Wrangler Insecticide
- Manufacturer
- Loveland Products
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 34704-931
- Active materials
- imidacloprid0 lb/gallon
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
Resistance Management
Some insects are known to develop resistance to insecticides after repeated use. As with any insecticide, the use of this product should conform to resistance management strategies established for the use area. Wrangler Insecticide contains a Group 4A insecticide called imidacloprid. Insect biotypes with acquired or inherent tolerance to Group 4A products may eventually dominate the insect population if Group 4A products are used repeatedly as the predominant method of control for targeted species. This may eventually result in partial or total loss of control of those species by Wrangler Insecticide and to other Group 4A products.
The active ingredient in Wrangler Insecticide is a member of neonicotinoid chemical group. Insect pests resistant to other chemical classes have not shown cross-resistant to Wrangler Insecticide. In order to maintain susceptibility to this class of chemistry in insect species with high resistance development potential, for each crop season: 1) make only a single soil application of Wrangler Insecticide; 2) foliar applications of products from the same class may not be made following a long residual soil application of Wrangler Insecticide or other neonicotinoid products.
If a soil application of Wrangler Insecticide has not been made during a crop season and foliar applications are to be made, avoid using a block of more than three consecutive applications of Wrangler Insecticide and/or other Group 4A products having the same or similar mode of action. Following a neonicotinoid block of treatments, Loveland Products, Inc. strongly encourages the rotation to a block of applications with effective products from a different mode of action before using additional applications of neonicotinoid products. Using a block of rotation or windowed approach, along with other IPM practices, is considered an effective use strategy for preventing or delaying an insect pest’s ability to develop resistance to this class of chemistry. Do not make foliar applications of Wrangler Insecticide or other Group 4A products on crops previously treated with a long-residual, soil-applied product from the neonicotinoid chemical class.
Other Group 4A neonicotinoid products used as foliar treatments include: Actara, Assail, Calypso, Centric, Intruder, Leverage and Provado. Other 4A Group neonicotinoid products used as soil treatment include: Admire and Platinum. Contact your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor and/or product manufacturer for additional insect resistance management recommendations. Also, for more information on Insect Resistance Management (IRM), visit the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) on the web at http://irac-online.org/.
For soil applications of Wrangler Insecticide, direct product into the seed or root zone of crop. Failure to place Wrangler Insecticide into root zone may result in loss of control or delay in onset of activity. Wrangler Insecticide may be applied with ground or chemigation application equipment.
Do not apply Wrangler Insecticide in enclosed structures such as planthouses or greenhouses except as specifically instructed in the TOBACCO, CUCURBIT VEGETABLES, FRUITING VEGETABLES, and GREENHOUSE VEGETABLES (Mature plants in production greenhouses): Cucumber, Tomato only sections of this label. Apply foliar applications of Wrangler Insecticide as directed or a broadcast foliar spray. Thorough coverage of foliage is necessary without runoff for optimum insecticidal efficacy. Use adequate spray volumes, properly calibrated application equipment, and spray adjuvant if necessary to obtain thorough coverage. Failure to provide adequate coverage and retention of Wrangler
Insecticide on leaves and fruit may result in loss of insect control or delay in onset of activity. Apply Wrangler Insecticide with properly calibrated ground or aerial application equipment. Minimum spray volumes, unless otherwise specified on crop-specific application sections, are 10.0 gallons per acre by ground and 5.0 gallons per acre by air. Wrangler Insecticide may also be applied by overhead chemigation (see additional information in CHEMIGATION section of this label below), if allowed in crop-specific application section.
When applied as a soil application, optimum activity of Wrangler Insecticide results from applications to the root zone of plants to be protected. The earlier Wrangler Insecticide is available to the developing plant, the earlier the protection begins. Wrangler Insecticide is continuously taken into the roots over a long period of time, and the systemic nature of Wrangler Insecticide allows movement from roots through the xylem tissue to all vegetative parts of the plant. This results in extended residual activity of Wrangler Insecticide, the control of insects, and the prevention and/or reduction of virus transmission or symptom expression, and plant health benefits. The rate of Wrangler Insecticide applied affects the length of the plant protection period. Use higher listed rates when infestations occur later in crop development or where pest pressure is continuous. Wrangler Insecticide will generally not control insects infesting flowers, blooms, or fruit. Additional crop protection may be required for insects feeding in or on these plant parts, and for insects not listed in crop-specific, pest-controlled sections of this label. Additionally, specific Wrangler Insecticide application instructions are also provided in the crop-specific sections of this label.
Suppression, or less than complete control of certain insect pests that may carry diseases including reduced feeding, may also result from a Wrangler Insecticide application. Complete control of these pests may require supplemental control measures. Generally, Wrangler Insecticide is not used on crops grown for production of true seed intended for private or commercial planting but may be allowed under state-specific, 24(c) labeling. Additional information on Wrangler Insecticide uses for these crops and other questions may be obtained from the Cooperative Extension Service, PCA’s, consultants, or local Loveland Products, Inc. representatives.
Apply only to plants grown in field-type soils, potting media, or mixtures thereof. Do not apply to plants grown in nonsoil such as perlite, vermiculite, rock wool, or other soilless media, or plants growing hydroponically. Pre-mix Wrangler Insecticide with water or other appropriate diluent prior to application. Keep Wrangler Insecticide and water suspension agitated to avoid settling. Regardless of formulation or method of application, apply no more than 0.5 pound active ingredient imidacloprid per acre per year, including seed treatment, soil, and foliar uses, unless specified within a crop-specific application section for a given crop.
Minimum spray volumes are 10.0 gallons per acre by ground application and 5.0 gallons per acre through aerial equipment. To prepare the application mixture, add half of the required amount of water to the spray tank and with agitation add Wrangler Insecticide. Complete filling tank with balance of water needed. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application. Wrangler Insecticide may also be used with other pesticides and/or fertilizer solutions. Please see Compatibility Note below. When tank mixtures of Wrangler Insecticide and other pesticides are involved, prepare the tank mixture as instructed above and follow Mixing Order below.
Mixing Order
When pesticide mixtures are needed, add wettable powders first, Wrangler Insecticide or other flowables second, and emulsifiable concentrates last. Ensure good agitation as each component is added. Do not add an additional component until the previous is thoroughly mixed. If a fertilizer solution is added, a fertilizer-pesticide compatibility agent may be needed. Maintain constant agitation during both mixing and application to ensure uniformity of spray mixture.
Compatibility Note
Test compatibility of the intended tank mixture before adding Wrangler Insecticide to the spray or mix tank. Add proportionate amounts of each ingredient in the appropriate order, to a pint or quart jar, cap, shake for 5 minutes, and let set for 5 minutes. Do not use if poor mixing or formation of precipitates that do not readily re-disperse. This indicates an incompatible mixture. For further information, contact your local Loveland Products, Inc. representative.