AC Piccolo

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AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide should be mixed in water only. Mix only sufficient chemical for each day's use and avoid storing mix. Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide and complete filling. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application. Tank mixtures: Wettable powder or dry flowable formulations (e.g., water dispersible granules) should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), water soluble salts (e.g., AC PICCOLO 240, MCPA 750 (AC TRAPPER 750), 2,4-D Amine 625 (AC Joker 625)) and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations (e.g., fluroxypyr). Add spraying oils and surfactants (wetters) last, if required.

AC PICCOLO 240 may be applied by:

  1. Ground Boom: DO NOT apply with smaller than COARSE to VERY COARSE spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. Spray using accurately calibrated equipment delivering 50-100 L water/ha. DO NOT use less than 200 L/ha in sugarcane. When treating maize and sorghum, the risk of crop injury will be reduced if dropper nozzles are used to avoid spraying the growing point of the crop. Set the boom at a height to ensure a double overlap of the nozzle pattern. Misting machines and boomjet sprayers should not be used for treating crops. For use with Triclopyr 750 EC (Table 3, Table 5): Application in a minimum spray volume of 200 L/ha for galenia and St John’s Wort and 600 L of water/ha for sicklepod. For use in fallow a minimum spray volume of 50 L/ha is recommended. Boom height must be set to ensure double overlap of nozzle patterns.

  2. Aerial Application: DO NOT apply AC PICCOLO 240 by aircraft when wind speed is less than 3 kilometers per hour or greater than 15 km/hr as measured at the application site and/or the air temperature is above 30°C, or when the wind is blowing towards susceptible crops, or when there is no wind. Use accurately calibrated equipment to deliver not less than 20 L water/ha. DO NOT use less than 50 L/ha in sugarcane. For use with Triclopyr 750 EC (Table 6): Apply in 200 L water/ha using an aircraft to apply 100 L per pass on a double overlap pattern.

  3. High Volume Application: Apply using a calibrated handgun with D5 or D6 (2-3 mm) nozzle plate and operated at 400-500 kPa. Spray to thoroughly wet the weed, usually 2,500-3,500 L water/infested ha is required. For use with Triclopyr 750 EC – Woody Weeds Situations (Table 4): Weeds need to be actively growing for herbicides to have an optimal effect. Delay treatment until regrowth has had time to grow to approximately 1 meter in situations which have been bulldozed, slashed, burnt, plowed or areas having previous chemical treatment. High volume spraying: Thorough coverage of foliage to the point of runoff is essential, however, avoid excess spraying which is wasteful of chemical. Hand Gun: Apply the recommended mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6 to 8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa (400 to 500 kPa for St John’s Wort). A spray volume of 3000 to 4000 L per infested hectare of 1 to 2 meter high blackberry (30 to 40 L/100 m2) should be used. Use 2000 L of spray mixture/ha of galenia infestation (i.e. 20 L/100 m2 infested area). Knapsack: Apply the recommended spray mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems. The final volume of application should be similar to handgun. A spray volume of 3 to 4 L/10 m2 infested area should be used. A spray volume of 2 L/10 m2 should be used for an infested area infested with galenia.

  4. Controlled Droplet Application (CDA): Results similar to high volume spraying can be obtained using Micron Herbi* or similar equipment. Select a nozzle to give a flow rate of 2 mL/sec and sweeping action to approximately 1 m/sec to ensure a droplet density to 20/cm2. Use a marking agent, as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, to check the spray coverage. Also, consult directions provided with CDA unit.

  5. Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques: Good control will be achieved, similar to high volume application, where bush size enables good coverage of entire bush. Use a marking agent, as recommended by equipment manufacturers to check spray coverage. Gas powered gun: Apply shots to obtain uniform coverage of 4 to 5 m2 of surface area of bush. This relates to 20 droplets/cm2 of leaf surface. Sprinkler Sprayer: This technique involves using a micro sprinkler that is connected to a hollow fiber glass rod attached to a pneumatic knapsack sprayer. Use at low pressures (50 to 200 kPa) and apply with a slow seeping action over the top of the plants ensuring even coverage over the leaves.

