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Read all label directions before using.
Dawn Herbicide is a selective herbicide that may be applied preplant, preemergence, and/or postemergence for control and suppression of broadleaf and grass weeds and sedges. Dawn Herbicide is generally most effective and consistent when used postemergence, working through contact action. Therefore, emerged weeds must be thoroughly covered with spray. Some bronzing, crinkling or spotting of labeled crop leaves may occur following postemergence applications, but labeled crops soon outgrow these effects and develop normally. Optimum broad-spectrum weed control is achieved by postemergence applications of Dawn Herbicide to young actively growing broadleaf weeds that are not under stress from moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, or mechanical or chemical injury. Certain germinating broadleaf and grass weeds and sedges may be controlled, or suppressed by soil residual activity from either preplant, preemergence or postemergence applications if rainfall occurs shortly after application. The extent and consistency of soil activity are dependent upon soil type, ground cover at time of application, amount of rainfall, and the rate of Dawn Herbicide used.

Avoiding spray drift at the application site is the responsibility of the applicator and the grower. The interaction of many equipment and weather-related factors determines the potential for spray drift. The applicator and grower must consider the interaction of equipment and weather-related factors to ensure that the potential for drift to sensitive non-target plants is minimal. This pesticide may only be applied when the potential for drift to adjacent sensitive areas (e.g., residential areas, bodies of water, non-target plants) is minimal (i.e., when the wind is blowing away from the sensitive area).

Best broad-spectrum postemergence control of susceptible broadleaf weeds is obtained when Dawn Herbicide is applied early to actively growing weeds. This usually occurs 14 to 28 days after planting. Refer to the weed tables for specific recommendations on weed growth stages, rates, and regions.

Only spray additives cleared for use on growing crops under 40 CFR 180.1001 may be used in spray mixture.
For best broad-spectrum postemergence control of susceptible broadleaf weeds in Regions 2,3,4 and 5 (see Regional Use Maps), Dawn Herbicide can be used with a minimum of 2.5% liquid nitrogen (28% or similar) or a minimum of 10 pounds ammonium sulfate ‘per 100 gallons of spray volume;
For Postemergence Applications Always Add One Of The Following Except in Tank Mix With Products Prohibiting Spray Additives (see Tank-Mix Directions for Use):
Use NIS containing at least 75% surface active agent at 0.25 to 0.5% (1/2 to 1 pint per 25 gallons) of the finished spray volume (use in Region 1 and East of Interstates 79 and 77 for Regions 2 and 3).
Use a nonphytotoxic COC or a once-refined vegetable oil concentrate (VOC, MSO) containing 15-20% approved emulsifier, at 0.5-1% (1-2 pints per 25 gallons) of the finished spray volume. COC can improve weed control but may slightly reduce crop tolerance.

Adjuvants other than COC or NIS may be used providing the product meets the following criteria:
1. Contains only EPA exempt ingredients.
2. Is nonphytotoxic to the target crop.
3. Is compatible in mixture. (May be established through a jar test.)
4. Is supported locally for use with Dawn Herbicide on the target crop through proven field trials and through university and extension recommendations.
NOTE: No adjuvants are needed for preplant or preemergence applications unless Dawn Herbicide is being used in a burndown.
Recommended Mixing Order:
1. Half required amount of water, begin agitation. *
2. Dry pesticide formulation.
3. Dawn Herbicide Herbicide.
4. Liquid pesticide formulation. **
5. Adjuvant (MOS, COC, or NIS) and fertilizer.
*Compatibility agent, 1 gallon/500 gallons of water or 0.2% v/v, may be added as needed.
**Tank mixing with glyphosate formulations containing more than 4 pounds glyphosate active ingredient per gallon may result in precipitate forming. If precipitate forms in spray tank, add ammonia (household) to the spray tank at a concentration of 2% of the total tank volume to remove precipitate.

Use sufficient spray volume and pressure to ensure complete coverage of the target. A spray volume of 10-20 gallons per acre and 30-60 psi at the nozzle tip is recommended. On large weeds and/or dense foliage, use 60 psi and a minimum of 20 gallons per acre to ensure coverage of weed foliage. The use of flat fan nozzles will result in the most effective application of Dawn Herbicide. Use nozzles that are set up to deliver medium quality spray (ASAE Standard S-572). DO NOT USE FLOOD TYPE OR OTHER SPRAY NOZZLES, WHICH DELIVER COARSE, LARGE-DROPLET SPRAYS. DO NOT APPLY THIS PRODUCT THROUGH ANY TYPE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM.

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