
Dow AgroSciences
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General Information
Confront specialty herbicide is a broad-spectrum weed killer for control of broadleaf weeds in established cool season and warm season turfgrass, including, but not limited to, turfgrass in sod farms with noted exceptions.
Confront is recommended for use on the following turfgrass species:

Established Cool Season Turfgrass:
bentgrass1 (Agrostis species), bluegrass, Kentucky (Poa pratensis), fescue, chewing (Festuca rubra var. commutate), fescue, creeping red (Festuca rubra), fescue, sheeps (Festuca ovina), fescue, tall (Festuca arundinaceae), ryegrass, perennial (Lolium perenne)
1 On bentgrass, do not apply more than 1 pint of Confront per acre (0.37 fl oz or 2.5 tsp per 1000 sq ft) unless turfgrass injury can be tolerated. To minimize turfgrass injury, additional applications should be made at least four weeks apart. Avoid swath overlaps.

Established Warm Season Turfgrass1
bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum var. Saurae parodi), Bermudagrass2 (Cynodon dactylon), buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides), centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides), fescue, tall (growing in warm season areas) Festuca arundinaceae zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica), zoysiagrass (Zoysia tenuifolia)
1 Do not treat warm season turfgrass with Confront when the mowing height is less than 1/2 inch. Do not apply more than 1 pint of Confront per acre (0.37 fl oz or 2.5 tsp per 1000 sq ft) unless turfgrass injury can be tolerated. To minimize warm season turfgrass injury, additional applications should be made at least four weeks apart. Avoid swath overlaps. The use of this herbicide in the spring when warm season turfgrass is breaking dormancy may significantly delay green up of the turfgrass.
2 Do not apply Confront to Bermudagrass on sod farms.

Confront may discolor and/or stunt turfgrass that is not well established or is stressed or weakened due to unfavorable climatic conditions, temperature extremes, drought, nematodes, or other factors which damage or weaken turf. Apply Confront only to healthy, well-established turfgrass that has a well-anchored root system.

General Use Precautions and Restrictions
Sale and use of this product in Suffolk and Nassau counties in New York State is prohibited.
In California, New York, Oregon and Washington, turfgrass and lawn uses are restricted to golf courses only.
Do not use on residential turf. Turfgrass and lawn uses are restricted to non-residential sites.
Do not apply to Bermudagrass on sod farms.
The use of this herbicide in the spring when warm season turfgrass is breaking dormancy may significantly delay green up of the turfgrass.
For ground application only.
Apply this product only as specified on this label.
Application Restrictions: Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application.
Do not apply to exposed roots of shallow rooted trees and shrubs.
Do not allow sprays of Confront to contact exposed suckers and/or roots of trees and shrubs or injury may occur.
This product can affect susceptible broadleaf plants directly through foliage and indirectly by root uptake from treated soil. Do not apply Confront directly to, or allow spray drift to come into contact with, flowers, grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, lentils, peas, alfalfa, sunflowers, soybeans, safflower, or other desirable broadleaf crops and ornamental plants or soil where these sensitive crops will be planted the same season.
Do not reseed for three weeks after application.
Do not use Confront on golf course putting greens or tees.
Do not send grass clippings to a compost facility.
Do not collect grass clippings for mulch or compost.
Applicator must give notice to landowners/property managers to not use grass clippings for composting.
Do not apply on ditches used to transport irrigation water.
Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or water used for irrigation or domestic purposes.
Do not apply where runoff or irrigation water may flow onto susceptible crops as injury may result.

Treatment of Turfgrass Species Not Listed on the Label for Confront
Users who wish to use Confront on a turfgrass species not recommended on this label may determine the suitability for such uses by treating a small area at a recommended rate. Prior to treatment of larger areas, the treated area should be observed for any sign of herbicidal injury during 30 days of normal growing conditions to determine if the treatment is safe to the target species. The user assumes the responsibility for any plant damage or other liability resulting from use of Confront on species not recommended on this label.

Preparing the Spray
Add one-half the desired amount of clean water to spray tank. Add Confront and complete addition of water with agitation running. Mix thoroughly and continue agitation while spraying.

Application Directions
Make application using equipment that will insure uniform coverage (see specific application directions below). Sprays should be applied when weeds are actively growing. Application under drought conditions may provide less than desirable results. Broadleaf weed species germinate at different times. Only emerged weeds present at time of application are controlled
Apply 1 to 2 pints of Confront per acre to control broadleaf weeds. A maximum of 0.19 lb ae clopyralid/0.56 lb ae triclopyr per acre (2 pints of Confront per acre) per application is recommended. To minimize turfgrass injury, repeat applications, if required, should be made not less than 4 weeks apart. Newly seeded turf should be mowed 2 or 3 times before treating. Do not water for 6 hours after application.

