Chiptox MCPA Sodium Salt Herbicide
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 11685-20
- Active materials
- sodium salt2.4 lb/gallon
CHIPTOX MCPA Sodium Salt Herbicide is elfective on a wide range of broadleaf weeds and is useful for controlling these weeds in cenain crops. Several crops, such as oats, rice, and small grains underseeded to legumes, are more tolerant of MCPA than of 2,4-0. CHIPTOX Herbicide is the sodium salt of MCPA and is readily dissolved in waler, even in Ihe hard waters found in some areas. Mix thoroughly while diluting this material and mix again it allowed to sland for an extended period of time bel are spraying.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Winter wheat | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Spring wheat | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Spring barley | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Winter barley | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Spring oats | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Winter oats | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Winter rye | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Spring rye | 0.5 - 3 pt |
Peas | 0.5 - 1.5 pt |