BAS 183 10H

Registered until
Registration number

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

The following directions apply to all uses of BAS 183 10 H: Additional precautions and restrictions will be found in each specific use section.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation ditches or water used for domestic purposes.

BAS 183 10 H may cause injury to desirable trees and plants, particularly beans, cotton, flowers, fruit trees, grapes, ornamentals, peas, potatoes, soybeans, sunflowers, tobacco, tomatoes and other broadleaf plants when contacting their roots, stems or foliage. These plants are most sensitive to BAS 183 10 H during their development or growing stage. FOLLOW THE PRECAUTIONS LISTED BELOW WHEN USING BAS 18310 H .
• DO NOT treat areas where either possible downward movement into the soil or surface washing may cause contact of BAS 183 10 H with the roots of desirable plants such as trees and shrubs.
• Avoid making applications when spray particles may be carried by air currents to areas where sensitive plants aregrowing. DO NOT spray adjacent to sensitive plants if wind is gusty or in excess of 5 mph or moving in the direction of nearby sensitive plants. Leave a buffer zone between area to be treated and sensitive plants. Avoid spraying under inversion conditions to protect against off target movement to sensitive crops. Coarse (greater than 100 micron droplets) sprays are less likely to drift out of the target area than fine sprays. Agriculturally approved drift-reducing additives may be used. • DO NOT apply BAS 183 10 H herbicide adjacent to sensitive crops when the temperature on the day of application is expected to exceed 85° F.
• To avoid injury to desirable plants, equipment used to apply BAS 18310 H should be thoroughly cleaned before reusing to apply any other chemicals (see PROCEDURE FOR CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT).
All crop uses of BAS 18310 H are intended for a normal growing interval between planting and harvest. No crop rotation restrictions exist if normal harvest of treated crop has occurred. If this interval is shortened, such as in cover crops that will be plowed under, DO NOT follow up with the planting of a sensitive crop.
Crops growing under stress conditions such as, but not limited to, drought, excessive moisture, poor fertility, frost or foliar damage due to hail, wind or insects, or when the crop is not actively growing, can exhibit various injury symptoms that may be more pronounced if herbicides are applied.
Consult your local or state authorities for possible application restrictions and advice concerning these and other special local use situations. Tank mix recommendations are for use only in states where the tank mix product and application site are registered.

Registered for cultures