Do not use more than 0.38 lb ae clopyralid/1.125 lb ae triclopyr per acre (4 pints of Confront per acre) per year of treatment.
In Florida and New York, the maximum use rate is 0.25 lb ae clopyralid/0.74 lb ae triclopyr per acre (2 2/3 pints of Confront per acre) per growing season.
Do not use on residential turf. Turfgrass and lawn uses are restricted to non-residential sites.
Do not send grass clippings to a compost facility.
Do not collect grass clippings for mulch or compost.
Applicator must give notice to landowners/property managers to not use grass clippings for composting.
In the states of California, New York, Oregon and Washington, turfgrass and lawn uses are restricted to golf courses only.

Avoid overlapping of the spray pattern which could result in higher than recommended application rates. Rates above those recommended on this label could result in turf injury.

Avoiding Injurious Spray Drift
Apply Confront in a manner to avoid contacting nearby susceptible crops or other desirable plants. Applications should be made only when hazards from spray drift are at a minimum. Very small quantities of spray, which may not be visible, may seriously injure susceptible plants including ornamental trees and shrubs. Do not spray when the wind will carry spray mist toward susceptible crops or ornamental plants.

Ground Application
With ground equipment, spray drift can be reduced by keeping the spray boom as low as possible; by applying no less than 20 gallons of spray per acre (except under Low Volume Application); by keeping the operating spray pressures at the manufacturer’s minimum recommended pressures for the specific nozzle type used; and, by spraying when the wind velocity is low (follow state regulations). Avoid application under completely calm conditions which may be conducive to air inversion. In hand-gun applications, select the minimum pressure required to obtain adequate plant coverage without forming a mist. Do not apply with a mist blower.

Standard Broadcast Application
Apply 1 to 2 pints of Confront in enough water to deliver 20 to 200 gallons of total spray mix per acre (0.5 to 5 gallons spray per 1000 sq ft). Higher application volumes may be used when Confront is tank mixed with fertilizers.

Low Volume Application
Apply 1 to 2 pints of Confront in enough water to deliver from 5 to 20 gallons of total spray mixture per acre (1/8 to 1/2 gallon spray per 1000 sq ft). Use low pressures and application equipment capable of delivering a uniform droplet size that can wet the weed leaf surface. To improve spray coverage, the addition of an non-ionic surfactant at a rate of 1/4 to 1/2 pint per acre is suggested. Use the higher rates of surfactant for lower rates of product and lower spray volumes.
The use of ULV applications is not recommended.

Spot Treatment of Ornamental Turfgrass Using Portable Sprayers
Mix 0.5 fl oz of Confront in enough water to make 1 gallon of spray and apply at any time broadleaf weeds are susceptible by wetting foliage of undesirable plants to point of runoff. This is enough spray to treat approximately 1000 sq ft of turf.

Weeds Controlled and Use Rate Recommendations
Use the higher rates when hard to control species are prevalent, when applications are made in late summer on mature weeds, and during periods of drought stress.

Suggested Use Rate: 0.37 fl oz/1000 sq ft (11 mL)
black, medic, hop clover, red clover, white clover

Suggested Use Rate: 0.55 fl oz/1000 sq ft (16 mL)
American burnweed, common chickweed, common cocklebur, common vetch, creeping beggarweed, dwarf beggarweed, false dandelion, hawkweed, henbit matchweed, mouse ear chickweed, round leaf mallow, sheep sorrel, spotted catsear, spurweed

Suggested Use Rate: 0.55 – 0.74 fl oz/1000 sq ft (16 - 22 mL)
broadleaf plantain, burdock, coffeeweed, common dandelion, common ragweed, lambsquarters, narrowleaf plantain (buckhorn), shepherd’s purse, Virginia pepperweed

Suggested Use Rate: 0.74 fl oz/1000 sq ft (22 mL)
Canada thistle, common yellow, woodsorrel3, creeping woodsorrel3, curly dock, English lawn daisy2, goldenrod, lespedeza, musk, thistle, poison ivy, smartweed, wild buckwheat, wild violet3

1 For faster activity under good growing conditions, 1.5 pt/acre is recommended. For extended weed control, repeat applications are recommended.
2 Six to eight weeks required for control.
3 Repeat treatment may be necessary.

Crop Rotation Intervals
Residues of Confront in treated plant tissues, including the treated crop or weeds, which have not completely decayed may affect succeeding susceptible crops.

