Oberon 2 SC (HI)

Registered until
Registration expired
Registration number
Active materials

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Read entire label before using this product.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the same area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticides.

OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE Insecticide/Miticide is a Suspension Concentrate formulation. The active ingredient contained in OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE is active by contact on all mite development stages. However, mite juvenile stages are often more susceptible than adults. OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE is also highly effective against whitefly nymphs, plus it has a significant effect on the otherwise difficult to control pupal stage. Make applications to coincide with early threshold level in developing mite population. OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/ MITICIDE can be applied by air, ground equipment, or through chemigation. However, thorough coverage of all plant parts is required for optimum performance. Evaluate the performance of OBERON 2 SC Insecticide/Miticide no sooner than 4 – 10 days following application.
Use in Greenhouse is not permitted unless otherwise directed by state-specific supplemental labeling.

OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE contains an active ingredient with lipid biosynthesis inhibitor (LBI) mode of action, classified as a Group 23 product. Studies to determine cross-resistance of Group 23 products with other chemical classes have demonstrated no cross-resistance. Bayer CropScience strongly encourages that OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE, applied alone or in tankmix combination with another Group 23 product, be applied in a block rotation or windowed approach with products from other chemical classes having   a different mode of action before using additional applications of other Group 23 products against the same target pest. Using a block rotation or windowed approach, along with other IPM practices, is considered an effective use strategy for preventing or delaying a pest’s ability to develop resistance to a given class of chemistry.
Contact your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor and/or Bayer CropScience representative for additional resistance management or IPM recommendations. Also, for more information on Insect Resistance Management (IRM), visit the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) on the web at http://irac-online.org.

Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.

OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE is packaged in poly-ethylene containers. Do not allow product or containers to freeze. Store in a cool, dry place and in such a manner as to prevent cross contamination with other pesticides, fertilizers, food and feed. Store in original container and out of the reach of children, preferable in a locked storage area.

For all insects, timing of application should be based on careful scouting and local thresholds.

OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE may be applied through irrigation systems (chemigation) only on those crops listed under the crop Application Directions. Do not allow chemigation to run off field.

Do not apply when wind speed favors drift beyond the area intended for treatment. The interaction of many equipment and weather related factors determine the potential for spray drift. The applicator is responsible for considering all of these factors when making application decisions. Avoiding spray drift is the responsibility of the applicator.

Allow growth of a vegetative filter strip within 25 feet (on which the product should not be applied) along lakes, reservoirs, rivers, permanent streams, marshes, potholes, vernal pools, natural ponds, estuaries, or commercial fish farm ponds.

Mix pesticides in areas not prone to runoff such as concrete mixing//loading pads, disked soil in flat terrain or graveled mix pads, or use a suitable method to contain spills and /or rinsate. Properly empty and triple-rinse pesticide containers at time of use.

OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE is physically and biologically compatible with many registered pesticides and fertilizers or micronutrients. When considering mixing OBERON 2 SC INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE with other pesticides, or other additives, first contact your supplier for advice. For further information,  contact  your  local  Bayer  Representative. If your supplier and Bayer Representative  have  no  experience  with  the  combination  you are considering, conduct a test to determine physical compatibility. To determine physical compatibility, add the required proportions of each chemical with the same proportion of water, as will be present in the chemical supply tank, into a suitable container, mix thoroughly and allow to stand for five minutes. If the combination remains mixed, or can be readily re-mixed, the mixture is considered physically compatible.

Immediate plant-back: Cotton, Field Corn, Pop Corn, Sweet Corn, Fruiting Vegetables, Leafy Vegetables, Cucurbits, Tuber Vegetables (Potatoes), Strawberry
30-day plant-back:  Alfalfa, Barley, Oat, Sugarbeets, Wheat
12-month plant-back:  All other crops

Read the entire Directions for Use, Conditions, Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability before using this product. If terms are not acceptable, return the unopened product container at once.
By using this product, user or buyer accepts the following Conditions, Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability.
CONDITIONS: The directions for use of this product are believed to be adequate and must be followed carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of Bayer CropScience. To the extent allowed by law, all such risks shall be assumed by the user or buyer.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Corn5.7 - 16 fl oz30
Sweet corn5.7 - 16 fl oz30
Cotton6 - 16 fl oz30
Chayote7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Waxgourds7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Citron melons7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Cucumbers7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Gherkins7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Gourds7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Momordica charantia7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Cantaloupe7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Pumpkins7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Squash7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Calabazas7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Hubbard squash7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Acorn squash7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Spaghetti squash7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Watermelon7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Eggplant7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Ground cherries7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Pepinos7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Peppers7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Chili7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Sweet peppers7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Tomatillos7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Tomatoes7 - 8.5 fl oz1
Amaranth7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Arugula7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Chervil7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Corn salad7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Cress7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Endive7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Lettuce7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Orach, atriplex7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Parsley7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Purslanes7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Radicchio7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Spinach7 - 8.5 fl oz7
New zealand spinach7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Broccoli7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Chinese broccoli7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Brussels sprouts7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Cabbage7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Gai Choy7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Cauliflower7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Kohlrabi7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Mustard spinach7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Rape greens7 - 8.5 fl oz7
Arracacha8 - 16 fl oz7
Arrowroots8 - 16 fl oz7
Artichokes8 - 16 fl oz7
Cassava8 - 16 fl oz7
Chayote8 - 16 fl oz7
Chufas8 - 16 fl oz7
Taro, dasheen8 - 16 fl oz7
Ginger8 - 16 fl oz7
Leren8 - 16 fl oz7
Potatoes8 - 16 fl oz7
Sweet potatoes8 - 16 fl oz7
Turmeric8 - 16 fl oz7
True yam8 - 16 fl oz7
Bean yam8 - 16 fl oz7
Bearberries12 - 16 fl oz3
Bilberries12 - 16 fl oz3
Blueberries12 - 16 fl oz3
Cloudberries12 - 16 fl oz3
Cranberries12 - 16 fl oz3
Lingonberries12 - 16 fl oz3
Muntries12 - 16 fl oz3
Strawberries12 - 16 fl oz3