rate: 150 mL/ha
 Water volume: 300 to 1500 litres of water per hectare
 Maximum number of applications: 1 pre-blossom
 Time of application: Apply pre-blossom from early green cluster when first signs
 of active larvae which spin themselves into webs are first observed.
 Latest time of application: 7 days before harvest
Pest:Summer fruit tortrix moth, codling moth
Rate: 250 mL/ha
Water volume: 300 to 1500 litres of water per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 3 post-blossom
Time of application: Apply post-blossom when first egg hatch is predicted based on  threshold counts in pheromone traps being reached. Carefully monitor pest development to determine whether repeat applications are necessary. If required, make a repeat application of TRACER (or a similar compound with activity against moth larvae) timed to coincide with egg hatch of the larvae. Effective control of caterpillars in top fruit usually requires several insecticide sprays  per year. A 2 or 3 spray programme at 10 day intervals may be needed when conditions favour rapid pest development. Where possible, apply TRACER in programmes with products with a different mode of action as a good resistance management strategy.Codling moths, summer fruit tortrix moths: Mid-June to August in most seasons.Fruit tree tortrix moth: Limited data suggest that useful control of fruit tree tortrix moths can be achieved when the label rate for summer fruit tortrix moth and codling moth is applied. Severe or late attacks in late July or early August may require further applications.
Latest time of application: 7 days before harvest.
Pest: Cabbage root fly
Rate: 60 mL/5000 plants
Water volume: 5 litres of water per 5000 plants
Maximum number of applications: 1 prior to planting out. Following modular drench treatment with TRACER only 2 foliar applications of spinosad may be made to the crop.
Time of application: Crops should be treated ideally at the 3 to 4 leaf stage. Only good crops with good leaf condition that are growing vigorously should be treated.
Latest time of application: 6 leaf stage
Application is a three stage process:
a) moisten the leaves of the plants to be treated immediately prior to treatment
b) apply the TRACER drench
c) wash off the TRACER drench from leaves of plants with water.
It is important that the total volume of water used in these three stages does not exceed the water holding capacity of the modules, otherwise leaching of the TRACER will occur which may reduce cabbage root fly control and lead to contamination of underlying glasshouse soil (see ‘Notes’ below).
The water volumes below are given as a guide for modules of 11 to 13 mL capacity (the minimum size and hence the minimum volume recommended). Larger volumes can be used with larger modules. Leaves of the plants should be wetted with a light spray of water immediately before treatment using 2 litres per 5,000 plants. TRACER should then be applied at 60 mL in 5 litres of water per 5,000 plants.
Immediately after treatment the insecticide must be thoroughly washed off the leaves of the plant with clean water, using 5 litres of water per 5,000 plants.
TRACER MUST BE APPLIED ALONE.Tank mixing of TRACER for this use is may produce severe leaf scorch.
TRACER will provide partial or useful control of cabbage root fly between 6 to 8 weeks after treatment, and will improve plant establishment and reduce root damage with the resultant marketable yield benefits.
If plants are still vulnerable and there is a risk of further infestation after this time then a follow up application in the field may be required with a suitable product. This is particularly important if plants are treated before the start of April and the arrival of the first generation.
Breakdown of TRACER in soils inside glasshouses is rapid and spinosad does not accumulate or leach in soils. However, best practice should avoid applying TRACER in such a large volume of water that it passes through the compost. Also prevent the spray contaminating the pathways and covered areas surrounding the trays being treated. This can be done in a number of ways eg interceptor trays, polythene sheeting, use of correct water volumes etc. After use, remove plastic sheeting, wash down and dispose of safely.
When handling recently drenched trays of plants it is best practice to wear protective rubber gloves and coveralls.
Modules should generally be transplanted as soon as possible after treatment. However, TRACER can be leached out of the compost if the modules are over watered and so best practice is to not move the plants for the first 24 hours after application. If plants are to be despatched freshly watered, TRACER should be applied a few days beforehand to ensure that it is not leached from the module during the final watering.
Transplanting of treated blocks and modules to a depth which brings untreated soil into contact with plant stems above the top of the block or module will lead to reduced control.