Field Bioassay Instructions
In fields previously treated with this product, plant short test rows of the intended rotational crop across the original direction of application in a manner to sample field conditions such as soil texture, soil pH, drainage, and any other variable that could affect the seed bed of the new crop. The field bioassay can be initiated at any time between harvest of the treated crop and the planting of the intended rotational crop. Observe the test crop for herbicidal activity, such as poor stand (effect on seed germination), chlorosis (yellowing), necrosis (dead leaves or shoots), or stunting (reduced growth). If herbicidal symptoms do not occur, the test crop can be grown. If there is apparent herbicidal activity, do not plant the field to the test rotational crop; plant only a labeled crop or crop listed in the table below for which the rotational interval has clearly been met.

Crop Rotation Intervals for All States Except Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington Note:
Numbers in parenthesis and 4 refer to footnotes following tables.

Rotation Interval4 (Soils greater than 2% organic matter AND rainfall more than 15 inches during 12 months following application)
30 days
barley, field corn, grasses, oats, wheat
5 months
canola (rapeseed), flax, sugar beets
10.5 months
alfalfa, asparagus, cole crops, dry beans, grain sorghum, mint, onions, popcorn, safflower, soybeans, strawberries, sunflowers, sweet corn
18 months (2, 3)
lentils, peas, potatoes (including potatoes grown for seed), and broadleaf crops grown for seed (excluding Brassica species)

Rotation Interval4 (Soils less than 2% organic matter AND rainfall less than 15 inches during 12 months following application)
30 days
barley, field corn, grasses, oats, wheat
5 months
canola (rapeseed), flax, sugar beets
18 months (2)
alfalfa, asparagus, cole crops, dry beans, grain sorghum, mint, onions, popcorn, safflower, soybeans, strawberries, sunflowers, sweet corn
18 months (2, 3)
lentils, peas, potatoes (including potatoes grown for seed), and broadleaf crops grown for seed (excluding Brassica species)
1. A field bioassay is recommended prior to planting any broadleaf crops that are not listed. Do not rotate to unlisted crops prior to 10.5 months following application.
2. An 18-month crop rotation is recommended due to the potential for crop injury. Note: For these crops, a minimum 10.5-month rotation interval must be observed to avoid illegal residues in the harvested crop.
3. The potential for injury may be reduced by burning, removal, or incorporation of treated crop residues followed by a minimum of two supplemental fall irrigations.

Crop Rotation Intervals for Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington Only
Rotation Interval4 (Soils greater than 2% organic matter AND rainfall more than 15 inches during 12 months following application)
30 days
barley, field corn, grasses, oats, wheat
5 months
canola (rapeseed), flax, sugar beets
12 months
asparagus, Brassica species grown for seed, cole crops, grain sorghum, mint, onions, popcorn, strawberries, sweet corn
12 months (2)
alfalfa, dry beans, soybeans, sunflowers
18 months (2)
lentils, peas, potatoes (including potatoes grown for seed), safflower, and broadleaf crops grown for seed (excluding Brassica species)

Rotation Interval4 (Soils less than 2% organic matter AND rainfall less than 15 inches during 12 months following application)
30 days
barley, field corn, grasses, oats, wheat
5 months
canola (rapeseed), flax, sugar beets
12 months
asparagus, Brassica species grown for seed, cole crops, grain sorghum, mint, onions, popcorn, strawberries, sweet corn
18 months (2)
alfalfa, dry beans, soybeans, sunflowers
18 months (2,3)
lentils, peas, potatoes (including potatoes grown for seed), safflower, and broadleaf crops grown for seed (excluding Brassica species)

1. A field bioassay is recommended prior to planting any broadleaf crops that are not listed. Do not rotate to unlisted crops prior to 12 months following application.
2. An 18-month crop rotation is recommended due to the potential for crop injury. Note: For these crops, a minimum 12-month rotation interval must be observed to avoid illegal residues in the harvested crop.
3. Crop injury and/or yield loss may occur up to 4 years after application. A field bioassay is also recommended prior to planting these sensitive crops. See instructions above.

4 Note: The above intervals are based upon average annual precipitation, regardless of irrigation practices. Observance of recommended crop rotation intervals should result in adequate safety to rotational crops. However, Confront is dissipated in the soil by microbial activity and the rate of microbial activity is dependent upon several interrelating factors including soil moisture, temperature and organic matter. Therefore, accurate prediction of rotational crop safety is not possible. In areas of low organic matter (<2%) and less than 15 inches average annual precipitation, potential for crop injury may be reduced by burning or removing plant residues, supplemental fall irrigation and deep moldboard plowing prior to planting the sensitive crop. ><2%) and less than 15 inches average annual precipitation, potential for crop injury may be reduced by burning or removing plant residues, supplemental fall irrigation and deep moldboard plowing prior to planting the sensitive crop.