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Active materials

For use on apple, cucurbit vegetables, grape, pear and other pome fruit, and pecan

Product Information
This package contains Sovran fungicide, a 50% waterdispersible granule (WG). The active ingredient in Sovran, kresoxim-methyl, belongs to the strobilurin class of fungicides. Strobilurins are synthetic analogs of a natural antifungal substance and belong to the group of respiration inhibitors classified by the EPA as Quinone Outside Inhibitors (Qol) or target-site-of-action Group 11 fungicides. Sovran is effective against pathogens resistant to other fungicides of different modes of action. Sovran inhibits spore germination, sporulation, and mycelial growth on the leaf surface. Optimum disease control is achieved when Sovran is applied in a regularly scheduled protective spray program and is used in a rotation program with other fungicides of different modes of action.

Sensitive Crop Precaution
Sovran may cause injury to certain sensitive cherry varieties such as Van, Sweetheart, Chelan, Somerset, Valera, Vandalay, Cavalier, Coral, Coral Champagne, Angela, Vista, Emperor Francis, Lapins, Royalton, Schmidt, Summit, Viva and Asian pears of variety Olympic (Korean Giant). Use special care when applying Sovran to prevent contact with these sensitive varieties and other nontarget plants. Avoid off-target movement. Consult a BASF representative or local agricultural authorities for more information concerning additional cherry varieties that may be sensitive to Sovran.
Thoroughly rinse spray equipment, including the inside of the tank, hoses, and nozzles after and before using the same equipment in crops that are sensitive to Sovran.

Resistance Management
Kresoxim-methyl, the active ingredient of Sovran, belongs to the group of respiration inhibitors classified by the EPA as Quinone Outside Inhibitors (Qol) or target-site-of-action Group 11 fungicides. Sovran is effective against pathogens resistant to fungicides with modes of action different than those of Qol fungicides, such as sterol inhibitors, dicarboximides, benzimidazoles, anilinopyrimidines, or phenylamides. The repeated and exclusive use of Sovran and other strobilurin (Qol) fungicides, such as azoxystrobin and trifloxystrobin, may allow less sensitive strains of target fungi to build over time andmay reduce disease control. Target fungi exhibiting resistance to other strobilurin (Qol) fungicides may also exhibit resistance to Sovran. To maintain the performance of Sovran and other strobilurin (Qol) fungicides in the field, the use of this product should conform to resistance management strategies stated for each crop in Crop-specific Information.
The following recommendations may be considered to delay the development of fungicide resistance:
1. Tank Mixtures - Use tank mixtures with fungicides from different target-site-of-action groups that are registered/permitted for the same use and that are effective against the pathogens of concern. BASF recommends that no less than the minimum labeled rates of each fungicide in the tank mix be used. Follow
the most restrictive directions for use of any tank mixpartners. DO NOT tank mix with any product which contains a prohibition on tank mixing.
2. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - Sovran should be integrated into an overall disease and pest management program. Cultural practices known to reduce
disease development should be followed. Consult your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor and/or BASF representative for additional IPM strategies established for your area. Sovran may be used in Agricultural Extension advisory (disease forecasting) programs, which recommend application timing based on environmental factors favorable for disease development.
3. Monitoring - Monitor efficacy of all fungicides used in the disease management program against the targeted pathogen and record other factors that may influence fungicide performance and/or disease development. If a Group 11 target-site fungicide, such as Sovran fungicide, appears to be less effective against a
pathogen that it previously controlled or suppressed, contact a BASF representative, local extension specialist, or certified crop advisor for further investigation.

Cleaning Spray Equipment
Spraying equipment must be cleaned thoroughly before and after applying this product, particularly if a product with the potential to injure crops was used before Sovran.

Application Instructions
Apply specified rates of Sovran as instructed in Cropspecific Information. Ground application is recommended for thorough coverage. Aerial application can be made for those crops or in conditions where applications are not possible using ground equipment.

Ground Application
Apply Sovran in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of foliage, bloom, or fruit. Thorough coverage isrequired for optimum disease control. DO NOT apply when conditions favor drift from target area or when windspeed is greater than 10 mph. Equipment should be checked frequently for calibration. Under low-level disease conditions, the minimum application rates can be used. Maximum application rates and shortened spray schedules are recommended for severe or threatening disease conditions.

Aerial Application
Not registered for aerial application in California. Aerial application can be made and thorough coverage is required to obtain optimum disease control. Avoid applications under conditions when uniform coverage cannot beobtained or when spray drift may occur. Use no less than 5 gallons of spray solution per acre.

Registered for cultures