V-10142 AG
- Manufacturer
- Valent
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 59639-166
- Active materials
- imazosulfuron0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
V-10142 Ag Herbicide is a selective herbicide which provides contact and residual control of susceptible weeds in labeled crops. V-10142 Ag Herbicide inhibits the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS), which plants require to produce three key amino acids.
Nutsedge and other susceptible weeds usually stop growing within 7 to 14 days after treatment, and turn yellow or brown within 21 days after treatment. Plant death typically occurs by 21 to 28 days after treatment.
V-10142 Ag Herbicide is absorbed by plant foliage and roots. Plant uptake and performance of V-10142 Ag Herbicide is influenced by environmental conditions, cultural practices and spray coverage.
For postemergence application, applying V-10142 Ag Herbicide to actively growing weeds optimizes control and/or suppression of susceptible weeds. Factors such as weed species present, size of weeds at application, environmental conditions and other factors which affect plant metabolism may affect the length of residual activity and the degree of control provided by V-10142 Ag Herbicide.
Restrictions and Limitations
x Do not apply more than 6.4 oz/A (0.3 lb ai/A) of V-10142 Ag Herbicide during a single application.
x Do not apply more than 6.4 oz/A (0.3 lb ai/A) of V-10142 Ag Herbicide during a single calendar year.
x After application of V-10142 Ag Herbicide, temporary yellowing or stunting of the crop may occur.
x Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide when weather conditions favor drift from treated areas.
x For aerial application, do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide within 1/2 mile of emerged cotton or non-STS soybeans AND do not apply within 100 feet of any other emerged non-target crops.
x For ground application, do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide within 100 feet of emerged non-target crops.
x Do not apply to rice fields if fields are used for the aquaculture of edible fish and/or crustaceans.
x Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
x Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide during low-level inversion conditions, including fog.
x Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide to stressed crops or weeds. Stress conditions include, but are not limited to, soil moisture above field capacity, drought, temperatures below orabove those known to be conducive for healthy growth, low fertility, carryover from a previous pesticide application or conditions/factors that decrease plant metabolism.
x When applying V-10142 Ag Herbicide by air (to rice only), observe “Spray Drift Management” instructions and precautions listed under “Aerial Application”.
x Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide using airblast spray equipment.
x Follow V-10142 Ag Herbicide label directions in “Sprayer Cleanout” section.
x Water drained from V-10142 Ag Herbicide treated fields must not be used to irrigate other crops.
x Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide to second crop (stubble/ratoon) rice.
x Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide in tank mix combination or sequential application programs with other soil residual acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibiting herbicides on tomatoes or peppers.
Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide to a crop that has received or will receive a soil applied organophosphate insecticide.
x Do not apply V-10142 Ag Herbicide within 21 days before, or 7 days after, a foliar organophosphate insecticide application.
x After application of V-10142 Ag Herbicide follow all normal agricultural cultural practices, including cultivation, and ensure that adequate soil moisture is maintained either by rainfall or irrigation.
x Weed biotypes that exhibit resistance or tolerance to herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme may also exhibit resistance or tolerance to V-10142 Ag Herbicide.
x Maintain a 10 ft (minimum) vegetative buffer strip between treated areas and natural bodies of water (rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, etc.).
Registered for cultures |
Melons |
Peppers |
Rice |
Tomatoes |
Potatoes |