Azoxystrobin H&G
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Fungicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 100-1219
- Active materials
- azoxystrobin2.08 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
This water-based systemic fungicide effectively prevents and controls ajor diseases on fruit and nut trees, berries and vines.
Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.
Registered for cultures |
Almonds |
Blueberries |
Black currant |
Red currant |
Elderberries |
Gooseberries |
Huckleberries |
Lingonberries |
Juneberries |
Blackberries |
Loganberry |
Raspberries |
Calamondin |
Citron |
Grapefruits |
Kumquats |
Lemons |
Limes |
Mandarins |
Oranges |
Satsumas |
Tangerines |
Grapes |
Pistachios |
Apricots |
Cherries |
Nectarines |
Peaches |
Plums |
Plumcot |
Strawberries |
Pawpaw |
Peppers |
Broccoli |
Chinese broccoli |
Brussels sprouts |
Cabbage |
Chinese cabbage |
Cauliflower |
Kohlrabi |
Kale |
Mizuna |
Mustard greens |
Mustard spinach |
Rape greens |
Garlic |
Leeks |
Onions |
Shallots |
Carrots |
Celery |
Corn |
Sweet corn |
Cantaloupe |
Chayote |
Waxgourds |
Cucumbers |
Gourds |
Watermelon |
Pumpkins |
Squash |
Zucchini |
Amaranth |
Arugula |
Cardoon |
Celery |
Celtuce |
Chervil |
Coriander |
Corn salad |
Cress |
Endive |
Fennel |
Lettuce |
Orach, atriplex |
Parsley |
Radicchio |
Rhubarbs |
Spinach |
Beans |
Kidney beans |
Dry lima beans |
Navy beans |
Pinto beans |
Runner beans |
Snap beans |
Tepary beans |
Wax beans |
Adzuki beans |
Asparagus |
Blackeyed peas |
Cowpea |
Catjang peas |
Chinese long beans |
Crowder peas |
Moth beans |
Mung beans |
Rice beans |
Southern peas |
Dry broad beans |
Chickpeas |
Guars |
Lablab beans |
Peas |
Pigeon peas |
Mint |
Peppers |
Sweet peppers |
Eggplant |
Okra |
Potatoes |
Tomatoes |
Sugar beets |
Carrots |
Cassava |
Celeriac |
Chervil |
Chicory |
Taro, dasheen |
Parsnip |
Radishes |
Rutabagas |
Salsify |
Sweet potatoes |
Turnips |
True yam |
Arracacha |
Arrowroots |
Chinese artichoke |
Artichokes |
Chufas |
Ginger |
Leren |
Tumeric |
Bean yam |