  6. Blanket Wiper Application: Blanket needs to be made from durable and wettable material with a rigid backing. Blanket should be rigidly mounted behind motorized vehicle (e.g., tractor, 4-wheel drive vehicle) and set low but never touching the ground. The chemical solution should be fed to the blanket at a flow rate sufficient to keep the blanket wet but not dripping. In thick patches the blanket may require more frequent solution recharge (rewetting). Ideally, a scraper bar should be mounted in front of the blanket in order to scrape or damage the bark (but not sever the stems) prior to the blanket wiping the stems. This scraper may be mounted at the front of the vehicle. Two passes (in opposite direction) with the blanket increases the contact with the plant. Ground speeds of 10-15 km/h are ideal for blanket wiping application.

  7. Stem Injection: Treat only trees with good sap flow. Make injection cuts at 13 cm spacing around the diameter of the tree at waist height or at 15 cm spacing at ground level. The cuts should be made using a 5 to 7 cm wide narrow bladed axe. The cut must be made through the bark and deep enough to place all the chemical in contact with the sap wood. Treat each stem of a multistem tree where possible. Inject the chemical mix into each cut immediately after the cut is made. Apply the mix with a vaccinator or similar equipment which can be accurately calibrated or a tree injector which can apply the measured dose at or near ground level. Injection at or near ground level is essential in the Traprock area of southeastern Queensland and is preferred for optimum results in Bimble Box (Poplar Box) areas. Frilling: Make successive overlapping cuts into the sapwood around the entire circumference of the base of the tree. Spray to thoroughly wet the frilled area. Injecting spray into center of weed. Inject using a vaccinator or similar equipment, 1 mL of treatment mix into the growing point for each 2.5 cm of the plant stem diameter. (See Zamia Palm).

  8. Cut Stump Application: Cut the trees as close to the ground as practicable, leaving stumps no higher than 10 cm. Spray, swab or brush the chemical mix immediately to the freshly cut surface so as to thoroughly wet the surface. If the cut surface is oily, add a non-ionic wetting agent to assist penetration.

AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide is compatible with the following: (Read and follow all label directions, restraints, plantback periods, withholding periods and safety directions on the partner label as well as those on the AC PICCOLO 240 label.) Broadleaf Herbicides: atrazine, diquat, metosulam, bromoxynil 400, clopyralid 300 (AC Carnage 300) and clopyralid 750 SG (AC Carnage 750), Vortex, MCPA 750 (AC TRAPPER 750), AC Militia 600, fluroxypr 200 (AC Dozer), Fluroxypyr 400 AC Dozer 400), 2,4-D Amine 625 (AC Joker 625), Triclopyr 600 EC AC Tricky 600), Triclopyr 750 EC, Glyphosate 450 (AC Growler 450). Grass Herbicides: diclofop-methyl (Annual Ryegrass only), AC Tussel (Wild Oats and Phalaris only). Adjuvants: AC Axiwetta 1000, Uptake Spraying Oil (when mixed with AC Tussel). Insecticides: Omethoate 290, Dimethoate. AC PICCOLO 240 is not compatible with zinc products (such as zinc dextrose and zinc heptahydrate), copper salts (such as copper sulphate) and manganese sulphate. DO NOT use with hard water or water clarified with alum. For compatibility information on products not listed above, please contact Axichem.

Rinsing: After using AC PICCOLO 240, empty the spray completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the unit using a pressure hose. Drain the spray unit, and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the spray unit as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Decontamination: Before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops with equipment that has been used to apply AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide (see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section). Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add a standard alkali based laundry detergent at 500 g (or mL)/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. DO NOT use chlorine based cleaner. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and watercourses.

GROUP I HERBICIDE AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide is a member of the pyridine group of herbicides. The product has a disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide is a Group I Herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Axichem Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimize the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Axichem representative.

Susceptible crops and plants can be damaged by soil residues during both growing and dormant periods. Minimum recropping periods are recommended to minimize the risk of rotational crop injury. In the season following application of this product the regeneration or establishment of sensitive legumes (clover, medics, peas, lupins) may be adversely affected by soil residues.

• Picloram remains active in the soil for extended periods depending on rate of application, soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. • Note: Before using AC PICCOLO 240 Herbicide in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant back period information on all product labels. The most residual product, i.e. the product with the longest plant back period, will determine the time between spraying and planting. • The plantback periods listed below do not commence until all stubble residue has broken down.

Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Winter triticale
Spring triticale
Winter barley
Spring barley