Indict Fungicide

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Read all Directions for Use carefully before applying. NUP-14068 Fungicide is a systemic, protectant and curative fungicide used for the control of specific diseases
mentioned on this label. Optimum disease control is achieved when the fungicide is applied in a regularly scheduled preventative spray program.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Almonds5 - 8 oz90
Artichokes4 oz14
Grapes3 - 5 oz14
Hops2 - 10 oz14
Mint4 - 5 oz30
Apples1.25 - 2.5 oz14
Hawthorn1.25 - 2.5 oz14
Blackberries1.25 - 2.5 oz
Black currant5 oz
Red currant5 oz
White currant5 oz
Gooseberries5 oz
Raspberries1.25 - 2.5 oz
Strawberries2.5 - 5 oz
Apricots2.5 - 6 oz
Cherries2.5 - 6 oz
Nectarines2.5 - 6 oz
Peaches2.5 - 6 oz
Plums2.5 - 6 oz
Mirabelle prune2.5 - 6 oz
Black sapotes10 oz14
Canistel10 oz14
Mamey sapotes10 oz14
Mangoes10 oz14
Papayas10 oz14
Sapodilla10 oz14
Star apple10 oz14
Asparagus5 oz180
Balsam apple2.5 - 5 oz
Cantaloupe2.5 - 5 oz
Chinese cucumber2.5 - 5 oz
Waxgourds2.5 - 5 oz
Citron melons2.5 - 5 oz
Cucumbers2.5 - 5 oz
Pumpkins2.5 - 5 oz
Santa Claus melon2.5 - 5 oz
Snake melon2.5 - 5 oz
Squash2.5 - 5 oz
Watermelon2.5 - 5 oz
Lettuce5 oz14
Okra2.5 - 5 oz14
Peppers2.5 - 5 oz14
Chili2.5 - 5 oz14
Sweet peppers2.5 - 5 oz14
Eggplant2.5 - 5 oz14
Snap beans4 - 5 oz
Tomatoes2.5 - 4 oz
Cotton0 oz