Avocado thrips

Scirtothrips perseae

Avocado thrips (order Thysanoptera) is a key pest that scars fruit. Adults lay eggs hidden inside the underside of leaves, in young fruit, and in fruit petioles. The thrips then develop through two larval and two pupal stages. The first instar is white to pale yellow. The second instar is larger, more robust, and bright yellow. Larvae are typically found along major veins on the underside of younger leaves and anywhere on the surface of young fruit. Although some pupation occurs on the tree in cracks and in crevices, about three-fourths of avocado thrips drop from trees to pupate in the upper layer of dry, undecomposed leaf litter. Pupae are rarely seen and they do not feed. Adults are 0.03 inch (0.7 mm) long and have fringed-tipped wings. Adults are orange-yellow with distinct thin brown bands between segments of their abdomen and three small red dots (ocelli) on top of the head.