BAS 555 SL

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General Information
This package contains BAS 555 SL fungicide. To maximize disease control, apply BAS 555 SL in a regularly scheduled protective spray program and use in a rotation program with other fungicides. BAS 555 SL has good residual activity against target fungi. BAS 555 SL is not for use in greenhouse or transplant production.

Mode of Action
Metconazole, the active ingredient of BAS 555 SL, inhibits demethylation of sterol biosynthesis (OMI), disrupting cell membrane synthesis of target site of action Group 3 fungicides.

Resistance Management
BAS 555 SL contains metconazole, a Group 3 fungicide, and is effective against pathogens resistant to fungicides with modes of action different from those of 001 fungicides (target site Group 3). Fungal isolates resistant to Group 3 fungicides may eventually dominate the fungal population if Group 3 fungicides are used predominantly and repeatedly in the same field in successive years as the primary method of control for the targeted pathogen species. This may result
in reduction of disease control by BAS 555 SL or other Group 3 fungicides. To maintain the performance of BAS 555 SL in the field, DO NOT exceed the maximum seasonal use rate or the total number of applications of BAS 555 SL per season and the maximum number of applications of BAS 555 SL stated in Table 1. BAS 555 SL fungicide Crop-specific Restrictions and Limitations. Adhere to the label instructions regarding the use of BAS 555 SL or other target site of action Group 3 fungicides that have a similar site of action on the same pathogens.

Resistance Management Advisory
The following recommendations may be considered to delay the development of fungicide resistance.
1. Tank mixtures. Use tank mixtures with effective fungicides from different target site of action groups that are registered/permitted for the same use and that are effective against the pathogens of concern. Use at least the minimum labeled rates of each fungicide in the tank mix.
2. Integrated Pest Management (IPM). BAS 555 SL should be integrated into an overall disease and pest management program. Cultural practices known to reduce disease development should be followed. Consult your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor and/or BASF representative for additional IPM strategies established for your area. BAS 555 SL may be used in Agricultural Extension advisory (disease forecasting) programs, which recommend
application timing based on environmental factors favorable for disease development.
3. Monitoring. Monitor efficacy of all fungicides used in the disease management program against the targeted pathogen and record other factors that may influence fungicide performance and/or disease development. If a Group 3 target site fungicide, such as BAS 555 SL, appears to be less effective against a pathogen that it previously controlled or suppressed, contact a BASF representative, local extension specialist, or certified crop advisor for further investigation.

Application Instructions
Apply BAS 555 SL according to the rate, timing, resistance management and adjuvant use instructions in the diseasespecific use directions (Table 2. BAS 555 SL fungicide Crop-specific Instructions) in this label. BAS 555 SL may be applied by ground sprayer, aerial equipment, or through sprinkler irrigation equipment.
Equipment should be checked frequently for calibration. Ground Application. Apply BAS 555 SL in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of foliage, blooms, and fruit. Thorough coverage is required for optimum disease control. The use of a non ionic surfactant at the lowest labeled rate may be used to improve spray coverage. Refer to the adjuvant product label for specific use directions. For ground application to corn, refer to the Restrictions for Use of Adjuvants on Corn. DO NOT use adjuvants that contain methylated seed oil, crop oil concentrate, or crop oil with emulsifier properties. Aerial Application. DO NOT apply when conditions favor drift from target area. DO NOT use less than 2 gallons per acre (gpa) spray volume on all crops. For all aerial application volumes (gpa) , the use of a nonionic surfactant at the lowest labeled rate may be used to improve spray coverage. Refer to the adjuvant product label for specific use directions. Refer to Restrictions for Use of Adjuvants on Corn. DO NOT use adjuvants that contain methylated seed oil, crop oil concentrate, or crop oil with emulsifier properties. Select spray nozzles, pumping pressure, and sprayer height to provide medium-to-fine spray droplets that penetrate throughout the crop canopy. Spray calibration must be conducted to confirm spray droplet sizes. Continue to monitor spray application (including weather conditions) to assure proper droplet size and canopy penetration.

Restrictions for Use of Adjuvants on Corn
DO NOT use adjuvants after the V8 stage and prior to the VT stage of corn growth unless specifically recommended on BASF labeling or by BASF technical bulletins. (The VT stage is defined as when the last branch of the tassel is  completely visible outside of the whorl). A compatibility agent, another fungicide, or an insecticide may be includedin the tank mix, if needed and labeled for use in corn. Refer to adjuvant product label for specific use directions and restrictions. Always follow the most restrictive label. Consult a BASF representative or local agricultural authority for more information concerning use of additives. 

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