- Manufacturer
- Helena
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 5905-549
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
A variety of factors including weather conditions (e.g., wind direction, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity) and method of application (e.g., ground, aerial, airblast) can influence pesticide drift. The applicator must evaluate all factors and make appropriate adjustments when applying this product.
Droplet Size
When applying sprays that contain 2,4-D as the sole active ingredient, or when applying sprays that contain 2,4-D mixed with active ingredients that require a Coarse or coarser spray, apply only as a Coarse or coarser spray (ASAE standard 572) or volume mean diameter of 385 microns or greater for spinning atomizer nozzles. When applying sprays that contain 2,4-D mixed with other active ingredients that require a Medium or more fine spray, apply only as a Medium or coarser spray (ASAE standard 572) or a volume mean diameter of 300 microns or greater for spinning atomizer nozzles.
Wind Speed
Do not apply at wind speeds greater than 15 mph. Only apply this product if the wind direction favors on-target deposition and there are not sensitive areas (including, but not limited to, residential areas, bodies of water, known habitat for nontarget species, nontarget crops) within 250 feet downwind. If applying a Medium spray, leave one swath unsprayed at the downwind edge of the treated field.
Temperature Inversions
If applying at wind speeds less than 3 mph, the applicator must determine if: a) conditions of temperature inversion exist, or
b) stable atmospheric conditions exist at or below nozzle height. Do not make applications into areas of temperature inversions
or stable atmospheric conditions.
Susceptible Plants
Do not apply under circumstances where spray drift may occur to food, forage, or other plantings that might be damaged or crops thereof rendered unfit for sale, use or consumption. Susceptible crops include, but are not limited to, cotton, okra, flowers, grapes (in growing stage), fruit trees (foliage), soybeans (vegetative stage), ornamentals, sunflowers, tomatoes, beans, and other vegetables, or tobacco. Small amounts of spray drift that might not be visible may injure susceptible broadleaf plants.
Other State and Local Requirements
Applicators must follow all State and local pesticide drift requirements regarding application of 2,4-D herbicides. Where states have more stringent regulations, they must be observed.
All aerial and ground application equipment must be properly maintained and calibrated using appropriate carriers or surrogates.
Additional requirements for aerial applications
The boom length must not exceed 75% of the wingspan or 90% of the rotor blade diameter. Release spray at the lowest height consistent with efficacy and flight safety. Do not release spray at a height greater than 10 feet above the crop canopy unless a greater height is required for aircraft safety. This requirement does not apply to forestry or rightsof-way applications. When applications are made with a crosswind, the swath will be displaced downwind. The applicator must compensate for this by adjusting the path of the aircraft upwind. Additional requirements for ground boom application Do not apply with a nozzle height greater than 4 feet above the crop canopy
Local conditions, crop varieties, and application method may affect performance of this product. User should consult local extension service, agricultural experiment station, or university weed specialists, and state regulatory agencies for recommendations in your area. Best results are obtained when product is applied to young succulent weeds that are actively growing. Application rates lower than specified will not be satisfactory on susceptible annual weeds. For perennial weeds and conditions such as the very dry areas of the western states, where control is difficult, the higher listed rates should be used. When product is used for weed control in crops, the growth stage of the crop must be considered. Some plants and weeds, especially woody varieties, are hard to control and may require repeat applications. Application rates should be 1 to 5 gallons of total spray by air or 5 to 25 gallons by ground equipment unless otherwise directed. In either case, use the same amount of SINKERBALL per acre. SINKERBALL should not be allowed to come into contact with desirable, susceptible plants such as beans, cotton, fruit trees, grapes, legumes, ornamentals, peas, tomatoes and other vegetables. SINKERBALL should not be used in greenhouses. If stored below freezing, it may be necessary to warm product to 40ºF and agitate before using. This does not affect the efficacy of the product. Spray equipment used to apply SINKERBALL or other products containing 2,4-D should not be used for any other purpose until thoroughly cleaned with a suitable chemical cleaner.
SINKERBALL is a macro-emulsifiable concentrate formulation intended for dilution in water for many applications. For certain specified applications, liquid fertilizer or oil may replace part or all of the water as diluent. If dry flowable (DF), wettable powder (WP) or flowable (F) tank mix products are to be used, these should generally be added to the spray tank first. Refer to the mixing directions on the labels of the tank mix products. For best results, thoroughly clean sprayer immediately after use by flushing system with water and heavy duty detergent such as Wipe Out.
Water Spray: To prepare a water spray mixture, fill clean spray tank about 1/2 to 2/3 full with clean water. With agitation turned on, add the required amount of SINKERBALL. Continue agitation while adding balance of water and during spray operations.
NOTE: In water this product forms a macro-emulsion and can separate upon prolonged standing. If spray mixture is allowed to stand, agitate again to assure uniformity.
Liquid Fertilizer Spray: Due to increased risk of crop foliage burn with fertilizer, use only as recommended on this label or supplemental labeling distributed for SINKERBALL. Use fertilizer rate recommended locally. Fill clean spray tank about 1/2 to 2/3 full with liquid nitrogen fertilizer (UAN or urea) solution. Add required amount of product with vigorous agitation running. Continue agitation while adding balance of liquid fertilizer and during spray operations. Application should be made immediately.
Overnight storage of mixture is not recommended. Application during very cold (near freezing) temperatures is not advisable because of the likelihood of crop injury. This product is formulated to be compatible with most liquid nitrogen solutions; however, due to variability in fertilizers, users may wish to perform a jar compatibility test before large-scale mixing.
Oil Spray: Use only as recommended on this label or supplemental labeling distributed for SINKERBALL. Fill clean spray tank about 1/2 to 2/3 full with an oil approved for agricultural use (diesel oil, fuel oil, stove oil, etc.). Add required amount of product with agitation turned on. Continue agitation while adding balance of oil. The resulting mixture is a solution and will generally remain uniform without agitation once mixed. However, agitation is suggested if available. Do not allow any water to get into the spray mixture to avoid formation of an invert emulsion (mayonnaise consistency).
Water Spray With Oil: Use only as recommended on this label or supplemental labeling distributed for SINKERBALL. Where a combination of water and oil diluent is recommended, the use of emulsifiable crop oil or crop oil concentrate is suggested since mild agitation will be sufficient. Mix in the sequence of water, product, and oil. If diesel or other non-emulsified oils listed above under “Oil Spray” are desired for use with water, add no more than 1 quart of such oil per 1 gallon of water and agitate vigorously until tank is emptied. If possible, premix non-emulsified oil with this product and add this premix to a mostly-filled spray tank with agitation on. Follow these procedures carefully to avoid formation of an invert emulsion (mayonnaise consistency).