Monilinia blight

Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi

Following primary infection, the earliest symptom is generally wilting of leaves; newly formed pinkish leaves will often turn a rosy brown and sometimes form a shepherd’s crook or curl; severe wilting of vegetative and floral shoots, followed by a brown discoloration or blight, may occur in some years but not all. Within 72 h, the whole shoot, including any flower buds, will collapse. The highest incidence of infected shoots occurs on the lower canopy, which overhangs moist soil and developing apothecia.
During secondary infection, individual flowers are colonized. Subsequently, blueberry fruit initially appears healthy, but begins to discolor as the disease develops. These previously green berries become pinkish-purple and wrinkled, while healthy blueberries ripen and turn a dark bluish-purple. In addition, infected berries at first appear swollen, then shrivel to about three-fourths of the normal fruit size and drop to the ground.