
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Abound is a broad spectrum, preventative fungicide with systemic and curative properties recommended for the control of many important plant diseases. Abound Flowable Fungicide is a member of Syngenta’s Plant Performance product line and may also improve the yield and/or quality of the crop. These additional benefits are due to positive effects on plant physiology. The effects may vary according to factors such as the crop, crop hybrid, or environment. Abound may be applied as a foliar spray in alternating spray programs or in tank mixes with other registered crop protection products. All applications must be made according to the use directions that follow.
Restrictions for Resistance Management Purposes
Greenhouse Use: To help manage fungicide resistance, do not use for commercial transplant production in the greenhouse except where specified on the label.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Almonds12 - 15.5 fl oz28
Bananas5.5 - 8.5 fl oz
Aronia berries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Blueberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Buffalo currants6 - 15.5 fl oz
Chilean guavas6 - 15.5 fl oz
Cranberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Black currant6 - 15.5 fl oz
Red currant6 - 15.5 fl oz
Elderberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
European barberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Gooseberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Huckleberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Jostaberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Juneberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Lingonberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Sea buckthorns6 - 15.5 fl oz
Blackberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Loganberry6 - 15.5 fl oz
Strawberries6 - 15.5 fl oz
Cranberries6 - 15.5 fl oz3
Calamondin9 - 15.5 fl oz
Citron9 - 15.5 fl oz
Grapefruits9 - 15.5 fl oz
Kumquats9 - 15.5 fl oz
Lemons9 - 15.5 fl oz
Limes9 - 15.5 fl oz
Mandarins9 - 15.5 fl oz
Oranges9 - 15.5 fl oz
Pomelo9 - 15.5 fl oz
Satsumas9 - 15.5 fl oz
Tangerines9 - 15.5 fl oz
Grapes10 - 15.5 fl oz14
Kiwifruit10 - 15.5 fl oz14
Peanuts6 - 24.5 fl oz14
Pistachios12 - 15.5 fl oz7
Apricots12 - 15.5 fl oz
Cherries12 - 15.5 fl oz
Nectarines12 - 15.5 fl oz
Peaches12 - 15.5 fl oz
Plums12 - 15.5 fl oz
Plumcot12 - 15.5 fl oz
Beechnuts12 fl oz45
Brazil nuts12 fl oz45
Butternuts12 fl oz45
Cashews12 fl oz45
Chestnuts12 fl oz45
Chinquapins12 fl oz45
Hazelnuts12 fl oz45
Hickory nuts12 fl oz45
Macadamia nuts12 fl oz45
Pecans12 fl oz45
Walnut12 fl oz45
Acerola6 - 15.5 fl oz
Avocados6 - 15.5 fl oz
Canistel6 - 15.5 fl oz
Feijoa6 - 15.5 fl oz
Guavas6 - 15.5 fl oz
Jaboticaba6 - 15.5 fl oz
Longan6 - 15.5 fl oz
Loquat6 - 15.5 fl oz
Lychee6 - 15.5 fl oz
Mangoes6 - 15.5 fl oz
Papayas6 - 15.5 fl oz
Passionfruit6 - 15.5 fl oz
Persimmons6 - 15.5 fl oz
Pulasan6 - 15.5 fl oz
Rambutan6 - 15.5 fl oz
Sapodilla6 - 15.5 fl oz
Black sapotes6 - 15.5 fl oz
Mamey sapotes6 - 15.5 fl oz
Soursop6 - 15.5 fl oz
Star apple6 - 15.5 fl oz