Equus 720 SST

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Equus 720 SST can be used effectively in dilute or concentrate sprays. Thorough, uniform coverage is essential for disease control. Do not combine Equus 720 SST in a spray tank with pesticides, surfactants, or fertilizers, unless prior use has shown the combination to be physically compatible, effective, and non-injurious under your conditions of use. Do not combine Equus 720 SST with DiPel 4L, Foil, Triton AG-98, Triton B-1956 as phytotoxicity may result from the com - bination when applied to crops listed on this label.
Note: Prior to pouring, slowly invert container several times to assure uniform mixture. The required amount of Equus 720 SST should be added slowly into the spray tank during filling. With concentrate sprays, premix the required amount of Equus 720 SST in a clean container and add to the spray tank as it is being filled. Keep agitator running when filling spray tank and during spray operations.
Dosage rates on this label indicate pints of Equus 720 SST per acre, unless specified otherwise. Under conditions favoring disease development, the high rate specified and shortest application interval should be used.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Asparagus2 - 4 pt190
Beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Adzuki beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Dry broad beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Lablab beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Navy beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Kidney beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Dry lima beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Moth beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Mung beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Pink beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Pinto beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Tepary beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Catjang peas1.37 - 2 pt14
Chickpeas1.37 - 2 pt14
Garbanzo beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Cowpea1.37 - 2 pt14
Lupines1.37 - 2 pt14
Rice beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Runner beans1.37 - 2 pt14
Blackeyed peas1.37 - 2 pt14
Southern peas1.37 - 2 pt14
Snap beans1.37 - 3 pt14
Blueberries3 - 4 pt42
Broccoli1.5 - 2 pt7
Brussels sprouts1.5 - 2 pt7
Cabbage1.5 - 2 pt7
Chinese cabbage1.5 - 2 pt7
Chinese mustard1.5 - 2 pt7
Cauliflower1.5 - 2 pt7
Kohlrabi1.5 - 2 pt7
Carrots1.5 - 2 pt
Celery2 - 3 pt7
Corn0.75 - 2 pt14
Sweet corn0.75 - 2 pt14
Caneberries4 - 6.5 pt50
Cucumbers1.5 - 3 pt
Cantaloupe1.5 - 3 pt
Chayote1.5 - 3 pt
Waxgourds1.5 - 3 pt
Gourds1.5 - 3 pt
Bitter gourd1.5 - 3 pt
Balsam apple1.5 - 3 pt
Pumpkins1.5 - 3 pt
Squash1.5 - 3 pt
Watermelon1.5 - 3 pt
Zucchini1.5 - 3 pt
Eggplant1.5 pt3
Ground cherries1.5 pt3
Okra1.5 pt3
Pepinos1.5 pt3
Peppers1.5 pt3
Chili1.5 pt3
Sweet peppers1.5 pt3
Tomatillos1.5 pt3
Ginseng2 pt14
Grassland1 - 1.5 pt14
Horseradish3 pt14
Lupines1 - 1.5 pt14
Lentils1 - 1.5 pt14
Mangoes2 - 3.5 pt21
Mint1.37 pt80
Onions1 - 3 pt7
Garlic1 - 3 pt7
Leeks1.5 - 3 pt14
Shallots1.5 - 3 pt14
Papayas1.5 - 3 pt14
Parsnip1.5 - 3 pt10
Passionfruit2 pt7
Peanuts1 - 1.5 pt14
Persimmons1.25 pt14
Potatoes0.75 - 1.5 pt7
Rhubarbs3 pt
Soybeans1 - 2.25 pt
Tomatoes1.37 - 2.75 pt
Strawberries1.5 pt
True yam1 - 1.25 pt7
Almonds4 - 4.1 pt150
Hazelnuts4 - 4.1 pt120
Apricots3.1 - 4.1 pt
Cherries3.1 - 4.1 pt
Nectarines3.1 - 4.1 pt
Peaches3.1 - 4.1 pt
Plums3.1 - 4.1 pt
Mirabelle prune3.1 - 4.1 pt