Further treatments to control cabbage root fly larvae may be required in areas of high activity.
Pest: Caterpillars: Control of Diamond back moth, small cabbage white butterfly, large cabbage white butterfly, and useful control of large cabbage moth
Rate: 200 mL/ha
Water volume: 200 to 600 litres of water per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 4 per crop OR if a modular drench application of TRACER has been made, 2 per crop on brassicas.
Time of application: Spray when damage is first seen, and preferably when caterpillars are small. If repeat applications are required try to use in programmes with other insecticides with a different mode of action.
 Latest time of application: 3 days before harvest.
Pest: Useful control of onion thrips and reduction in damage
Rate :200 mL/ha
Water volume:200 to 600 litres of water per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 4 per crop
Time of application: Early application to control the pest is essential. Apply when nymphs and adults are first seen or at very first signs of crop damage. Onion thrips have shown resistance to certain chemical groups and resistance management steps should be taken. It is important to monitor pest levels and apply a maximum of four sprays at 10 day intervals depending on the pest pressure. Where repeat applications are required apply TRACER in programmes with other insecticides with a different mode of action. It is vital that TRACER is applied before the pests become well established in the crop. If thrips are already well established in the crop consider using a product with knockdown activity such as dimethoate before applying TRACER.
Latest time of application:7 days before harvest
Pest: Control of Western Flower Thrip
Rate: 150 mL/ha (15 mL per 100 litres of water)
Water volume: 200 to 1000 litres of water
Maximum number of applications: 4 per crop (2 consecutive)
Time of application: It is important to monitor pest levels. Apply when nymphs and adults are first observed or at very first signs of crop damage. Applications should be made before thrips are established. During spraying, make sure that the inside and outside parts of the leaves and flowers are covered. The spray technique and the amount of water must cover the plant without causing run-off and control often depends on the quality of the spraying (machinery, quantity of water, etc). Best control is achieved by a sequence of two treatments at 7 day intervals (if needed). For resistance management purposes there must be a minimum interval of 28 days after the second application before any further applications of TRACER are made. This is an opportunity to allow beneficial insects to be effective in IPM programmes. Restrict the number of sprays to no more than 6 applications per glasshouse/structure in a 12 month period of any spinosad containing product regardless of crop (including ornamentals) being treated. TRACER should be applied in programme with other insecticides and in combination with integrated pest management.
Latest time of application: 1 day before harvest
To ensure thorough mixing of the product invert the container several times before opening. Half fill the spray tank with water, begin agitation and add the required quantity of TRACER. Fill up the spray tank, agitating continuously to ensure thorough mixing, and maintain agitation until spraying is complete. Use only clean water for mixing. Use the spray solution immediately after preparation.
Water volume should reflect the need for uniform cover and penetration of the leaf canopy.
Crop:Apple, pear, crab apple, quince
Water Volume:Min : 300 litres/ha Max : 1500 litres/ha
Comment:It is particularly important when spraying post-blossom to achieve full penetration of the leaf canopy and uniform coverage of the foliage and blossoms or fruitlets. 
Crop:Broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, calabrese, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, leek, bulb onion, salad onion, garlic, shallot 
Water Volume:Min : 200 litres/ha Max : 600 litres/ha
Comment:Ensure good penetration of the foliage.
Crop:Strawberry (protected)
Water Volume:Min : 200 litres/ha Max : 1000 litres/ha
Comment:Ensure good penetration of the foliage.
Apply TRACER using a horizontal boom sprayer or a broadcast air assisted sprayer. For protected strawberry crops, apply TRACER by conventional hydraulic sprayer or by hand-held applicators. Ensure spray equipment is in good working order and has been calibrated according to the manufacturers’ recommendations.
Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Apples150 - 250 ml7
Pears150 - 250 ml7
Quince150 - 250 ml7
Broccoli200 ml3
Brussels sprouts200 ml3
Cabbage200 ml3
Calabrese200 ml3
Cauliflower200 ml3
Chinese cabbage200 ml3
Leeks200 ml7
Onions200 ml7
Scallions200 ml7
Garlic200 ml7
Shallots200 ml7
Strawberries150 ml1